The intersection of the two central roads in Kaiping Prefecture is the headquarters of the Shannan Dao Demon-Slaying Division.

The black buildings almost cover the entire street, just like a small inner city.

There are also various ferocious demons carved on the buildings, including golden eagles, gray wolves, crocodiles, giant bears, etc.

The Demon-Slaying Division certainly won't use some demon carvings as totems.

The reason why there are these things on the buildings is that they are all spoils of the Demon-Slaying Division.

The demons carved on each building are not made of stone, but the skeletons of those demons!

Han Zheng walked to the door of the Demon-Slaying Division, and two guards wearing black black armor immediately stopped in front of Han Zheng.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the Demon-Slaying Division?"

Although the attitude of the two black armor guards was not domineering, they were also stern.

And judging from the degree of blood and qi exposed by these two people, they are at least warriors who have reached the late stage of the innate transformation realm.

A person in the late stage of Xiantian Transformation Realm could be the leader of a gang in Heishi County, but he was just a gatekeeper in the Demon Slaying Division.

Han Zheng took out the badge Zhang Tianyang gave him: "I was recommended to the Demon Slaying Division by Lord Zhang Tianyang, the leader of the Shanzi Camp of the Demon Slaying Division. Please let him know."

"Recommended by Zhang Tianyang?"

The two black armor guards guarding the gate were slightly surprised. They seemed to have heard of Zhang Tianyang's name.

"Wait a moment, I'll let him know."

A black armor guard took the badge and went in to let him know. After a while, he came out and said, "Come in, Lord Wen Tingyun is waiting for you inside."

Han Zheng followed the black armor guard into the Demon Slaying Division. He didn't look around, but just asked, "May I ask this brother, what is Lord Wen Tingyun's official position?"

Zhang Tianyang had told Han Zheng about the official structure of the Demon Slaying Division before.

The warriors of the Demon Slaying Division are also called black armor guards because they all wear black black armor.

The black armor of ordinary warriors of the Demon Slayer Division is all black. After you have completed a mission and your merit points have reached more than 500 points, you can embroider silver patterns on your black armor, which makes you a senior.

This merit point is a reward given by the Demon Slayer Division based on your merits, and can be exchanged for various resources in the Demon Slayer Division.

When you reach the peak of the Xiantian Transformation Realm, reach the level of Water and Fire Fairy Clothes, and have a merit point of more than 1,000, you are qualified to embroider golden patterns on your black armor. This is the team leader, which is Zhang Tianyang's position.

Above the team leader is the Demon Slayer Captain, whose strength must reach the Xuan Gang Realm and wear the purple gold Tianlang Armor.

The Demon Slayer Captain can command a battalion at the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division, and can also guard a small city or a small prefecture like Baijiang Prefecture.

Above the Demon Slayer Captain is the Guarding Captain, whose strength must reach the Danhai Realm and wear the Xuanjin Swallowing Lion Armor.

As the name suggests, the garrison commander is almost always in charge of guarding a region, and the area he needs to guard is also larger than that of the demon-slaying captain, usually a large prefecture with more than ten counties under its jurisdiction.

Above the garrison commander is a pacification envoy, whose strength has reached the level of a great master of Yangshen, and who wears a red gold flying bear armor.

However, Chen Baxian, the pacification envoy of Shannan Road, is not here at the moment, so the highest position in the headquarters should be the garrison commander.

After listening to what Zhang Tianyang said, Han Zheng suddenly felt that the Demon-Slaying Division was quite humane.

The size of each person's official position can be seen from their clothes, which saves a lot of trouble.

"As for Lady Wen's a bit hard to say. She is at the peak of the Xuan Gang Realm in terms of strength, and should be a demon-slaying lieutenant.

But she is not responsible for commanding a battalion, but for civilian work such as task mobilization.

Also, Lady Wen Tingyun is good at pharmacology, alchemy, array formation, and weapon refining. At the same time, she has a photographic memory and can remember any task information in her mind as long as she reads it once.

In short, Lady Wen Tingyun can be said to be the core figure of our Shannan Dao Demon-Slaying Division. Even Envoy Chen has to be polite to her on weekdays.

After all, Envoy Chen is too lazy to deal with these messy affairs, and he has to rely on Lady Wen Tingyun for everything."

It is not known whether the Xuanjia Guard guarding the gate is talkative or has some friendship with Zhang Tianyang.

Anyway, after knowing that Han Zheng was recommended by Zhang Tianyang, his attitude became a little closer.

Han Zheng was a little surprised after listening. This Lady Wen Tingyun is quite versatile. Not only is he strong, but he is also proficient in every field.

In terms of status, she can be said to be the chief steward of the Shannan Dao Demon Slayer Division.

"Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome, Lord Zhang is very loyal, and the person he recommends will definitely not be bad.

Don't worry, Lord Wen Tingyun is very kind."

The guarding the gate took Han Zheng to a hall and left.

Han Zheng walked in and looked up. The hall was filled with densely packed bookshelves, on which various books and documents were classified and numbered, and placed neatly.

In the center was a desk that was a foot long, and a figure was buried in writing something.

When she felt someone coming in, she looked up, and Han Zheng was stunned.

Because this Lord Wen Tingyun was actually a woman, and a very beautiful woman.

Han Zheng thought at first that this Lord Wen Tingyun should be the kind of calculating, mature and steady chief steward.

Judging from her appearance, she was probably in her thirties. Her appearance was not the kind of beauty that looked gorgeous at first glance, but a kind of beauty that was very durable.

The temperament is gentle and soft, and the eyes are like a pool of clear water, peaceful and calm.

Just like the intellectual, beautiful, considerate and gentle teacher in school during my student days.

Of course, this is a serious teacher.

Wen Tingyun stood up. She was not wearing black armor, but a black men's suit, revealing her tall but slightly plump figure.

"Are you Han Zheng? Zhang Tianyang has already told me the news through secret methods.

Others must undergo assessments before entering the Demon Slayer Division, but Zhang Tianyang has already assessed you in advance, so you can join the Demon Slayer Division directly."

Wen Tingyun's voice was soft and calm, and it also gave people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

"Thank you, Lord Wen."

Han Zheng bowed and suddenly said, "By the way, Lord Wen, I killed a demon wanted by the Demon Slayer Division on the way to the Demon Slayer Division. I brought his head with me."

"Oh? A wanted demon? Let me see where the head is."

Wen Tingyun was a little surprised.

Because anyone who can be wanted by the Demon Slayer Division is an extremely difficult person, and his strength is at least in the Xuan Gang Realm.

Han Zheng, a warrior in the late Xiantian Realm, can actually kill a person in the Xuan Gang Realm?

Opening the Qiankun bag, Han Zheng took out the smashed head of the Ghost Swallowing Boy.

Wen Tingyun waved her hand, and the head, wrapped in true qi, fell into her hands.

After taking a quick look, Wen Tingyun said in surprise: "Ghost Swallowing Boy? This guy is a bit difficult to deal with, and you killed him?"

"I got the upper hand. This Ghost Swallowing Boy was seriously injured in a fight with others, and then I killed him."

Han Zheng said modestly.

Wen Tingyun glanced at Han Zheng with a half-smile: "The seriously injured Xuan Gang realm is also in the Xuan Gang realm. Not everyone can kill Xuan Gang with innate power.

I didn't expect that you, a newcomer who hasn't officially joined the company, would give me a surprise. Not bad, very good.

Since the Devouring Ghost Boy is on the wanted list, the reward will be yours if you kill him.

His head is worth 500 merit points. You can use these merit points to exchange for skills, elixirs, spirit crystals, weapons and other things in the Demon Slaying Division.

Normal newcomers who join our Demon Slaying Division must first enter the preparatory camp for training for a period of time before they can be officially assigned to different camps.

But you have already With a record of killing Xuan Gang Realm warriors, there is no need to join the reserve camp.

At present, 80% of the forces of the Shannan Road Demon Slayer Division headquarters have been transferred to Huainan Road, and the people left behind at the headquarters have been reorganized into two camps.

One is the Kui Camp, which is usually free, but once there is a disturbance in Shannan Road, the headquarters will immediately arrange the Kui Camp's Xuanjia Guards to go on a mission, which is more dangerous.

The other is the Yu Camp, which is responsible for guarding Kaiping Prefecture and several key places around it, and always monitoring the movements of local sects and whether there are any demons and evil spirits invading.

Which camp do you want to go to? "

"I choose the Kui Camp."

Han Zheng made his choice without hesitation.

He now needs skills, resources, and various experiences and insights in martial arts practice.

These things are all in the Demon Slayer Division, but they will not be given to him for free.

The Demon Slayer Division is not a martial arts sect, and will give you these things step by step.

In a sect, these things need to be distributed by the elders of the sect according to your talent.

But in the Demon Slayer Division, all these things must be fought for by yourself.

Therefore, if Han Zheng wanted to exchange these things with merit points in a short period of time, he could only join the Kuizi Camp instead of guarding the gate.

Moreover, when completing the task, he could also harvest some satiety points, which was a two-birds-with-one-stone approach.

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