Lin Ge sighed.

Although he had refined such a powerful weapon for the two, because their strength was too low and they were still in the mortal realm, they could only exert less than one percent of the original power of the weapon.

Those people in the group saw in the live broadcast room that Xiong Ba and the other two had a great increase in power with the magic weapon in their hands.

But they had no idea that this level of combat power was nothing in the prehistoric world, and could only be the bottom of the list.

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

No way, the First Emperor actually met an opponent?

【The Grand Master of Yihua Palace]: What's so strange about this? The First Emperor wants to unify the entire world, so there will naturally be all kinds of unexpected opponents!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]: The Grand Palace Master is the one who sees things clearly. It is more difficult for the First Emperor to unify the world than it is for me to unify the martial arts world.

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:@【Sun and Moon Sect Leader] So how is the Sect Leader’s sister’s unification of the martial arts world going?

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]: Hahaha, with me, Dongfang Bubai, it will be very smooth!

Dongfang Bubai sat on the high seat of the Sun Moon Sect, feeling very proud.

Now that he knew the whereabouts of his adopted sister, he had one thing on his mind.

The rest of the unification of the martial arts world would be very simple.

There were already three sects that had surrendered to Dongfang Bubai's unparalleled skills.

Next, Dongfang Bubai was going to recapture the Songshan Sect in one fell swoop, and the other small sects would naturally all submit.

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【The greatest emperor in history who swept across six kingdoms]: If the First Emperor needs help, just give him a shout!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【The greatest emperor in history who swept across six kingdoms]: If the First Emperor needs help, just give him a shout!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]: Don't worry too much! It's not a problem for me at the moment, it's just that the progress is a little slow!

Lin Ge no longer paid attention to the chatter in the group and turned to leave the cave.

The huge Sanxian Island was empty.

Stimulated by Bixiao's continuous breakthroughs, all the disciples on the island entered a crazy practice.

Yunxiao and Qiongxiao even closed their doors to death, intending to use the elixir given by Lin Ge to break through to the Quasi-Sage in one fell swoop.

Only Bixiao, because he had just finished his retreat, seemed to have nothing to do. He walked around all day while eating a spiritual fruit

"Hey, little Lin Ge, why are you out here instead of practicing hard?"

Lin Ge stopped and looked at his master's carefree and carefree appearance, and couldn't help laughing.

Didn't he just break through and come out for some fresh air?

Because of the chat group's function of concealing his cultivation, Bi Xiao didn't realize that his favorite disciple had already broken through to the Daluo realm.

"Well, let me see, you have made another breakthrough? Not bad, you have reached the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, you are indeed my good disciple!"

Bi Xiao was surprised and happy.

After all, in the catastrophe, more strength means more protection.

"Must be rewarded well! Good disciple, what reward do you want?"

Lin Ge thought for a while,"Do you still have the attack talisman paper that Master gave me before?"

Bixiao once gave a lot of this kind of talisman paper to Lin Ge for self-defense, and there are talismans of various powers.

Some are equivalent to the power of a strike from a celestial immortal, some are equivalent to the power of a strike from a mysterious immortal, some are equivalent to the power of a strike from a true immortal , and even some are equivalent to the power of a strike from a golden immortal or Taiyi golden immortal.

It is simply the best choice for fighting, killing, and siege. It is so popular in the group that it has long been in short supply.

Since Master has asked, I will take this opportunity to ask for some and exchange them for some points.

Bixiao rolled his eyes and asked in surprise,

"Do you still need these things? Oh, by the way, you are asking for them for those two mortals, right?"

Then he took out a handful of talisman paper from his pocket and gave it to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge:...!

Since you can't use them, why do you carry so many with you, Master?


In the remote manor of Master Wen.

Xu Fengnian had a strange expression:"Brother Ba, what do you mean by the immortal master giving us a piece of tea to drink when we are free?"

Xiong Ba was in deep thought:"Maybe this tea is very special!"

Xu Fengnian:"No matter how special it is, at least give us a piece of tea each! It's just this one, we have to share it!"

Xiong Ba:"However, I won't drink it, and let you drink it alone? The immortal master must have his own intentions in doing this, so we just do it! Why think so much!"

Xu Fengnian didn't say anything, got up and boiled a pot of water, and brewed the piece of tea.

The two of them didn't know that this was a leaf picked from the enlightenment tea tree in front of Lin Ge's cave.

Because it was too strong, Lin Ge was afraid that the two of them would get drunk, so he told them to share it, one small cup at a time. Xu Fengnian brewed the tea and handed it to Xiong Ba. The two sat cross-legged at the coffee table and began to taste the tea.

After a sip of tea, Xiong Ba and Xu Fengnian's faces changed, and they entered a state of concentration instantly.

It turned out that both of them felt a wonderful and mysterious thing rushing straight to their brains, almost making them lose their minds and about to break through.

The two did not dare to be careless, and immediately united their bodies and minds, concentrating their minds on the golden elixir.

Some of their previous doubts about the practice of exercises were solved.

As their understanding deepened, the momentum of the two people actually rose steadily.

They kept breaking through from the peak of the golden elixir.

First, they broke through from the peak of the golden elixir to the great perfection of the golden elixir, and then from the great perfection of the golden elixir to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and finally stayed at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

The group members in the live broadcast room were all stunned, and no one spoke for a while.

It took a long time before someone reacted.

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: What is going on? Have you figured it out?

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: It seems that the two of them made a breakthrough after taking a sip of tea?

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Be more confident! Remove the word"seemingly"!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: Everyone, does anyone know what kind of tea they are drinking?

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]: Obviously this tea has a great origin. As for what kind of tea it is, we have to ask them both!

【One Man's Martial Arts】: I see, this must be the tea given to them by the Immortal Master, in order to improve their cultivation as quickly as possible. After all, the Immortal Master also said that it is quite dangerous in the prehistoric world!

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】@【[Persimmons in the Snow] Heroes, can you give me the tea dregs after you finish drinking tea? You'll lose them anyway, so why not give them to me! Drooling.JPG!

【[The Greatest Emperor in the History of the Six Kingdoms]: Damn it! What happened? I just reviewed a few memorials and I saw you guys talking so much. So, what are you talking about?

【Demon Saint]: I'm here to join in the fun! Everyone, is there anything big happening?

【Tiedan Shenhou]: No way, you didn’t see such a wonderful scene?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Fortunately, I recorded the video. Do you want to watch it? If you want to watch it, exchange it with points!

These points are too important!

You can exchange them for cultivation techniques and resources, and you can also use points directly to improve your cultivation!

However, for people in the Zongwu world, it is too wasteful to use points directly to improve your cultivation. It is far less effective than using them to obtain cultivation resources from the Immortal Master to improve your cultivation.

The cost-effectiveness is too low!

Therefore, people in the group are more willing to choose the former, and rarely use points directly to improve their cultivation

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Was the Greatest in History]: Second Palace Master, are you short of points recently? Are you trying to earn these points? Why don't you say something nice to please me? Maybe I will reward you with some points if I am happy!

【The Demonic Saint]: The above person is so generous, why not use your points to exchange for the video so that I can watch it too? After all, I am not as generous as the First Emperor, so every penny saved is a penny earned!


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