[Ding! The Ultimate Killer has downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa downloaded the video!】......

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Even the future scenes can be evolved directly, you are worthy of being an immortal!.JPG!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】:

Is the protagonist in the video this newcomer? After watching it, I was so shocked that my worldview was shattered and my scalp was numb!!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

I've learned a lot. There are actually such irresponsible, shameless people who just keep escaping! ? If this person were someone around me, I would definitely make him get as far away as possible!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Hey!! @【The Third Young Master of the Divine Sword Villa, stay away from me! The bad luck is gone!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Very good, it seems that there is someone else with the lowest status in the group!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa], I suggest that after you gain points, you leave some resources for cultivating immortals to your family, and then retire to the mountains and live out your life in solitude, and don’t harm the people around you!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa】��......

Xie Xiaofeng did not refute this time.

After watching the future in the video, he always felt that it was something he might do with his personality.

However, from the perspective of a bystander, would his future actions be so unbearable?

Admittedly, it sounds good to say that you don't care, and it is called retreating at the height of prosperity and pursuing freedom.

But in fact, it is just escaping.

Standing in a position but not taking up the corresponding responsibilities, it is the people around you who suffer!

A good hand of cards is played badly, isn't this a stupid behavior?

At this moment,

Xie Xiaofeng realized the poor psychological quality of his own and the possible consequences of being overwhelmed by pressure!

【[The Greatest Emperor in History Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

Compared to you, I admire Yan Shisan in the video more. Although he is of humble origin and ugly, his behavior is much better than yours!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Is such a person worthy of being called the Sword God? My sister's temper is better than his!

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Shocking! He is known as the world's number one sword god, but this is what he really looks like? But why haven't I heard of Shenjian Villa and Qixingtang?

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Boy, I have an idea for you. Set up a ring and have fake matches every day. Once you get used to losing, you won’t feel so stressed!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【Snow Moon Sword Immortal], our group is connected to the heavens and the worlds, you haven't heard that the other members are normal! @【The Third Young Master of the Divine Sword Villa】, please exit the group chat automatically!

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

All the heavens and worlds!!? No wonder I have never even heard of this deity in the group before!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

Everyone, is it too late for me to change it now?......

Xie Xiaofeng couldn't help but curse himself when watching the video.

What stupid things did he do?

"Now that nothing has happened, I won't delay Miss Murong!"

Xie Xiaofeng thought for a moment and gave a task to the ten Qin cavalrymen and Lao Huang beside him.

Since they already knew the future, they couldn't let Wawa's family suffer anymore.

Then, he led several servants out with swords, and soon found the target of this time.

【Ding! Group member, the Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa, started the live broadcast!】

"Yan Shisan, I heard you were looking for me recently? It's not over yet, huh? It seems you really want to fight me!"

Xie Xiaofeng said with a smile


A trace of bewilderment appeared on Yan Shisan's ferocious and terrifying face.

"Who are you?"

"I am Xie Xiaofeng. You want to defeat me? I'll give you a chance!"

Xie Xiaofeng took a sword and handed it to Yan Shisan.

"Come, chop me!"

Yan Shisan didn't react to the situation, but he didn't hesitate to meet the other party's request.


Xie Xiaofeng screamed and flew out.

"Quick! Quickly spread the word that Sword Demon Yan Shisan defeated the Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa! He broke my undefeated record!"

Xie Xiaofeng shouted while pulling a servant.

Yan Shisan:"......"

He obviously hadn't hit the other person yet, right?

Is this guy really the Third Young Master?

"Yan Shisan, I admire you very much. You are worthy of being able to defeat my old enemy. Come to Shenjian Villa when you have time!"

Xie Xiaofeng left quickly with his servants, leaving only his voice in the distance.

"Are you kidding me?!" Yan Shisan felt insulted when he realized that the other party was playing such a joke. He chased after him in anger.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:......

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:......

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy】:......Three Views Shattered.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Not bad, you have a high level of comprehension, and have already begun to develop the style of conduct within our group!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: ???

Xu Fengnian, are you slandering our group? Drag them out, don't lose our people!

【The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Don’t impose Persimmon’s personal hobby on all of us, so as not to scare the new sister!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

I thought Persimmon's shamelessness was invincible, but I didn't expect to see someone even more powerful today, and he changed so quickly! It seems that this guy has really achieved enlightenment!

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

How much better do you think you are than them?

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy】:......

It's hard to disagree. He cheated me out of my 90 points, and only exchanged them for a broken hidden weapon!

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], don’t you have anything to say?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Ahem, I was wrong, I'll just give it back to her, I'll just consider that foreign gun as a gift! Sweating profusely.JPG! (Red envelope)!

Seeing that it was the immortal who made the comment,

Huoyun Evil God, who was about to argue, gave up the retort and chose to follow his heart.

"This woman is so cruel!"

Fire Cloud Evil God cursed.

"When he was cheated, he would just complain and even said he was a swordsman!"

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