Hearing this shout, Ran Deng was a little confused.

Usually his temple was very deserted, and no one had come for thousands of years.

Although he was the deputy leader of the Chan Sect, it was a pity that everyone in the Chan Sect only had Yuanshi Tianzun in their eyes, and no one looked down on him at all.

Who would come to my door today?

"It turned out to be Taoist Zhunti!"

Randeng arrived outside the cave and saw that it was Zhunti, one of the two saints in the West.

However, the whole prehistoric world knew that Zhunti had a bad reputation, and Randeng knew it too.

Moreover, the two had never met before, so what was Zhunti's intention in coming here?

"I wonder why fellow Taoist Zhunti has come here?"

Randeng bowed.

He still had to give the saint some respect!

"I just met a person who was holding a lamp!

I thought the lamp looked familiar, so I snatched it from him!

Can you recognize it, Taoist Ran Deng?

Zhunti took out a lamp from his arms and handed it to Taoist Ran Deng.

It was the glass lamp that was stolen by Zhao Gongming.

"This... this is exactly my glass lamp!"

Ran Deng was surprised and delighted:

"Today I came back from Yuxu Palace, and on the way I met Zhao Gongming, a disciple of Jiejiao. He had no moral principles and started fighting without saying a word.

I was caught off guard and the lamp was robbed. Who would have thought that he would run away after snatching the lamp.

I never thought that fellow Taoist Zhunti would come!

Please return the lamp to me, and you can ask for any conditions!"

Zhunti smiled and said:

"It is also a predestined relationship between Daoist Fellow Randeng and me in the West!

I saw that this lamp looked a bit like Daoist Fellow Randeng's magic treasure, so I took action to snatch it back for Daoist Fellow, but it was a pity that the thief was so cunning that he escaped.

From what Daoist Fellow Randeng said, could the thief be a disciple of Jiejiao?"

Randeng was moved and said:

"This is indeed a fate between me and Taoist Zhunti.

I thought it would be hard to find this glass lamp once it was lost, but unexpectedly Taoist Zhunti helped me find it. I am so grateful!"

"Daoist friend Randeng, you are too polite! I remember that we were together in Zixiao Palace listening to the teachings of Patriarch Hongjun. We are destined to be brothers.

Zhunti said,"Then Daoist friend Randeng, please don't be so polite! Let's return this glass lamp to its original owner!"

Randeng took the glass lamp with surprise and invited Zhunti to sit in the cave to talk in detail.

Zhunti looked around and couldn't help but sighed:

"I saw that fellow Daoist Ran Deng's temple also had swaying auspicious lights, flying auspicious clouds, and abundant spiritual energy.

But it is still slightly inferior to Kunlun Mountain.

Daoist friend, since you are the deputy leader of the Chan Sect, why did you choose such a remote temple?"

It has to be said that Zhunti's level of deceiving people has improved.

What he said to Ran Deng was really heartbreaking.

On the surface, it seemed that he was praising the other party's temple, but then he compared it with Kunlun Mountain and asked the other party why he didn't set up the temple in Kunlun Mountain.

It was just short of saying clearly that Ran Deng was neglected and excluded in the Chan Sect. Sure enough, these words touched Ran Deng's heart.

Ran Deng couldn't help but complain to Zhunti, telling about thousands of years of grievances and unwillingness

"Don't mention it, fellow Zhunti! I am just an empty title as the deputy leader of the Chan Sect.……!"

When he looked up and saw Zhunti listening to him with great interest, Randeng quickly changed the subject.

"Look at my mouth, I'm talking nonsense! Fellow Taoist Zhunti, please sit down. I'll go make a pot of spiritual tea for you to moisten your throat!"

Randeng hurriedly made the tea and brought the spiritual fruit in front of Zhunti.

Zhunti took a sip of tea,

"Mm, the tea is good!"

He took another spiritual fruit and took a bite:

"The fruit is sweet and delicious!"

Randeng was happy, as long as fellow Taoist Zhunti liked it.


Zhunti changed the subject,"the last time I visited Yuanshi Tianzun, I saw that the spiritual tea and spiritual fruit he rewarded to the boy were exactly the same as the ones here, fellow Taoist!"


Ran Deng sighed in disappointment.

Yuanshi Tianzun was very generous to his direct disciples, giving them the best spiritual teas, spiritual fruits and spiritual treasures.

When it came to him, he was treated the same as the gatekeeper boy!

Zhunti saw that the time was almost right, so he said:

"Seeing that you are such a person with great enlightenment and great fortune, yet you are not valued in the Chan Sect, I feel so sorry for you!

My Western Sect is also slowly prospering now. If you are interested, I can reserve a position for you as the third leader!

Don't worry, fellow Randeng, as long as you come to my Western Sect, you will have what our brothers have! Our leader is to treat everyone equally!

What do you think?"

Randeng was really tempted when he heard it.

However, he couldn't make up his mind to give up the position of deputy leader of the Chan Sect and join the Western Sect immediately.

Zhunti rolled his eyes and said,"Fellow Randeng doesn't have to make a decision right away. As long as you figure it out, you can come to Mount Xumi to find me and my brothers at any time!" Ran Deng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that Zhunti would force him to make a decision right away.

After all, Zhunti returned the glass lamp to him, so he owed Zhunti a cause and effect.

"Thank you, Taoist Zhunti, for your appreciation of me. I will consider it carefully!"

Zhunti successfully planted a thorn in Ran Deng's heart. Knowing that his goal had been achieved, he said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, he invited,"The Bodhi fruit from my Mount Xumi tastes good. I am waiting for you to come and taste it!"

Looking at Zhunti's leaving back, Ran Deng fell into deep thought!


Heavenly Palace.

Haotian sat on a high seat, staring at the empty Heavenly Palace in a daze.

The Three Pure Ones promised to start the Conferred Gods mission properly, and Jiang Ziya went down the mountain with the Conferred God List in his hand.

The result was only thunder but no rain.

After a long time, there was no movement!

Yuanshi Tianzun actually said that the time was not yet ripe and the Conferred Gods should be suspended.

The Conferred Gods had already begun, and it could still be suspended?

It was simply unheard of.

Haotian seriously suspected that the Three Pure Ones, especially Yuanshi, regretted it and found an excuse.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi came to Haotian and saw that he looked heavy and thoughtful. She knew that he was worried about the Conferred Gods.

She comforted him and said,"The Conferred Gods are just temporarily stopped. Maybe something happened in the middle.

But since the Conferred Gods have been started, it must not be suspended for too long.

Otherwise, the calamity of heaven and earth will not subside, which is not good for the entire prehistoric world.

Besides, the ancestor Hongjun will not give up!

Just wait patiently!"

After hearing what the Holy Mother of Yaochi said, Haotian's face turned from gloomy to bright.

The two smiled at each other.

The catastrophe has begun. Even if we pause, we can't avoid it.


【Ding! Group member"The Leader of Tianxiahui" has opened the live broadcast room! 】

Everyone received the notification sound of the chat group.

This is already a convention among the group members.

As long as the live broadcast room is opened, it means that something is going to happen.

Everyone entered Xiongba's live broadcast room with great interest to eat melons and watch the show.

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Wow, there's another good show to watch. Wait, I'll go fry some melon seeds!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Melon seeds are always ready! Ready to watch the show anytime, anywhere!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Brother Ba, if you have anything big to do, you can ask me for help!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Look everyone, what is that?

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