"Why is it so noisy outside?"

After making plans,

Lin Ge also noticed something unusual outside the cave.

The noise was much louder than usual.


Lin Ge listened attentively.

After hearing what others were talking about,

Lin Ge's face changed, his eyes went dark, and he almost fell to the ground.

"My master was beaten to death at the entrance of the cave?!!"

"How is this possible? Hasn't the Conferred God Tribulation begun yet? How could someone kill Master?"

"Is it the butterfly effect after I traveled through time?"

"No! I was too careless! I thought I knew the plot, so I didn't take Honghuang seriously!"

A strong sense of sadness and anger instantly surged into Lin Ge's heart.

His eyes turned red, and he rushed out of the cave with a flash of momentum. Many disciples stood not far from where Bixiao fainted , discussing anxiously. At this moment, an extremely furious roar sounded! The strong emotions condensed into substance and spread, causing the world to be restless, and the black sea of clouds overturned and rolled!

"Who is it? Who killed my master?!! I will never stop fighting you!"

Lin Ge saw Bi Xiao lying on the ground, and his heart sank. He lost his last hope.

He rushed through the crowd and picked up Bi Xiao's body from the ground.

"I......I was killed?!"

Bi Xiao opened his eyes dazedly and murmured.

Lin Ge was stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Bixiao rubbed his eyes, not understanding the situation.

"They said you were beaten to death!"

Lin Ge was tense.

"Nonsense, I am just a teacher.......I just fainted due to anemia!"

Bixiao naturally couldn't admit that she was hit by a club by her sister.

It was too embarrassing!


Bixiao came to her senses, looked around, and then looked at Lin Ge's red eyes and resentment, and then she understood what was going on.

When she looked at Lin Ge again, her eyes were much softer and more touching.

"What can happen to me? Stop worrying about me!"

Bixiao blushed and got up from Lin Ge's arms.

"Emotions can already affect the world, it seems that you have really come to your senses recently!"

Bi Xiao looked at the sea of clouds that began to dissipate in the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Suddenly, a strange look appeared on her face, and she reached out to Lin Ge's wrist.

After a moment, she withdrew her hand and looked at Lin Ge with a dull face, as if she had seen a ghost! Swish!

Bi Xiao pulled Lin Ge back to the cave, looked up and down at Lin Ge and said:

"What the hell, I haven't seen you for just one day and you've already become a third-grade True Immortal?!"

"There is no other way. My thoughts have been clear recently and my cultivation has been very fast!"

Lin Ge said with a smile.

This was also an explanation he had thought of a long time ago.

After all, he was destined to continue to break through his cultivation quickly in the future, so he had to think of a reason in advance.

Bi Xiao nodded, accepting this statement.

Cultivating immortals is all about enlightenment.

Sometimes, if you thoroughly understand some principles, it is not impossible to improve your cultivation by leaps and bounds.


Lin Ge's improvement speed is too outrageous!

Bi Xiao didn't think much about it.

After exchanging a few words, he left happily, and said happily:

"A late bloomer! A late bloomer! I can show off to my elder and second sisters. I didn’t expect that the disciple I casually accepted would be a peerless genius!"

Lin Ge looked at Bi Xiao's cheerful back.

His image as a Golden Immortal was completely ruined. He was also a little speechless.

His master was getting more and more stupid!......

On the second day, all the important people of Hulong Villa were present.

As for those of low status, they were not qualified to participate in this ceremony.

The atmosphere was solemn.

Shangguan Haitang, Guihai Yidao, and Duan Tianya all gathered here, waiting patiently with doubts and curiosity. They were also curious about the person who could make the God Marquis, who they revered, attach so much importance to him.

"Haitang, this time you must be responsible for serving our distinguished guest well, and so must everyone else. You must be respectful. Anyone who dares to offend this guest, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

""Yes, godfather!"

Shangguan Haitang, dressed in smart men's clothes, with a graceful figure and heroic appearance, answered immediately, with a pair of beautiful eyes flashing with curiosity.

The others also hurriedly said yes.

Zhu Wushi nodded with satisfaction.

He also kept an eye on the news in the group chat and waited nervously.

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Divine Marquis, open the permissions, I'm coming!

At the same time, an option popped up in front of Zhu Wusi, and he clicked to agree to the transfer request.

The next moment, three figures appeared out of thin air in front of everyone!


The crowd was instantly noisy!

They had never thought that the distinguished guest they were going to welcome would appear in this way!

However, when they felt that the strength of these three people was not too far behind theirs,

Duan Tianya and his companions also felt relieved.

Shangguan Haitang asked Zhu Wusi:

""Father, is this the distinguished guest we are going to welcome?"

Zhu Wusi frowned slightly, and released his inner strength to suppress the noisy crowd, and said loudly:

"Don't make a noise, this is not the distinguished guest we are waiting for, he is still behind and has not arrived yet!"

"What? This isn't the distinguished guest?!"

Everyone was shocked, and felt that this guest had a layer of mystery.

"Second sister, Bluebird, let's go over there and wait! We must try our best to attract the immortal's attention!"

Xu Fengnian glanced at Shangguan Haitang beside Zhu Wushi, and said to the two beautiful women beside him.

Xu Weixiong and Bluebird nodded.

When Xu Fengnian told them about the chat group, they didn't believe it yet, but after they really traveled to another world in person, although they were extremely surprised, they began to accept this fact, and they couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity about the immortal they had never met!

【Second Master of Yihua Palace]:

Lord Shen, open up the permissions!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

+1, I am here too, open the permissions!

The next moment, another beautiful woman and a majestic and domineering man in a dragon robe appeared here one after another.

"Hello, Emperor Shi Huang and Palace Master. Are you two here alone?"

Xu Fengnian went up to greet them.

"Of course I have to come alone! If my sister finds out, I won’t get a share! We must not let the news leak out!"

Lian Xing said with a smile

"I have millions of soldiers, and when needed, I can send red envelopes to instantly teleport to this world!"

Ying Zheng said calmly.

""Everyone is here, now we just have to wait for the immortal to come online!" As soon as the words fell, everyone became nervous, especially the four members of the chat group, who were even more excited.

Only they knew what kind of terrifying and majestic person was coming today.

On this day, they would witness the arrival of an immortal with their own eyes!

Participating in the group chat task was just a side job, the important thing was to be able to face the immortal directly!

But before the wait continued, some people in the crowd could no longer hold their temper!

""Bold Zhu Wusi! You really intend to rebel and have evil ambitions. What kind of magic did you use to conjure these rebels out of thin air?!"

With a loud shout,

Zhu Wusi, Ying Zheng, Lian Xing, and Xu Fengnian all frowned and looked over with unhappy expressions.

It was not that they felt offended, but they were worried that they would cause trouble and cause dissatisfaction among the immortals!

"Divine Marquis, is this the welcoming ceremony you arranged? If you neglect the immortal, can you bear the responsibility?"

Ying Zheng looked at Zhu Wusi and said in a deep voice,

"If you are upset, don't drag us down with it!"

"It should be a spy arranged by my political enemy Cao Zhengchun!"

Zhu Wusi was sweating profusely at this time.

If it were any other time, he would not be afraid of Cao Zhengchun at all, but at this moment, it would be bad to disturb the immortal's mood!

"What evidence do you have that we intend to rebel? The Divine Marquis brought us to see some magic tricks today. Did he violate any law? Get out of here if you know what's good for you!"

Duan Tianya was also good at observing people's expressions.

He knew that the Divine Marquis didn't want to cause any trouble at this time, so he immediately stood up and scolded him.

One of the people who jumped out pointed at Ying Zheng and said:

"This person is wearing a dragon robe, and the evidence is irrefutable, yet he still wants to deny it?!!"

Duan Tianya:"......"

Ying Zheng:"......"

Zhu Wushi:"......"

Lian Xing:"......"

Xu Fengnian:"......"

"Come, take these guys down for me!"

At this point,

Duan Tianya knew that the situation could not be resolved peacefully, so he ordered his men to take action.

"No, I'll do it myself!"

Zhu Wusi was also very anxious at this time, he jumped directly into the air and slapped those people with one palm

"Traitors, you are so bold! You all wait for death!"

The leader took out a signal firecracker, and

Zhu Wusi had no time to stop him. He could only shoot a few spies to death, but a signal flare still flew out.



Zhu Wusi cursed inwardly.

This was trouble.

The immortal hadn't arrived yet, but the welcoming team was being surrounded and attacked as thieves.

This happened on his own territory.

This time he was completely embarrassed!

Xu Fengnian said with a smile:

"It seems that you are in big trouble, Lord.

"Eat melons."

Ying Zheng shook his head:

"If you can't even do such a small thing, the immortal will definitely be disappointed in you!"

Zhu Wusi:.....

"How dare you say that? If you weren't wearing a dragon robe, would I have been caught?"

Zhu Wusi was speechless and exhausted!

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Zhu Wusi gave an order.

At this time, it was impossible to really cooperate with the investigation.

If the immortal came and found that they were all in jail, it would be a real joke.

Even if the other party didn't mind,

I'm afraid he would have to think carefully about whether to associate with such unreliable idiots!

At the same time, without letting everyone wait for long, a team of aggressive factory guards rushed over and surrounded the scene in an orderly manner.

The leader was the head of the East Factory,

Cao Zhengchun!

When he saw Ying Zheng wearing a dragon robe, his eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect that the Divine Marquis actually intended to rebel. As a colleague, I am very disappointed in you!

Cao Zhengchun looked heartbroken.


Zhu Wusi's face turned cold.

"Cao Zhengchun, let me ask you, was it you who caused Cheng Shifei to defect with Suxin?"

"How could I have done this? Am I that kind of person?"

Cao Zhengchun waved his hand.

"Zhu Wusi, you killed my father, and now you are plotting rebellion and doing the opposite! You deserve to die!"

At this time, the two men rode their horses to Cao Zhengchun's side.

It was Cheng Shifei, the key to this mission!

Cheng Shifei was furious.

""Eunuch, there's no need to talk to him, just take them all down!"

At this moment,

Ying Zheng, Lian Xing, and Xu Fengnian were delighted to see Cheng Shifei.

The mission reward was right in front of them!

If they could earn points and give them to the immortals, or use them to trade with them, they would definitely be very happy, right?

"What kind of look is that?!"

Cheng Shifei felt frightened by the look, and even Zhu Wusi looked at him like a hungry wolf looking at a lamb.

""Go ahead! Kill the traitors on the spot!"

Cao Zhengchun said nothing more and gave the order directly.

Hundreds of factory guards raised their crossbows and fired at Zhu Wusi and his men, making the people of Hulong Villa in a state of panic!

"Damn it!"

Zhu Wusi cursed.

"Cao Zhengchun, I advise you not to make the mistake of disturbing the immortal. Even if you die ten thousand times, it will not be enough to atone for your sin!"

"What immortal?"

Cao Zhengchun looked puzzled.

""Shen Hou, let's fight! Let me see if your power has improved!"

Cao Zhengchun kicked his horse and flew into the air, facing Shen Hou in mid-air!


In Cao Zhengchun's stunned expression, he was at a disadvantage in this palm, and flew backwards, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Idiot! Do you really think I can't beat you?���!"

Zhu Wusi fell back to his original position steadily, and the winner was immediately determined.

"How is it possible? He has been hiding his strength all along.

Cao Zhengchun was also stunned and horrified.

"So, there is no need for him to lie to me. Is that immortal also real??!"

"I will complete the task first!"

Xu Fengnian took the lead and pounced on Cheng Shifei like a hungry wolf.

The two wrestled together, but Xu Fengnian was at a disadvantage and was beaten back step by step.

At this time, he had not yet officially entered the martial arts world, and his strength was still too weak.

""Let me do it!"

Zhu Wushi shook his head and stepped forward to force Cheng Shifei to use his golden body.

This was the only martial art that Cheng Shifei feared.

At this moment, in the void,

Lin Ge's sight passed through countless spaces and focused on the Hulong Villa.

"Sure enough, this plane is repairing its world line.

When Zhu Wushi, the final villain of this world, gave up the idea of rebellion, the will of the world is pushing Cheng Shifei, the son of destiny, to fight Zhu Wushi in advance!

If I don't take action, they may not be able to take down Cheng Shifei alone!" When Lin Ge reaches the real fairyland, he can cross the void, which is also an important prerequisite for achieving the goal this time!

In the void,

Lin Ge put his hand on an invisible film in front of him.

Inside the film is the universe plane where the Dragon Guard Villa is located!

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