Lin Ge thought of the message from Shen Gongbao, and felt that the Conferred God Tribulation would soon begin again.

Before that, it was necessary to brainwash the master and the three sisters.

In the original plot, it was not that Jiejiao was defeated by Chenjiao.

It was that Jiejiao from top to bottom remembered the friendship with Chenjiao, and showed mercy everywhere.

On the contrary, Chenjiao was ruthless and tortured Jiejiao people to death.

So there is a saying that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

If Jiejiao does not change this idea, it will only suffer at any time.

"Master, if someone bullies your disciple or granddaughter, what will you do?"

"Of course I will bully him back!"

Bi Xiao didn't even have to think about it.

"But what if someone wants to kill me, your disciple?"

"Then I will kill him first!"

Lin Ge was stunned. He didn't expect Bi Xiao to be so straightforward.

"What about you, uncle?"

"We are definitely the same! If anyone wants to bully or harm the disciples of Jiejiao, we will resolutely fight back!"

"What if we fight with the disciples of the Chan sect during the Conferred God Tribulation?"

Lin Ge finally turned the topic to the conflict between the Jie sect and the Chan sect.

Although Hongjun announced through Yuanshi Tianzun that the scope of the Conferred God Tribulation would be expanded to the entire prehistoric world, the

Chan sect and the Jie sect were still the main force.

As for the rest of the prehistoric world, the demons hid in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains, and not even a trace of a demon could be seen.

Those scattered immortals were scattered in every corner of the prehistoric world.

As long as they didn't want to, who could pull them out!

As for the dragon clan, it had long since declined.

After counting, only the Chan sect and the Jie sect had a thriving population.

Suddenly, Lin Ge's mind moved, and he thought of the Takamagahara Amaterasu plane that was slowly approaching the prehistoric world.

"Although they are three religions, they are of the same lineage, so there is no need to...fight to the death!"

Yun Xiao hesitated.


I said they were not strong enough!

That was the Conferred God Tribulation, and they actually said some nonsense about the three religions being of the same lineage.

You treated him as a descendant of the same lineage, but he only wanted to send you to the Conferred God List!

This is the fundamental reason for the failure of Jiejiao!

A woman's kindness can only hurt others and yourself!

""Master, that will be included in the Conferred God List! Just because you don't fight to the death doesn't mean that the disciples of the Chan Sect think so.

If you show mercy, that person might turn around and send your nephew, me, to the Conferred God List!"

The three Xiaos were stunned.

This was the first time they heard such a theory.

Although Tongtian Jiaozhu and Yuanshi Tianzun had some conflicts overtly and covertly, they never instilled these principles into their disciples within the Jie Sect.

In fact, including Tongtian himself, he never thought from the beginning that his second brother would be so cruel to his beloved disciple.

So in the original plot, Tongtian was so angry that he took action at the end.

It's a pity that it was too late by then!

"Xiao Lin Ge is right! Big sister, if we really fight with Second Uncle's disciples, we better not show mercy!"

Bi Xiao was the first to react

"Yes, I think so too! It is better to send more disciples of the Chan Sect to the list than to send our own disciples of the Jie Sect to the list!"

Qiong Xiao's brain is no worse than that of her younger sister.

Yun Xiao thought about it and nodded to agree with the opinions of his two younger sisters.

""Master, you are right! If that day really comes, I will never show mercy!"

Looking at Sanxiao's resolute expression, Lin Ge didn't expect that this ideological work would be so easy to do.

"It's not enough! Master, two uncles, not only you, but all the other uncles in Jiejiao must have this idea! Otherwise, we will suffer in the end!"

Lin Ge continued to brainwash. There are too many disciples in Jiejiao, and Lin Ge alone can't do the work of so many people. He has to rely on the three gods to take action.

"Yes, that's right, big sister and second sister, when you have time, go and tell big brother Gongming, big brother Duobao, and big sister Jinling Shengmu about this matter, don't let them suffer at the hands of the Chanjiao people in the future!"

Bixiao thought her disciple was really smart, so of course she had to support him.

Yunxiao and Qiongxiao thought what the little sister said made sense, and nodded frequently.

"Hey, that's not right, little sister, you just asked us to go, why don't you go yourself?"

Qiong Xiao said with a smile

"Hehe, I've suddenly had some insights recently! Thank you for your hard work, sisters!"

Bixiao wanted to be lazy, it was too troublesome to persuade others.

After chatting with the master and uncles for a while, Lin Ge said goodbye and returned to his cave.

Calming down, Lin Ge checked his personal account in the chat group.

More than four million points, two chances to draw.

The points are not enough to improve the cultivation level by one level.

Lin Ge decided to use these two chances to draw.

In the current situation, improving strength is the kingly way.

Last time I drew the Hongmeng Purple Qi, who knows what good things I will draw this time.

"Draw rewards!"

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" drew a drop of Chaos Demon Ape blood and a drop of White Tiger blood, one of the four sacred beasts! 】

This time, you can draw two rewards. It seems that the rewards are getting more and more generous. It

's just that the Chaos Demon Ape blood can be used for King Kong to evolve.

But what about this White Tiger blood?

There is one chance left to draw, and Lin Ge has not used it for the time being.

Since you have drawn the Chaos Demon Ape blood, use it on King Kong.

He is also looking forward to what King Kong will eventually evolve into.

"Greetings, Master!"

King Kong stopped practicing and stepped forward to pay his respects.

"King Kong, come here!"

King Kong came over, his huge body was like a mountain.

Lin Ge stopped in the air, level with King Kong's head.

King Kong didn't know what Lin Ge was going to do, so he just waited stupidly.

Lin Ge dropped the drop of Chaos Demon Ape blood on King Kong's forehead.

As soon as it was dropped, it was quickly absorbed by King Kong.

King Kong instantly felt a piercing pain all over his body, as if his cramps and bones were being pulled out.


Even a strong man like King Kong could hardly bear it and could not help but roar.

Then his figure grew larger and smaller, and his face became ferocious.

Lin Ge knew that King Kong was evolving, and silently protected him.

After seven days and seven nights, King Kong finally completed his evolution.

"Tsk tsk! It's worthy of the bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape!"

Lin Ge felt the powerful and compelling momentum coming from King Kong and couldn't help but admire it.

King Kong felt his own powerful and endless power and was extremely surprised.

"Thank you Master for your kindness in giving me a new life! I feel like I have touched a trace of the law of the Great Dao!"

King Kong not only possesses the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape, but also possesses some of the magical powers of the Demon Ape.

Although his strength cannot be completely compared with the original Chaos Demon Ape, he has one thousandth of the strength of the Chaos Demon Ape.

It is said that the Chaos Demon Ape is stronger than the prehistoric saint.

How strong is King Kong who is one thousandth of the Chaos Demon Ape?

"Oh, what laws have you touched?"

Lin Ge was quite interested.

""Master, I have touched a little bit of the law of power and the law of destruction!"

King Kong answered excitedly.

At this time, King Kong had mastered the ability to change his body size freely, and changed his body to the size of Lin Ge.

He leaped into the air, rolling and leaping, extremely happy.

At the same time, he shouted in surprise:"Master, look, I can fly too!"

"Not bad!"

King Kong evolved into a Chaos Ape, and his strength soared greatly. This was something Lin Ge had not expected.

Suddenly, a tiger roar sounded from a distance.

"It's the Holy Tiger King!"

King Kong immediately recognized who it was and reported it to Lin Ge.

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