Lin Ge was relieved when he saw someone change the subject, otherwise he was really afraid that the master would use the same old tricks again.

Although the master meant well, it is really a bit like begging, okay? Don’t I, Lin Ge, have any face?

Qiong Xiao took the jade bottle handed over by Lin Ge, opened the bottle cap, and admired the snow-white and round elixir covered with golden light, with a trace of light law power.

Intuitively, this elixir is not simple!

I want it so much, what should I do?

Qiong Xiao couldn't let it go.

Lin Ge observed his expression and said generously:"If Uncle Qiong Xiao likes it, I will give this elixir to him!"

"Are you willing to give me this elixir?"

Qiongxiao was pleasantly surprised,"But Second Uncle will not take advantage of you, and will give you a defensive magic weapon to protect yourself!"

Qiongxiao took out a red cloak,"I asked your Uncle Duobao to refine this magic weapon yesterday. It was originally meant to look majestic and beautiful when worn, but it has defensive properties. It can protect against wind, fire, lightning, and can withstand the full force of a Taiyi Golden Immortal! It's of no use to me, but it's just right for you, my nephew!"

Lin Ge took the cloak and thanked him.

Yunxiao Qiongxiao was anxious to go back and take the elixir in order to break through, and left in a hurry without staying any longer.

Lin Ge was also about to slip away, but was stopped by Bixiao. Bixiao

, who was at the peak of the Golden Immortal of Daluo, had a different kind of beauty that made Lin Ge dare not look directly at her.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Lin Ge bowed his head and clasped his fists.

"Oh, when did you become so distant from me?"

Bixiao's beautiful eyes moved,"I want to ask you, have you ever been out of the island?"

It turned out that when Yunxiao left, she couldn't help but tell Bixiao that Lin Ge had left the island, hoping that she would pay more attention to it.

Lin Ge was shocked. Master knew everything?

Nothing can be hidden from her! So she told Bixiao about her plan to find someone to replace Wen Zhong to guard the North Sea so that Wen Zhong could stay in Chaoge.

"You want to interfere in the affairs of the mortal world?"

Bixiao was shocked when he heard Lin Ge recommend a capable person from the mortal world to Wen Zhong to go to the North Sea.

Master Tongtian repeatedly admonished his subordinates to sit in meditation and recite Huangting, and not to leave the island without permission.

This shows that this catastrophe is more serious than imagined.

But once the master also said that if Lin Ge wants to do something, don't stop him.

The master didn't say why specifically.

Lin Ge lowered his head and thought about how to convince Bixiao to agree with him.

Bixiao is also a person with a sharp mind. He was silent for a while before speaking again,

"Lin Ge, you know that this catastrophe is very serious, and you are right not to participate directly. But you underestimate the power of those princes in Beihai. I am afraid that you recommended that person to Beihai, not to let him build achievements, but to harm him!"

""Master, why do you say that?"

Lin Ge was puzzled.

"The North Sea is not just a mortal world, there are many demons and monsters mixed in it, their strength is too strong for a mere mortal to contend with!"

Bi Xiao said earnestly.

"You must know that if you act carelessly, you may end up dead. This is why Master Tongtian repeatedly taught his disciples not to leave the island. Of course, since you have taken this step, it is difficult for your master to say anything. But you must be careful and think twice before doing anything! You go!"

After saying this, Bixiao ignored Lin Ge.

Lin Ge bowed and saluted,"Disciple, I'm leaving!"

Looking at Lin Ge's leaving back, Bixiao fell into deep thought.

She was really worried about this simple-minded disciple.

Wouldn't it be better to practice in the cave and improve your cultivation?

Why do you have to go and meddle in the affairs of mortals!

But Bixiao is a man of temperament. The disciple is not afraid of life and death and plans the future for Jiejiao. How can we, as a master, sit idly by?

"Lin Ge, just go ahead and do it. When you’re in danger, your teacher will protect you!"......

Lin Ge returned to his cave, thinking about what his master had said, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Is the North Sea so terrifying?

I was careless!

The previous life's Investiture of the Gods described the North Sea with too little words, basically just passing it over in one stroke, so that Lin Ge ignored the risks of the North Sea.

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[The leader of Tianxiahui] The place you are going to is much more dangerous than you thought. Are you afraid?

Xiongba was actively making preparations when he suddenly received such a message from Lin Ge.

He couldn't help but feel a little panic.

Is this a test from the Immortal Master?

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Golden Immortal of Jiejiao] Master, rest assured, there is no such thing as fear in my life!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]: Good! Your courage is commendable! Then I will wait for you in Chaoge!

Three days later, the appointment with the Immortal Master came.

Xiongba wiped the Snow Drinking Crazy Blade over and over again, and a raging fighting spirit ignited in his heart.

"This journey must be extremely dangerous, husband, do you really want to go?"

A beautiful woman with a charming figure came over with a cup of tea.

"Of course! A real man should keep his word! Besides, it is my honor and opportunity to serve the Immortal Master! How could I, Xiongba, give up my pursuit of the truth because of this little danger?" Wealth and honor are sought in danger!"

Xiongba was ambitious and full of passion. Before he met Lin Ge, he was determined to dominate the world, so he established the Tianxia Association.

Now that he is instructed by the immortal, he must take the path of cultivating immortals and become as powerful as the immortal master.

The immortal master once said that cultivating immortals is against the will of heaven, and it is full of difficulties and dangers!

"Madam, just wait for me at home, I will definitely return victoriously!"

Xiongba held the tea in one hand and held his wife's hand in the other to comfort her.

Xiongba's wife nodded, but she looked reluctant. Although she wanted to go with her husband, she didn't want to be a burden to her husband because she was too weak.

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, please open the permission and let me in!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【Jiejiao Jinxian] Master, please open the permissions and let me in!

Xiongba and Xu Fengnian made a request to Lin Ge at the same time.

In a remote place in Chaoge City, there is a large manor.

This is the property of the current Grand Master Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong occasionally comes here to stay for a few days to relax.

At this time, Wen Zhong and Lin Ge were standing in the open space in front of the manor, waiting for Xiongba and Xu Fengnian to arrive.

Suddenly, two more people appeared in the open space and saluted Lin Ge.

""Meet the Immortal Master!"

Wen Zhong was surprised and looked at them carefully.

He saw that both of them were of imposing appearance.

One was strong and muscular, and the other was suave and charming!

The two came quietly, and he didn't even notice them at all. They must be extraordinary people.

The mysterious way they appeared made Wen Zhong dare not underestimate them. Besides, since his junior brother could recommend them, they must have their own extraordinary qualities.

"Senior Brother, these are the two talented people I recommend to you. Although they are both mortals, they are both outstanding in their respective fields!"

Lin Ge introduced them to Wen Zhong, and then said to Xiong and Xu,"This is the current Grand Tutor Wen!"

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