A bluestone staircase leads directly down the mountain, and the road becomes wider and wider. There is a collapsed bluestone archway in front, and the three ancient characters of Zhenwu Gate can be vaguely seen.

Han Zheng thought that Zhenwu Gate was built on the mountain before.

But now it seems that it is not the case.

This Zhenwu Gate was built by directly hollowing out the mountain. The sect's hinterland is in the mountain, and the top of the mountain is the entrance. It is narrow at the beginning and wide inside.

Han Zheng understands this slightly weird sect building method.

It should be to defend against demons, leaving only an extremely narrow entrance for easy defense.

But the problem is that once you encounter a truly powerful demon, this building method will instantly become a turtle in a jar, and it is easy to be caught by others.

At this moment, a shrill howl suddenly came from the front.

The fastest warrior in front was suddenly dragged away by something that came out of the darkness, and a moment later, there was a sound of chewing and howling.

The speed of that thing was so fast that no one could see what it was.

"Demon ghost!"

The face of the ghost-swallowing boy in the front suddenly changed, and a layer of black and gray ghost energy spread all over his body, looking forward vigilantly.

"What is a demon ghost?"

Someone in the crowd asked.

An older warrior, whose beard was even a little gray, looked around vigilantly and explained to everyone: "A demon ghost is a monster formed after the flesh and blood of a demon dies and the three souls and seven spirits of a human are entangled and fused.

There are often wars between demons and demons at Zhenyaoguan, so it is not surprising that many demon ghosts are born.

The strength of this demon ghost varies, depending on how strong the demon flesh and blood it merged with was during its lifetime.

However, the demon ghost is not a normal product. Its flesh and blood are incomplete, and its soul is also incomplete. The two sides will repel each other and fill it with Chaos and madness.

Most demons and ghosts live for a short time, and some even begin to break apart after a few hours.

Some can live longer by eating living people to replenish their blood and qi, but the three souls and seven spirits of humans cannot be integrated with demons and ghosts, and they will be repelled in a few years at most.

This relic has been sealed for at least more than three thousand years, how can there still be demons and ghosts? This is unreasonable, what gives them strength and keeps their bodies from breaking down? "

After the warrior finished explaining, screams and wails continued to sound around.

Accompanied by rustling sounds, there were actually corpses and ghosts popping up around, and roughly speaking, there were even more than a hundred!

Everyone finally saw the appearance of the demon and ghost, and they all turned pale.

If demons are ugly and hideous, then this demon and ghost are simply unbearable to look at.

This thing seems to be made up of pieces of flesh and blood, some with three legs and one hand, and some with three hands and eight legs, crawling quickly on the ground.

The only similarity between them is that although the head is also made of pieces of flesh and blood, it can be vaguely seen that it is a human head, but the mouth is full of sharp teeth.

Because the birth of the demon ghost must be based on the three souls and seven spirits of a human, the head is human-shaped.

This ghost thing is full of powerful blood and energy, and in Han Zheng's opinion, it is even stronger than the warriors in the late stage of the innate transformation realm.

Accompanied by the shrill roars of the demon ghosts, countless demon ghosts pounced on many warriors in an instant.

Some warriors don’t have much experience in the martial arts world. They have never seen demons, let alone more evil things like demon ghosts.

So even some weaker warriors were thrown to the ground by the demon ghosts and bitten madly.

In an instant, the roar of the demon ghosts and the miserable howling of the warriors filled the entire ruins.

Although Han Zheng was not in the front, there were many demon ghosts around him.

The ink knife tiger-killing appeared in his hand, and the black magic energy was lingering on the black blade.

With one strike of the sword, the demon ghost didn't even dodge, and was directly cut into two by Han Zheng.

After landing, the demon ghost's body twitched twice, and in an instant it turned into a pile of rotten meat and a large amount of black pus and blood, which was disgusting.

In Han Zheng's opinion, this demon ghost is not difficult to deal with.

Although this thing seems to have strong physical strength, it actually has only this advantage.

Demons have intelligence, but demon ghosts do not have intelligence, only the instinct to eat.

So their attack method is almost only attacking and not defending, and they will pounce on you face to face.

In theory, the power of this thing is quite strong, but killing it does not give the demon essence or blood essence. Could it be that the Taotie furnace feels that this thing is a bit disgusting, so it doesn't want to eat it?

Originally, Han Zheng thought that this thing was easy to kill, and he could kill more to accumulate satiety.

Now that he saw that there was nothing, he immediately lost interest and just rushed out behind the warriors.

For Han Zheng, the demon ghost was not a threat.

But for those warriors who had not reached the perfection of the innate transformation realm, the demon ghost was an extremely terrifying existence.

More than half of the more than 100 warriors were dragged into the darkness and chewed by the demon ghost in a short moment.

The demon-swallowing boy led the way, and everyone killed all the way down until they entered the hinterland of the Black Peak Mountain. The demon ghosts suddenly stopped and stopped chasing.

Seeing this scene, Han Zheng frowned slightly.

These demon ghosts seemed to be hovering outside an invisible line. Although they were greedy for flesh and blood, they did not dare to cross the line.

For these demons who only have instincts, what on earth is there that can make them so afraid?

Han Zheng was cautious and followed at the back of the crowd.

At the same time, Han Zheng also glanced at the Zhang family.

They really came prepared. They didn't stand in the front when the demons attacked them just now. After that, they formed a formation to protect themselves, and no one died.

Everyone explored forward carefully. This place seemed to be the hinterland square of the former Zhenwu Gate, which was very wide.

However, there were huge skeletons on the ground at this time, some of which were more than ten feet in size, with hideous and terrifying heads.

This should be left behind by the demons who attacked Zhenwu Gate in the past.

The pig demon that Han Zheng encountered at the beginning was like a small giant. How terrifying was this demon of more than ten feet in size in its heyday?

In addition to the corpses of the demons, there were also many bones left on the ground, which should be disciples of Zhenwu Gate.

However, Han Zheng felt something was wrong.

The last strong man of Zhenwu Sect returned to the ruins of the sect to guard the sect after he became famous.

Why didn't he clean up the corpses outside?

It is understandable that he didn't clean up the corpses. After all, for him, these corpses with only the blood and qi power of the innate realm are no different from insects.

But these corpses are all his fellow apprentices or teachers. Why didn't he collect them all?

That strong man would rather give up power and wealth to return to the ruins of the sect to accompany his fellow apprentices who sacrificed, which shows that he is a man of loyalty and righteousness.

How could such a loyal person let these corpses lie here and accompany the skeletons of demons?

Just when Han Zheng was puzzled, someone in front of him turned out a long sword from the corpse and said in surprise: "Xuanbing!"

As an ancient sect, Zhenwu Sect was not one of the top sects in ancient times, but its strength was definitely not weak.

So there are almost no ordinary weapons in the hands of these corpses, all of them are at the level of Xuanbing.

Some weapons were broken, but some were still intact.

Upon hearing this, the eyes of many warriors present suddenly lit up, and they began to fight for it.

Han Zheng swept his eyes and immediately locked onto a knife.

After thousands of years, other weapons were covered with a layer of dust, but only the blade of the knife was shining with a layer of sharpness, which could not be covered by dust.

The blade of the knife was slender and shaped like a waning moon. Looking closely, it looked like a pool of autumn water, rippling with amazing sharpness.

The other weapons present were held in the hands of the corpses or scattered on the ground, but this knife was inserted into the corpse of a demon, three points deep into the bone.

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