As the gunshots rang out, the ending of this future scene finally came to an end.

Everything around all the group members slowly dissipated and returned to the real world.

Gao Qiqiang also pondered and returned to the fish stall.

In the chat group, everyone was a little sighing.

The fate of an ordinary person's story turned out to be so ups and downs!

Now that he has seen such a future, will Gao Qiqiang still follow the original route?

What changes will he make?

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

Six times the amount, this Godly Marquis is truly impressed, I didn't expect an ordinary fishmonger to be able to do this! I am stunned.JPG!

【One Man's Martial World]:

Immortals probably don't have any offspring, so Brother Qiang wouldn't want to provide for the immortals in their old age, would he?.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I must first state that I am against it, otherwise I will lose my position as the number one lackey!

【Taohua Island Little Cook]:

Can you show us that? That's it......

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Immortal, I heard that you don’t have any children. My parents died early. If you don’t mind, I want to take care of you in your old age! I bow down to you.JPG! Funny.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Very vivid, I already have the picture in my mind!

【Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

Great performance, don’t perform again next time!

【Wudang Taoist priest】:

@【Fish seller Ah Qiang], do you want to think about how to live in this life?

After this experience, almost all the group members were impressed by Gao Qiqiang.

Although he was weak, he was a very ruthless person. He was also very scheming and could use everything to create a situation that was favorable to him.

Relying on the chat group, he would never be weaker than them in the future.

"Cough cough cough......"

Seeing that everyone was discussing him,

Gao Qiqiang felt a little embarrassed.

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

I'm going to buy a copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War first! I hope you guys can help me more in the future! (Red envelope)! After exploring the group function,

Gao Qiqiang sent a red envelope

【Ding! Snow Persimmon received the red envelope!】

【Ding! The emperor who swept across the six kingdoms received the red envelope!】

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace received the red envelope!】

【Ding! The Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace received the red envelope!】

【Persimmon in the Snow]: ???

Brother Qiang, what do you mean, you want to treat us to fish?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]: ???

It’s fine if you stuffed fish in the red envelope, but you actually chopped up a fish and dismembered it for us?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Feng Yuxiu, go and ask Lao Mo for advice! Strike first to gain the upper hand!

"Why do I feel like these people are not serious!"

Looking at the comments in the group,

Gao Qiqiang was a little confused.

They got such a good opportunity, such a magical chat group, and even got to know the immortal boss.

Wouldn't they cherish it?

Why do I feel like they are always saying stupid things?

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

Thank you for taking me on this journey, which has helped me understand what to do next! Please give me more advice on how to use the chat group! I am willing to give you points to thank you!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【Fish seller Aqiang], go do tasks to earn points, with points is the kingly way!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

There is a live broadcast function in the group, remember to turn it on and let us see it!

"There is such a function?"

Seeing the above message,

Gao Qiqiang immediately looked for the live broadcast function

【Fish seller Aqiang]:

How can I complete the task?

At this moment,

Xiongba suddenly spoke and interrupted the formation.

【[Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

Everyone, I found that there are so many members in the group, but there is still no group leader. Do we need to elect a group leader? When there are differences of opinion, there must be a group leader to make the final decision, which is convenient for management! What do you think?

Xiongba thought very clearly that with such a heaven-defying opportunity, he must take the initiative in his own hands.

As for the existence that is suspected to be a real immortal, according to his observation, it seems that he rarely wants to interfere in the affairs of the group.

Apart from this person, who else can be the group leader!! ?

After Xiongba sent this message, the chat group fell into silence.

What is going on?

What group or no group leader?

Don’t everyone listen to what the immortals say?

Immortals rarely pay attention to trivial matters, but in major matters, everyone does what the immortals want.

You are the only one who wants to rebel, right? ?

It’s strange.

This is the first time I have seen a newcomer who wants to be the group leader as soon as he arrives. Even the Fire Cloud Evil God feels ashamed when he sees Xiongba’s bravery.

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

It seems that the newcomers this time have not seen the video of the immortal taking action.......

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

You are right. It seems that some people still don’t realize how big the gap is between us and the immortals! Should we go through the procedure or send it directly? @【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】!

"What attack? Has this immortal ever killed an enemy before?"

Xiongba vaguely sensed the unusualness in these words, and his spirit suddenly tensed up.

Yao Yue, Zhang Sanfeng, and Gao Qiqiang were also instantly attracted to the attention.

Before this, they only knew that this immortal could predict the future. What would it be like when an immortal uses his magical powers ?

"Why are you @ me at this time?"

Lian Xing, who wanted to be a coward, curled her lips and said,"

Forget it, it doesn't matter. At worst,

I can rebel against her, Yao Yue!!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Actually, I also collected the collection sent by the Lord of Lianxing Palace before, and the video of the immortal creating the Tianhe in Snow Moon City was also recorded in it......【Video. Learning materials (1)】!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Sister Hanyi, you have changed!! You are no longer the cold and aloof Sword Fairy Sister I knew! Disdainful eyes.JPG!

Huang Rong scratched her hair in annoyance.

Has the Sword Fairy Sister also fallen into the mortal world?

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Cough cough cough......Same here, Rong'er, you'd better speak properly!

"Isn't it a video of a fairy taking action? What does it mean to have learning materials?"

Xiong Ba was stunned, and clicked on the video with his mind, and it started to download automatically.

The other three newcomers saw the video and were also very curious and immediately clicked in.

【Ding! The Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The leader of Tianxiahui downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The old Taoist priest of Wudang downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The fishmonger Ah Qiang downloaded the video!

Immediately afterwards, the environment around the few people changed instantly, the sky broke!

The sky and the earth darkened and lost their color!

It was as if an extremely terrifying pressure was brewing above!

Almost at the same time, the four people immediately looked up above their heads.

It was a huge eye that exuded an endless sacred aura and was so large that the edge could not be seen.......!!!

The moment his eyes met His, Xiong Ba 's body suddenly trembled as if he had seen a ghost in the middle of the night, and he almost fell to the ground without being able to stand firmly!!!


What is this unfolding?!! ?

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