Emperor Xin waved his hand:


You Hun stepped out, bowed,

"I think this expert Li cannot be kept!"

"Oh? Expert Li is a meritorious official of the Shang Dynasty, why can't he stay?"

Emperor Xin stared at You Hun, puzzled.

"Your Majesty, please listen to what I have to say! It is true that Li Expert has made contributions to the Shang Dynasty.

But he can not only promote agricultural production in Chaoge, but also go to other places to help other places!

I heard that Xibo Hou has a rebellious heart. If this person is invited to Xiqi, it will be very disadvantageous to you, Your Majesty!"

The civil and military officials in the court were stunned by You Hun's words, and they lowered their heads in silence with different thoughts.

Emperor Xin listened in silence and stared at You Hun.

You Hun was uncomfortable with Emperor Xin's eyes, and kept half-bowed and dared not move.

""Hahaha! Do you think I am as narrow-minded as you?

If I treat meritorious officials like you said, who would be willing to work for me?"

After a while, Emperor Xin laughed loudly.

"Moreover, I am the emperor, so I should consider the people of the world!

How can I block good production technology and methods for my own selfishness and ignore the people of the world?"

You Hun turned pale when he heard what Emperor Xin said.

He thought that saying this would make Emperor Xin look at him differently, but it turned out that Emperor Xin looked down on him!

However, most of the court officials were relieved.

These court officials were all loyal to Emperor Xin, and naturally did not want Emperor Xin to be deceived by the flatterers.

"Pass the order down, promote the technology taught by expert Li throughout the world!

I want every citizen of my Great Shang to have enough food to eat!"

Emperor Xin issued an imperial decree.

As the imperial decree spread to every corner of Great Shang, a golden beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and landed on Emperor Xin's head!

"Merit from heaven? Is this the golden light of merit?"

The ministers quickly knelt on the ground, thanking the heaven for its favor to the Shang Dynasty.

"God bless the Shang Dynasty!"

"Great Shang will last forever!"

"The emperor loves the people! The people respect the emperor!"

People in every corner of the Shang Dynasty could see the pillar of merit above Emperor Xin's head, and they all knelt down to pray!

And everyone's faith and thoughts turned into faith merit, circling and falling above Emperor Xin's head.

The luck of the Shang Dynasty suddenly increased to an extremely deep level!

This sudden change alarmed all the great powers in the prehistoric world!

Jin'ao Island.

Biyou Palace.

Tongtian Sect Master's eyes went straight to Chaoge through the void, and he couldn't help but look happy.

"What's going on? Didn't they say that Emperor Xin's luck only lasts for 28 years? Look at this deep luck, it must be more than 2,800 years!"

Kunlun Mountain.

Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also attracted by the changes in Chaoge.

He looked at the luck that kept circling over Chaoge in disbelief, stunned.

With such a deep luck blessing, what can Xiqi use to attack Chaoge?

When will the great cause of conferring gods be successfully completed?

How is this possible?

There must be variables!

Yuanshi Tianzun's Tao heart, which had been calm since he became a saint, began to surge slightly.

He counted the variables with his fingers, but only saw a hazy mist.


Yuanshi Te had no choice but to put down his hands, thinking bitterly in his heart, no matter what the variable is, I must pull you out! Shouyang


Bajing Palace.

Taishang Laojun looked towards Chaoge expressionlessly

"Human Emperor! I hope you can hold on a little longer."

Thirty-three Heavens.

Nuwa Palace.

Nuwa looked at the strong luck over Chaoge and nodded happily!

As the creator of the human race, Nuwa is naturally very happy to see the prosperity of the human race.

It can be said that the better the human race develops, the more beneficial it is to Nuwa.


Jie Yin and Zhunti looked over in surprise.

Didn't they say"The Phoenix Lord of Xiqi is coming"?

Why is Chaoge's luck still so strong?

Three Immortal Islands.

Lin Ge looked at the changes in Chaoge with satisfaction.

He knew that what he asked Expert Li to say to Emperor Xin before leaving worked.

As long as it is beneficial to the benefit of the human race, merit from heaven is inevitable!


【Ding! A new person has joined the chat group! Does the group owner agree to approve it? 】

Checking the chat group interface, Lin Ge found that the new person added to the chat group this time is Rainbow Cat, one of the seven heroes in"The Legend of the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit"!

And Ding Yin, a disciple of Shushan School in"The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

The most outrageous thing is that King Ghidorah from"Godzilla: The Planet Eater" was also added to the group.

Lin Ge held his forehead with his hand!

It is worthy of being upgraded to a chat group for all heavens and worlds, and it is really fun.

Even characters from the anime world, the fairy world, and the science fiction world have been added.


Lin Ge clicked OK.

He must agree!

I believe that with the addition of these characters, the chat group will become more exciting!

【Ding! A new member,"Rainbow Cat Hero", has joined the chat group!】

【Ding! A new member,"Shushan School Disciple", joins the chat group!】

【Ding! New member"Star Eater Void King" joins the chat group!

Hongmao had just lost his father, and his home was ruthlessly trampled by the evil cult. He was sad, angry and helpless.

He looked at the chat group interface inexplicably, at a loss.

Then he saw a mess of many people talking, automatically presented in his mind with pictures that he could understand.

【[The Little Chef from Peach Blossom Island]:

This is the first time new people have come into the chat group since it was upgraded. I wonder what kind of people they are. A little bit of anticipation!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

Rainbow Cat Warrior? A disciple of the Shushan Sect? The Void King of the Star Eater?

What the hell are these? Sorry, I am not very knowledgeable. I really don’t understand who joined the group this time!

【[Devil Sect Saint]:

Rainbow Cat sounds like a kind of cat? Could it be a cat demon?

It's easy to understand the Shushan Sect disciples!

That Void King sounds so powerful!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Which world did Hongmao come from?

Where is Shushan Sect?

Doesn’t the Void King live in the void?

Newcomers, please introduce yourselves!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Well, newcomers, please introduce yourselves!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

To be honest, except for the Shushan Sect disciple, the other two newcomers sound a bit weird!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

The Zongwu chat group has been upgraded to the All Heavens and All Worlds chat group!

It’s no wonder that these strange newcomers have joined the group!

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy]:

I am amazed by the acceptance ability of Sister Leader!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

Ever since I came to Beihai, I have become indifferent to some strange things.

But this Star Devourer Void King still surprises me! Unbelievable!

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

I haven't even gotten to know all the seniors in the group, and now there's a newcomer.

Am I getting old and can't keep up with the times?

【Lotus OP]:

I agree! I thought I was the only one who felt this way and was too embarrassed to say it! You are my soulmate!

【Boss Qiao:

Me too, same as you two!


PS:Ask for free gifts*Generate power with love!

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