[One Man's Martial Arts]: ???

Can the First Emperor tell me what this is? It's too scary!

Feng Yuxiu was watching the shocking blow in the live broadcast in the rental house, and was shocked.

The power of this blow, if placed in his world, is enough to be comparable to a small nuclear bomb!

And it can completely avoid affecting the nearby Qin army!

【Taohua Island Little Cook]:

Stunned.JPG! I was making something delicious and accidentally set the kitchen on fire while watching the live broadcast!!

【[Fire Cloud Evil God]:

I am stunned. Is this what the immortal bestowed upon the First Emperor?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Stunned! Is the magic talisman so powerful?

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Stunned.JPG! Is the talisman so powerful?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: dumbfounded.JPG! Is the divine talisman so powerful?

Not only the newcomers, but also the old ones were dumbfounded.

When the immortal bestowed the talisman, he said that this talisman was enough to destroy a city, so this is the power to destroy a city!! ?

Well, it is really enough, there is nothing wrong with that!

However, this power is not only enough, but also far beyond it!

Thinking of the terrifying sword tactics that Zhu Wusi traded, the immortal also looked down on it and just said it was inferior.

Several old members complained in their hearts that when it comes to power, the immortal's words should be considered carefully!

The power that is not worth mentioning to the immortal is fatal to them!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】:

This is a benefit for old members, a greeting gift bestowed upon us by the immortals!

【[Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]:

A meeting gift? Such a powerful thing was actually used as a meeting gift!? The immortal is too generous!

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

Jealousy has changed me beyond recognition, why am I not an old member?

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Such a magical weapon is actually a greeting gift. Do we newcomers still have a chance to get a greeting gift?

【[Snow Persimmon]:

Hahaha, you guys are late. This can only be said to be an exclusive benefit for old members! Fortunately, I came early!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor of all ages]:

By the way, this kind of immortal magic weapon not only has the attack effect I used today, but also can refresh my eyesight and improve my physical condition if placed beside me! Fortunately, I came early!

Ying Zheng couldn't help but show off.

Although the magic talisman was invalid after being used today, he had a really comfortable day today!

Being able to announce to the world in this way that immortals and gods have come to protect Daqin, it makes him more excited than when he successfully conquered the six kingdoms!

This plan went well!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Fortunately, I came early!

【Tiedan Shenhou]: Fortunately, I came early!

【[Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]:

Really? After hearing what the First Emperor said, I felt even more disappointed!!

【One Person's Martial Arts]:

I didn't expect that I, who was obsessed with martial arts for the first half of my life, would feel the taste of making a mistake today!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

I feel numb. My status in the group is the lowest. I am looking forward to a new person coming to make me proud. Cat sighs.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Screenshot.JPG! Everyone, 50,000 points have been obtained. I will first announce it to the world, establish a religion and worship the gods, and then offer points later to ask the immortals for some resources!

【Ding! Group members have closed the live broadcast! 】

Ying Zheng suppressed his excitement and sent a message in the group, then went to do the next follow-up work.

In fact, he wanted to trade with the immortal immediately,

"Before, 10,000 points were exchanged for a fairy herb. Now, with 50,000 points, can I ask for a fairy method?"

Ying Zheng thought with a throbbing heart, full of expectations.

However, he still needs to deal with the matter at hand.

By destroying the people present, he has already destroyed the main force of the anti-Qin rebels.

The remaining people will no longer be able to stir up trouble.

The remaining conspirators dare not make any more troubles under the general trend.

And this is only the first step of the matter.

Next, Ying Zheng will announce to the world the existence of the immortals, stating that he has been given treasures by the immortals and can live forever, in order to win public opinion.

There are many emperors who do this, but others do this to fake and guide public opinion, but he is serious!

Who would have thought that there is a real immortal behind him? If the immortal can show up for a moment, it will be a sure kill!

That scene...


It was hard for Ying Zheng to imagine the reactions of those who thought they had seen through the truth after seeing the immortal appear!

"Today is the day when the True God Religion is established and the four seas and eight wastelands offer incense to the immortals!"

There was a flame flickering in Ying Zheng's eyes.

From now on,

Daqin will not only be Daqin, but will also march overseas.

He wants to make the whole world his land!

In the history of Kyushu uploaded by Feng Yuxiu before,

Ying Zheng saw a country called the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

Now, he wants to build Daqin into such a country in advance!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

50,000 points! I wonder what treasure the First Emperor can exchange for this time!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I also want to use my magic to kill people in the martial arts world! Sigh.JPG!

【[ Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

The First Emperor made a fortune this time. The things that the immortals brought out were never ordinary!

By the way, @[One Man's Martial Arts], if you need help, just give me some points as a token of your appreciation!

Zhu Wusi had an idea and set his sights on Feng Yuxiu, the only person who had not completed a task.

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【One man's martial arts world],

I'm good at killing people and kicking the door! I'll help you, I guarantee you'll get more points!

Huoyun Evil God and Feng Yuxiu have always been at odds, and now he also spoke up with a shameless face.

Seeing that everyone in the group slowly traded with the immortal and got so many benefits, he was really greedy and couldn't walk!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Thank you, I can do it on my own!

Feng Yuxiu politely rejected the two people's request.

It's just a challenge, he can do it by himself, how can he let others share points with him? With his own martial arts and the magic given by the immortals, if he still can't complete this task, he might as well hang himself!

Seeing the harvest of the First Emperor,

Feng Yuxiu was also excited, but his task requirements were somewhat different from those of Ying Zheng and Huang Rong.

The task rewards were no longer fixed points, but fluctuated up and down according to the completion, which gave a lot of room for operation!

The task description was that the greater the impact of public opinion, the more points you can get!

"To put it simply, this mission is to go to Sakura Island to cause trouble? I'm familiar with this job!"

Feng Yuxiu looked at the ocean on the ship and grinned.

Before starting the mission, he was reluctant to spend spirit stones to use the sword-controlling technique to go to Sakura.

However, thinking of making a big deal out of it,

Feng Yuxiu suddenly changed his mind!

"Sakura Country, now that I am here, I will make a mess!"

A flash of white sword light passed by, and the figure on the spot disappeared in an instant!

The remaining sound of the sword whistling made several staff members rush over to check, with a look of doubt on their faces!

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