Chen Zhao's question was actually something Han Zheng had thought about before.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about this issue yet, but I should probably try my luck in the world." Han Zheng thought for a moment.

For Han Zheng now, what he lacks most is Kung Fu, and what he lacks the most is Kung Fu.

There is no shortage of skills because Taotie Furnace can break through the skills one level at a time, and he will not be stuck in a certain state due to the limitations of the skills.

However, the Taotie Furnace can only break through skills and cannot create skills out of thin air. Therefore, to a certain extent, Han Zheng still lacks skills and basic skills.

The time Cangshan Sword Sect came before, if Han Zheng could really be favored by Cangshan Sword Sect, he really wanted to join a sect like Cangshan Sword Sect.

The sect is the easiest way to obtain the skills. As long as you join the sect, even if you are just an outside disciple, you will be taught the skills step by step.

Then, based on your strength and your contribution to the sect, I will teach you higher skills step by step.

As long as Han Zheng can obtain the basic skills of a sect, he will have the confidence to rise all the way to the top with the Taotie Furnace.

It's a pity that his talent is so poor that others look down upon him.

But it doesn't matter.

There are always more opportunities in Jianghu than in Blackstone County, and you can also get skills through other channels.

As for Dang Mo Si, Han Zheng's attitude was cautious.

Dang Mo Si is too dangerous, God knows what tasks he will be assigned.

Besides, anyone who wants to join the Dangmo Division can join. Han Zheng is planning to inquire about the situation of the Dangmo Division with Zhang Tianyang before he leaves.

Everyone was chatting, and then Li Sancheng suddenly let out a sigh: "Isn't that the Guo family's motorcade? They are really slow, they have been pulling food for a whole day.

And that guy Guo Mingyuan, he usually doesn't bother to participate in the Guo family's business. Why did he go out of the city to collect food with the Guo family's convoy this time? "

On the street, the Guo family's motorcade pulled large vehicles into the city, and there were many guards guarding them.

For Heishi County now, food is more precious than money. This truckload of food is no different from a truckload of copper coins.

At this time, Guo Mingyuan also saw Han Zheng and others. He smiled at Han Zheng and others: "How many brothers are eating? It's hard for everyone to patrol the county these days.

My business at home is a bit busy, so I’ll come see you all for a drink and dinner in a few days. "

Li Sancheng nodded subconsciously, and after Guo Mingyuan said a word, he quickly followed the convoy and disappeared down the long street.

"Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

Li Sancheng seemed to have just reacted, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Before, Guo Mingyuan was extremely arrogant and arrogant. Almost everyone in the martial arts gym was shouting and beating him, but no one was on good terms with him.

Not to mention that he was gnashing his teeth in hatred towards Han Zheng after he was defeated by Han Zheng last time.

Now he actually greets everyone kindly, and even invites everyone to have dinner and drinks.

They have never had a meal together, okay?

Even in the martial arts hall, he would not eat rye buns with everyone, but would go out to eat the big fish and meat sent from home.

Han Zheng stood up suddenly and said in a deep voice: "Does the Guo family have many guards before? How strong are they?"

Li Sancheng scratched his head and said: "There weren't many before. It seems that we hired seven or eight people as guards. They didn't have much strength, and they couldn't even be considered serious warriors.

Later, due to the increase in food prices in the county, the Guo family had the money to recruit more than a dozen guards, but it seemed that only two or three of them were warriors of the acquired realm.

The Guo family is very stingy, how could they be willing to recruit so many warriors? Find some strong long-term workers as guards, one tael of silver a month is enough to spend, and they can pretend to be holding swords. "

Han Zheng took a deep breath: "It's not that there's something wrong with Guo Mingyuan's brain, it's that there's something wrong with the Guo family!

Although the people in the Guo family's team just now were deliberately restraining their auras, I could still detect the strong and abundant energy and blood in them.

A conservative estimate is that the strength is above the mid-term acquired level!

The strength of the Guo family's guards increases greatly after leaving the city. Is this normal?

I'm just afraid that those who come back are not from the Guo family at all! "

"Wenxiang Cult!?"

Chen Zhao's expression suddenly changed.

Han Zheng nodded and said quickly: "Even if it is not Wenxiang Sect, there is definitely something wrong!

You should immediately notify the teacher and summon the martial arts disciples to form a formation to resist the Wenxiang Sect. I will notify Zhang Tianyang! "

After saying that, Han Zheng went straight to the county government office.

In the county government office, Zhang Tianyang saw Han Zheng leaving and returning. He stood up directly with a knife and said in a calm tone: "Have people from the Wenxiang Sect entered the city?"

Han Zheng was stunned: "Sir, do you know?"

Zhang Tianyang sneered: "I don't know, I guess, I feel something is wrong all day today, it always seems like I have overlooked something.

After one move, they still failed to dig out the undercover Wenxiang Cult hidden in Blackstone County.

If I guessed correctly, the two guys we caught were the scapegoats thrown out by the Wenxiang Cult. Of course, they didn't know they were the scapegoats.

They were thrown out at the critical moment to disrupt the view. I believed that if I took people out of Blackstone County, their plan could be implemented normally.

I don't believe they can delay it for a while and then change their plans.

However, this is considered to be effective in alerting the snake. The Wenxiang Sect's move now should be a temporary change of plan.

Tell me, who brought the Wenxiang Sect into the city? "

"It's the Guo family from the grain store in the county. I found that all the guards of the Guo family grain store have been replaced by warriors above the middle stage of the acquired realm. Guo Mingyuan's reaction is also a bit strange.

Although it is impossible to confirm that the other party is a member of the Wenxiang Sect, it is highly suspected."

"Guo family? How dare a grain store owner collude with the Wenxiang Sect?"

Zhang Tianyang was suddenly stunned at this time, and uttered three words with gritted teeth: "Lin Wenzheng!"

Han Zheng also reacted suddenly.

It was Lin Wenzheng who came to Zhang Tianyang today to ask him to stop patrolling the county and open the city gate!

He came to Zhang Tianyang to tell him that the Guo family grain store was in urgent need and had to go out of the city to transport grain.

But he might also go to the Guo family to tell them that there was a shortage of grain in the county, let the Guo family transport the grain, and then replace all the guards of the Guo family!

"Quick! Go to the city gate!"

Zhang Tianyang went straight to the east city gate with a knife.

There are four gates in Heishi County. Generally, you enter from the east city and exit from the west city. The other two are usually closed. Therefore, the east city gate is the largest and can accommodate three large vehicles entering at the same time.

When Zhang Tianyang and Han Zheng arrived at the east city gate, they smelled a pungent smell of blood before they got close.

The gates were full of corpses of soldiers guarding the city.

At this time, a large white flag had been erected on the tower, with strange golden runes engraved on it, and four blood-red characters in the center: Cisheng Old Mother!

"Cisheng Old Mother, save all living beings.

Get the wonderful law of heaven, the master of the true spirit.

We believers, smell the fragrance with sincerity.

Don't fear life and death, and you will be detached.

Join our sect and live in your hometown forever.

No life and no death, nine-fold bliss!"

Accompanied by waves of chanting, hundreds of Wenxiang sect followers in white robes carried the flag of Cisheng Old Mother and a sedan chair and swaggered into the city from the east city.

Throughout Heishi County, chanting and shouting could be heard from the other three city gates.

There was a beacon fire on the southern tower. Not all the soldiers in Heishi County were useless. Some of them had discovered that the Wenxiang Sect had entered the city.

But it was too late to warn them.

More than ten people came down from the east tower. They were the ones who killed the soldiers guarding the city and let the Wenxiang Sect enter the city.

The leader was none other than Lin Wenzheng, the magistrate of Heishi County!

At this time, Lin Wenzheng's eyes were cold and fierce. Where was the drunken and good-for-nothing look he had before?

Zhang Tianyang sighed and said, "Lin County Magistrate, you acted really well.

After coming to Heishi County, I suspected the three gangs, the Song family and the Shen family.

I even investigated my former teacher Li Jingzhong. I never thought that you, the county magistrate of Heishi County, would be the undercover!

I only have one question now. You are such a comfortable county magistrate, why do you collude with the Wenxiang Sect?

Those warriors may collude with the Wenxiang Sect for power and authority, but why would you, a civil official, collude with the Wenxiang Sect?

Could it be that after you go to the Nine Heavens Paradise, the Mother of Cisheng will still let you be an official?

Now those officials in the court are all useless. The imperial power does not extend to the county. You are The county magistrate of a county can get whatever he wants, and live a comfortable life.

Colluding with the Wenxiang Sect and doing business of rebellion, what do you want? "

Lin Wenzheng laughed wildly: "You are wrong about one thing, I am not an undercover, I took the initiative to find the Wenxiang Sect and wanted to hand over Heishi County to them!

If it weren't for the fact that most of the power of the Wenxiang Sect was entangled in Huainan Road, and it couldn't even spare the power to take over Heishi County before, this county might have belonged to the Wenxiang Sect long ago.

The Wenxiang Sect can't give me anything, I just want to make Da Zhou unhappy, and I want the court to be unhappy!"

Lin Wenzheng said, revealing a happy look.

"I, Lin Wenzheng, have studied hard for more than 30 years, never slacking off for a moment.

Finally, I went to Beijing to take the imperial examination and got a second-class Jinshi degree. I thought I could make a name for myself, but what happened?

Just because I had no money to give gifts to high-ranking officials in the court, I was exiled to a small county like Heishi County, while those who were not as good as me could stay in the capital and become officials!

With my talent, I should have entered the Hanlin Academy, instead of wasting half my life in this small county!

The court was unfair, and my hard work for more than 30 years wasted.

They ruined my future, so I will ruin this shitty court!"

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