In the ancient world, in a cave on the Three Immortals Island.

A flawless figure was sitting in the air, surrounded by halos, looking like an otherworldly exiled immortal.

After a moment,

Lin Ge opened his eyes, feeling the result of this practice, and couldn't help but sigh.

Thousands of years ago, he traveled to this world and became an inconspicuous disciple of Jiejiao.

When he first came, he was at the celestial immortal realm.

Now, after a long time,

Lin Ge still remains in the celestial immortal realm and cannot break through.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This sentence applies everywhere.

With the cultivation of a celestial immortal, if placed anywhere else, he would be a powerful person.

But in this environment where golden immortals are everywhere, without opportunity and background, he would only be a cannon fodder and a miscellaneous person. Good things would never happen to him.

It can be said that it is already very good for Lin Ge to survive and save his life.

"However, according to the current situation in the outside world, the catastrophe is coming soon!"

Thinking of the famous Conferred God Catastrophe in the previous life,

Lin Ge frowned, and felt more urgent in his heart.

Before the catastrophe really came, he had to make his own cultivation further. The stronger he could be, the more confident he would be.

Moreover, after traveling through time for many years,

Lin Ge had developed feelings for some of his friends and the environment here. How could he give them up easily?

As his thoughts turned,

Lin Ge was also melancholy.

You know, in the catastrophe, even the Golden Immortal was just a sacrifice, and the saints could not change the general situation. What could he, a small immortal, change?

Without strength, everything was empty talk!

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out of thin air in Lin Ge's ears.

"Ding! The Zongwu chat group has sent you an invitation!"

"Zongwu chat group?"

Lin Ge was stunned.

His first reaction was not to think that he had obtained some opportunity, but to think that some great being was joking with him, right?

In the prehistoric world, there were quite a few who could do this!

To make him feel that he could not sense any trace of sound transmission at all, it must be the means of a Daluo Jinxian!

But soon,

Lin Ge was relieved.

Which great being would have the leisure to tease such an insignificant little transparent person like him?

Whether it was true or not, why not give it a try!

At that moment, his heart moved slightly, and he conveyed the idea of "joining"

【The nickname"Jiejiao Tianxian" has been automatically generated. Do you want to confirm? 】

Lin Ge casually chose to confirm.

The next moment, a chat page appeared in front of him, which looked very much like the interface of the chat group in his previous life!

【New member"Jiejiao Tianxian" joins the chat group! 】

A prompt appeared on the page.

Almost immediately, someone spoke in the group.

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace:

A newcomer has arrived. How dare you compare yourself to an immortal? Are you so arrogant? I am almost a grandmaster, but I dare not be so arrogant. What is your cultivation level, newcomer?】

【Persimmon in the Snow:

Hahaha, newbie, I advise you to keep a low profile. There are a lot of big guys in our group. Be careful of getting beaten if you are too arrogant!】

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms:

@Jiejiao Celestial Being, what is your name? To be invited to the chat group, you must be no ordinary person. Do you want to serve in my army?】

【Tiedan Shenhou:

Newcomer, send a video to announce your identity. If you can take three of my moves, I can take you in as my adopted son! 】

Lin Ge laughed at the message in the group.

This kind of casual group atmosphere made him feel like he was back in his past life.

It seemed like this was really a chat group for martial artists.

If he guessed correctly, the second palace master of Yihua Palace should be Lianxing from the peerless twins, the persimmon in the snow was Xu Fengnian, the prince of the snow world, the emperor who swept across the six kingdoms should be Emperor Zulong Ying Zheng, and Tiedan Shenhou was Zhu Wusi from the world number one in the world.


Lin Ge chuckled slightly, somewhat helpless.

It seems that this should be the golden finger that I have been late for after traveling through time.


I traveled through the prehistoric world.

What's the use of giving me a Zongwu chat group?

There are rules in the group.

When uploading videos, you can set up payment.

Others need to pay points to watch, and all the points belong to the publisher.

Checking in every day can also earn 1 point.

Completing tasks will earn points.

Points are the hard currency of group chats and can be used to improve realms!

"Are you sure that the martial arts chat group's realm improvement will be useful to me?"

Lin Ge didn't have any hope at all.

But after thinking about it,

Lin Ge still uploaded a self-introduction video.

The video was taken from his memory, and it was about him going to the mortal world to rescue disasters and capture monsters.

Because it was the first time to upload,

Lin Ge set it to be free to watch.

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Tianxian" uploaded a video, click to watch for free! 】

Soon, all the members in the group quieted down, and they immediately clicked in to watch curiously.

Even the members who had been lurking came out at this time.

The video was played, and in the picture, a huge figure that covered the sky and the sun stood in the void.

The figure was flawless, and there was fairy music around, and golden flowers fell!

The figure lightly tapped with one hand, and the sky and the earth instantly lost their color!

The rivers flowed backwards, the floods dissipated, and countless terrifying and tyrannical monsters were easily suppressed!!

The moving of mountains and filling the sea in mythology is just like this!


A dead silence!

Everyone in the group had a dull look in their eyes and their brains crashed!

What's going on?

Isn't this a martial arts group?

Why is this big guy playing at a completely different level from them?!

Can the miracles in the video really be done by humans?

You call this martial arts?

Thinking of the arrogant tone before, everyone's mind was confused.

Were they just arrogant in front of God?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace:

What the hell? Boss, are you really a god?!!】

【Snow Persimmon:

Boss, you really didn’t go to the wrong group?!!】

【Tiedan Shenhou:

Boss, are you still accepting a son?!】

【The emperor who swept across the six kingdoms:

Awakening! Is this the real immortal?! ?】......

【Iron-hearted God】:

【Red envelope]! Just a little token of my appreciation, I hope you can accept it!

【Snow Persimmon]:

Faster than me? You don't follow martial ethics, Lord Shen! [Red Envelope]! I'll give you some points with both hands.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

【Red envelope]! Big brother, please give me a hug!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

【Red envelope]! Please accept the gift!

"Wow, you can even send red envelopes?"

Lin Ge clicked on them one by one with great interest, and they were all points.

Ying Zheng sent the most, a full 10,000 points.

The least was actually Shen Hou, who sent the first, with only 888 points.

In an instant,

Lin Ge's net worth soared from 0 to 18,888.

Lin Ge was a third-grade celestial being at this time.

According to the rules of the group, it takes 3,000 points to upgrade to the fourth-grade celestial being.

After getting the points,

Lin Ge didn't want to chat with the group members, but immediately consumed the points to break through the realm.

Although he didn't have much hope, the opportunity was right in front of him, and he still wanted to try it.

Without hesitation, all the points were directly invested in the breakthrough function!

【Consume 3000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fourth level of Celestial Immortal!】

【Consume 4000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fifth level of Celestial Immortal!】

【Consume 5000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the sixth level of Celestial Immortal!】

【Consume 6000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the seventh level of the Celestial Immortal! 】


Lin Ge's aura soared rapidly!

On the entire Sanxian Island, countless spiritual energy was forcibly pulled, gathered from the surroundings, and rushed madly towards the cave where Lin Ge was!


With a muffled groan, a beautiful female fairy opened her eyes after practicing.

During the practice, the spiritual energy around her was forcibly drained away, and she felt like she was licked by someone.

"What the hell?"

Yun Xiao was a little puzzled. There were only five people on the entire island who could snatch the spiritual energy from her. She thought about it and immediately sent a message to her younger sister:

"Bixiao, are you being naughty again? Now you dare to tease your sister! You just wait for me! From today on, you are not allowed to leave Sanxian Island within 500 years! I will come to deal with you in a few days!"

After saying that, Yunxiao cut off the voice transmission without waiting for Bixiao's response.

In another cave, Bixiao blinked, looking confused.

What the hell? Why did she suddenly get into trouble? What does elder sister mean? Why am I naughty again?!

After calculating the ins and outs of the matter and sensing it slightly, Bixiao figured out the source of the problem.

The surrounding spiritual energy turned into an ocean and was rushing towards a disciple cave on the island.

Her spiritual consciousness easily broke through the simple formation of this cave, and she saw a disciple madly absorbing spiritual energy.

"What is this? What is Lin Ge doing?"

Bi Xiao was dumbfounded.


��Disciples at the Celestial Immortal realm would not make such a big noise when they practice, but Lin Ge was in a state of breaking through four realms in an instant, which caused such a big noise.

Looking at the eyes of the people around who were startled and rushed to watch,

Bixiao directly blocked them all.

The next moment, her figure flashed and appeared directly in Lin Ge's cave.

At this time,

Lin Ge finally completed the breakthrough of the realm.

He opened his eyes with surprise in his eyes!

Lin Ge turned around and there was an awkward scene of wide eyes staring at each other.

Bixiao looked at him with burning eyes and said nothing.

After a moment, he said:

"let me see!"

"Master......I was careless!!"

Lin Ge reluctantly held her wrist up, but Bi Xiao grabbed it.

After sensing it for a moment, she looked up at the sky, confused, puzzled, and shocked.

"you......You are a seventh-grade celestial being?!"

Bi Xiao looked at Lin Ge with a confused expression.(๑•. •๑)!

That can’t be the case.

I haven’t seen him for a few months, and my disciple has already broken through the fourth rank?


I remember that this kid’s aptitude is very ordinary!

Did I remember the time wrong?!

"Wait for me!"

Bixiao's face changed, and he rushed out of the cave, leaving a human-shaped hole in the wall!

"Big sister!"

Bixiao rushed to Yunxiao,

"What year is it now?"

Yunxiao opened his eyes and looked at Bixiao in surprise.

"How dare you challenge me?"

"No, sis, how long has it been since we last left the island?"

��Xiao just wants to figure out this problem.

"It's been exactly ten years."

Yun Xiao said in confusion.

"Then I was not mistaken! Did I care too little about this disciple? Did I misjudge him? Is he actually a genius?......"

Bixiao murmured, and left here with a look of doubt on his face.......

Seeing that Bixiao didn't come back,

Lin Ge was also relieved.

How careless!

He forgot about the phenomenon of rapid breakthrough!

However, what Lin Ge felt instead was a strong surprise.

The function of the chat group was actually useful to him!

Moreover, it can ignore the cultivation and accumulation and force a breakthrough, and the realm is stable and the foundation is solid!

This is simply a magic weapon!

For other members in the group, the same points can only improve the realm of their martial arts system, but the same improvement in realm, on Lin Ge, has the highest cost-effectiveness!

Only need to spend the same points to improve the realm of cultivation, this is a huge profit!

After calming down his excitement,

Lin Ge also thought of a problem.

The phenomenon of rapid breakthrough is a big trouble.

Although most of the people on the island are trustworthy brothers and sisters, it is okay once or twice.

If it happens again and again, it will definitely cause trouble!

Just when Lin Ge had this idea, a voice came to his ears again.

【The chat group has a built-in function to conceal your aura and block secrets, which can assist you in making breakthroughs!】

"So there is such a function!"

Lin Ge's eyes lit up, and he searched in the chat group, and he found such a function!

In this way, his last worry disappeared!

As long as he has enough points,

Lin Ge can make unlimited breakthroughs in a short time!

True Immortal!

Mysterious Immortal!

Golden Immortal!

Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Daluo Golden Immortal! Quasi-Sage! He may even eventually become a saint, or even reach a higher peak!

Saint, this was a word that Lin Ge dared not even think about before, but now, he thinks he can give it a try!

Thinking of this,

Lin Ge's eyes looking at the chat group have long gone from carelessness to incomparable heat!

The large amount of points in the group means a lot of cultivation!

At this time, after a series of breakthroughs, he only has 888 points left. There is still a long way to go.

As a cultivator in a martial arts chat group, it is not easy for him to get some points?

Just a meeting gift from the members in the group directly allowed him to break through the fourth level.

In the future, he will actively earn points, and he will only get more and more!

Speaking of which, these members are all big fat sheep!

"I must collect more wool in the future......

No, it's"Take good care of me!" I still understand sustainable development!"

Lin Ge was in a very good mood.

In his eyes, several members were no longer the legendary figures of his previous life, but were automatically transformed into walking points.

After a light cough,

Lin Ge sent a red envelope in the group:

"Meeting is fate. I have a destiny with you all, this is my gift to you all!"

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