Chief Lin wanted to curse.

What Han Zheng said is totally nonsense!

He still doesn’t know that people won’t make trouble if they have something to eat?

But the question is where does the food come from now?

Originally, there was not much food in Heishi County before, but then the county was blocked and the food shortage became even worse.

"Our granary in Heishi County has been empty for a long time. If there is food, I can't watch the common people riot."

Han Zheng sneered: "The granary is empty, but the grain store is not empty.

Some people still want to hoard food and make a fortune, but they really don't know how to live or die. "

Director Lin was startled: "You mean the Guo family? But there is no reason why we have to let the Guo family open a warehouse to store grain. They also buy their grain with real money."

Han Zheng looked at Chief Lin with a half-smile: "It's now like this, Chief Lin, do you still want to act according to the rules? When the people really start to make trouble, will they believe your reasons?"

Master Lin trembled violently, as if he could imagine himself being torn into pieces by a group of angry people.

He quickly said: "Everything will be done as you said, Mr. Han."

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The Guo family is so rich that if they kill the Guo family, the entire Blackstone County will be fed.

But the Guo family is too stingy. People who are stingy as far as Heishi County will starve to death, and they still tightly control the food in their hands.

Although the relationship between Director Lin and Guo Kai is pretty good, at this time, he still has to protect himself.

"Go and call the soldiers patrolling the city and go directly to Guo's Grain Store."


Outside the Guojia Liang Store in Xicheng City, dozens of tall and round guards stood at the gate.

The sign at the door said the price of food today. Rice was as high as five taels of silver per catty, and even rye flour cost one tael of silver. This was simply a sky-high price.

But even in this way, those families in Heishi County who had some savings had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it, emptying their savings to buy food.

Some people want to reason, but the guards in the grain store don't want to reason with them.

The Guo family is also lucky.

The Wenxiang Sect entered the city as a caravan of the Guo family, and Guo Mingyuan and the others were held hostage by the Wenxiang Sect.

But at that time, the people of the Wenxiang Sect were not sure whether they would be used in the future, so they did not kill them. They just locked them in the granary and burned the Guo family mansion.

Subsequently, the Wenxiang Cult rebellion subsided, and Guo Mingyuan and his son were only slightly frightened.

Compared with other big businessmen who were massacred by the Wenxiang Sect's followers, their father and son's luck was already good enough.

And although the Guo family's mansion was burned down, they can definitely make back all their losses this time.

Since their home was not burned down, Guo Kai and Guo Mingyuan and his son stayed in the grain shop.

An old shopkeeper in his seventies came in and said: "Boss, more and more people are gathering outside now, and many people are shouting for us to lower the price.

I'm afraid something will happen if we continue to maintain this high price, otherwise we can just lower it symbolically. "

Guo Kai's eyes widened: "Reducing the price? Now these grains are worth more than gold. It would be good if the price does not continue to increase. You still want me to lower the price? It's just wishful thinking!"

Don't worry about them causing trouble. I'm really a master. I'm really rich. Are those guards who are supported by rice and rice every day free of charge? "

With that said, Guo Kai walked out of the grain store, pointed at the people outside the grain store who were shouting for price cuts and coldly snorted:

"Sir, I bought these grains with real money, why should I lower the price?

If you have the strength to shout here, I think you guys are still not hungry!

If you don’t have money to buy food, you go out to dig wild vegetables and chew tree bark. How can you still get food by shouting here?

Get out of here! Don't delay my business, master! "

Guo Mingyuan was even more arrogant than his father. He directly picked up a stick and said to the guards: "If these unruly people dare to scream again, my legs will be broken!"

When Han Zheng came with his people, what he saw was the scene of Guo Kai and his son being so arrogant, which almost made Han Zheng laugh out loud.

Is Guo Kai stupid? Guo Mingyuan is almost stupid, but Guo Kai is definitely not stupid.

If he was stupid, he wouldn't be able to make the Guo family's grain store such a large scale.

You must know that before the Wenxiang Rebellion began, the Guo family was the largest grain merchant in the county.

Anyone who can do this kind of business cannot be a fool.

After the Wenxiang Cult Rebellion, Guo Kai took advantage of several opportunities to continuously raise the price of grain, holding back the grain and refusing to sell it. He was so skillful in various methods that he eventually made the Guo family the richest man in Heishi County.

Guo Kai is not stupid, he is just greedy.

When an opportunity to make money is placed in front of him, he dares to cross it even though he knows that taking another step further will lead to an abyss.

Besides, he didn't think there was an abyss ahead of him.

"Boss Guo is so powerful. People in the entire county are starving. You Guo family and his son are eating so much that your mouth is full of oil. You also ask everyone to dig wild vegetables and chew tree bark. I think you really don't know the word "death". Write."

Han Zheng took Master Lin and separated from the crowd and walked out.

Seeing Han Zheng, Guo Kai's expression suddenly changed.

Although he is not a warrior, he is now regarded as a prominent figure in Heishi County. Knowing that Han Zheng is now hooked up with Zhang Tianyang, he seems to have been admitted to the Demon Division.

Han Zheng was just a martial arts apprentice before, but now his status is a bit tricky.

Guo Mingyuan on the side stared at Han Zheng and snorted coldly: "Han Zheng, what do you mean? They are hungry because they have no ability. I, the Guo family, can sell the grain for as much as they want. Do you have any opinion?" "

Guo Mingyuan was full of jealousy, even more than when he was jealous of Song Tianqing and Lin Qing in Yinyue Tower!

Song Tianqing and Lin Qing were both well-known and well-connected, so it was fine for them to join Cangshan Sword Sect.

Why was Han Zheng also qualified to join the Demon Slayer Division?

Among the top disciples in Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall, he seemed to be the most useless one, and he would not accept any forces.

Of course, there was also Chen Zhao, but Chen Zhao had been subconsciously excluded by him.

Han Zheng said calmly: "Of course I have an opinion. I don't care if your Guo family hoards grain, but your Guo family colluded with the Wenxiang Sect, and this is your sin."

"I didn't! I didn't! You're talking nonsense!"

Guo Kai's face suddenly changed: "When did my Guo family collude with the Wenxiang Sect? Show me the evidence!"

Han Zheng showed a slightly ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth: "I said you colluded, and you did!"

"You are framing me! You are taking revenge for your own personal gain!"

Guo Mingyuan was furious and rushed towards Han Zheng with a stick.

When Guo Mingyuan fought with Han Zheng, Han Zheng needed to use several moves to defeat him.

But now Guo Mingyuan is almost vulnerable in Han Zheng's hands.

He smashed the wooden stick in Guo Mingyuan's hand with one move. Han Zheng pinched Guo Mingyuan's neck and tilted his head to look at him.

Guo Mingyuan subconsciously wanted to start cursing, but Han Zheng exerted force on his hand, and with a click, his neck was instantly crushed by Han Zheng!

"Son! My son!"

Guo Kai's eyes instantly turned red.

What was the reason for him to work so hard to make money for so many years? Wasn't it to make his son stand out?

By then, the Guo family would not only be a business, but also a martial arts family like the Song family and the Shen family!

As a result, this dream was completely ruined in Han Zheng's hands.

"Kill him! Kill him for me! I'll give you one thousand taels of silver! Ten thousand taels of silver!"

Guo Kai shouted frantically.

Han Zheng walked straight towards Guo Kai, and some of the guards were tempted and rushed up with knives.

A knife hummed softly, and the people present could only see Han Zheng's hand move slightly, and the guard was already cut in half from the middle.

Blood, flesh and internal organs gushed out instantly.

Seeing this horrible scene, some people screamed subconsciously, and the other guards retreated in fear.

Han Zheng picked up the fat Guo Kai like a chicken and threw him to the hungry people around.

"Guo Kai colluded with the Wenxiang Sect, hoarded grain prices, attempted to cause chaos in the county, and provoked civil unrest. He deserves death!

If he dies, the grain store will immediately sell grain at a fair price!"

Hearing this, the people around immediately had red eyes and rushed over frantically.

Using fists and feet is not enough, some people even bit him.

Guo Kai asked them to chew tree bark, and they ate Guo Kai!

This scene made Lin Zhubu shudder.

Han Zheng patted him on the shoulder: "I said that solving the problem is very simple, killing a few people will solve it, right?

The rest of the matter is left to you, how to sell grain at a fair price without causing a frenzy, you should be better than me at this.

Don't be greedy at this time, greed will really cost lives, just look at Guo Kai.

If you provoke civil unrest again, all of you will end up like Guo Kai."

Lin Zhubu hurriedly said: "Don't dare! Absolutely don't dare!"

Han Zheng turned back to the county government, but as soon as he stepped into the county government, he saw Shen Chengshan, the head of the Shen family, standing outside Zhang Tianyang's door.

Han Zheng then remembered that Shen Conghai was still in prison.

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