"Pah, pah, pah, pah!"

Amid the random gunfire, Huoyun Evil God had no time to dodge before he was shot into a bloody mess.

He could catch the bullets, but they were bullets from an old-fashioned pistol!

"Kung Fu is a killing skill, and using weapons is also a killing skill, it's the same principle!"

Feng Yuxiu took back the gun,

"It's just that the ancients used swords and I use guns. The essence is the same!"


In the mental hospital,

Huoyun Evil God returned to reality.

His face was pale and he was gasping for breath.

The death experience he had just had seemed real, leaving him with lingering fears.

"Is this the power of weapons in later generations?"

The people watching the battle were also amazed.

The strength displayed by Huoyun Evil God was considered a master of the post-natal realm in their eyes, but in front of Feng Yuxiu who was using weapons, he was completely powerless to fight back.

In their era, even a bow and crossbow could not do this!

"If ordinary people hold this kind of weapon, they can rival the masters of the acquired realm. If everyone in the Great Qin army holds one, wouldn't it be easy to sweep away the remnants of the six kingdoms and suppress everything!"

Ying Zheng looked at the machine gun in Feng Yuxiu's hand, his eyes showing deep thought.

And Feng Yuxiu's strong suppression of the Fire Cloud Evil God also made those who were originally ready to move hesitate.

The reward of 10,000 points is very tempting, but it is not necessarily possible to get it!

If you can't get the points, you will have to experience the fear of death again, but no one is willing to experience what it feels like to die when you have nothing to do.

Looking at the state of the Fire Cloud Evil God at this time, you can know that it is definitely not a pleasant taste.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Let me try!

Lian Xing rubbed her hands, eager to try.

Last time, she failed to get the points because of carelessness.

This time, she has the opportunity to get a full 10,000 points. She must not miss it again!

With the points, she can ask the immortal to check her body!

This time, she must not let the immortal down again!

Besides, Lian Xing felt that she had broken through to the Grandmaster level.

In the chat group, except for the immortals, she was the ceiling of combat power! Lian Xing was also confident that she could easily deal with that big iron lump! She would kill the other party before Feng Yuxiu made a move.

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace has accepted the mission! 】

With a prompt,

Lianxing appeared in the simulation space.

Looking at Lianxing in front of him,

Feng Yuxiu's heart suddenly sounded alarm bells.

Compared with the previous Fire Cloud Evil God, the oppression brought to him by Lianxing was obviously much stronger.

"I really want to fight with you guys fairly, but the gap is too big. It is impossible to win without weapons!"

Even though he had seen so many martial arts masters and had the opportunity to fight with them, he had to use weapons because he was too weak.

Feng Yuxiu was also very helpless.

Facing Lian Xing, who was obviously much more threatening, he began to switch the weapons within his rights in this fight.

The next moment, a tank crashed to the ground and

Feng Yuxiu appeared in the tank.

He took the initiative and locked onto Lian Xing's position and fired a cannon!


The shell was so powerful that rocks and soil flew everywhere, and smoke and dust rose.

But it did not hit Lian Xing.

With the previous experience of Huoyun Evil God,

Lian Xing had been on guard just now.

When she saw the shell fired, she dodged instantly.

"Even a tank can dodge?"

Feng Yuxiu was horrified.

Before he could fire another shot,

Lian Xing's figure had already disappeared from his sight.

Then, the tank exploded, tearing Feng Yuxiu into pieces along with it!

"The human body's strength can actually be developed to this extent. This time I've really learned a lesson!"

The resurrected Feng Yuxiu's face turned slightly pale, but his eyes were shining with excitement.

"Using a human body to dismantle a tank with bare hands is simply a humanoid monster!"

"Ten thousand points in hand! This time I can trade with the immortal and let him check my body for me."

Lian Xing smiled happily.

The immortal had checked her body for free before. How long can he check her body this time if he trades ten thousand points


When the others saw the result of this battle, they became more active.

Although the weapon was powerful, it didn't seem to be invincible.

Just when everyone was a little tempted but a little hesitant,

Lin Ge pushed them.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Actually, for you, this is a rare opportunity to experience a life

-and-death battle! If you die in the outside world, you are really dead. Only in this space built by the chat group can you have the opportunity to comprehend martial arts between life and death!

The reward for this mission is 10,000 points.

If you sign in honestly, a group member will have to sign in for 30 years to accumulate so many points.

But now, as long as you participate, one party is destined to get the mission reward, and these points will eventually fall on you, so Lin Ge must take the initiative to push them and make sure to take all the rewards!

Those who have not made a decision suddenly realized that there is great terror between life and death after hearing this! Being able to truly experience the brink of life and death is already a great opportunity!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

The immortal is right! New brother, let me experience the weapons of 2000 years later!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

I also want to try the power of that iron box!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

The immortal is right. Even if I lose, it’s not a loss as I can understand life and death!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:

I......Well, I'll try it too!

Several people no longer hesitated and echoed

【Ding! The emperor who swept across the six kingdoms accepted the mission!】

【Ding! Tiedan Shenhou accepted the mission!】

【Ding! Snow Persimmon accepted the mission!】

【Ding! The little cook from Peach Blossom Island has accepted the mission! 】

Several people entered the space one by one and fought with Feng Yuxiu.

This time, Ying Zheng did not choose to mobilize his subordinates to fight, but personally held the Heavenly Question Sword and fought with Feng Yuxiu.

As the lord of the Qin Dynasty,

Ying Zheng himself actually had the strength of the Xiantian Realm, but such martial arts value was concealed by his status and position.

As soon as he entered the space,

���Zheng concentrated his mind and tried his best to deal with it, but Feng Yuxiu threw several grenades from a distance, and

Ying Zheng, who was caught off guard, died.

Then Zhu Wushi, Xu Fengnian, and Huang Rong came on the field one after another, and were also shot down by modern artillery fire.

Even when facing Zhu Wushi, Feng Yuxiu did not give the other party any chance after learning from the previous fight with Yao Lianxing.

"Hahaha! I'm rich! As soon as I complete this task, I have 50,000 points!"

Looking at the balance of points in his account,

Feng Yuxiu was very happy.

50,000 points, if you only rely on signing in, that is a huge sum of money you can never get in your lifetime!

【Ding! Jiejiao Celestial Being has accepted the mission! 】

The sudden reminder made everyone stunned, and Feng Yuxiu's expression also froze.

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