"Xiao Long, Xiao Hu!"

Gao Qiqiang smiled and called out to the two of them from a distance.

"Brother! Lao Gao seems to be calling us!"

Tang Xiaohu said uncertainly.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaolong also looked at Gao Qiqiang, who was smiling and waving at them.

He suddenly doubted his life.

This guy must have changed into someone else. Why is he smiling so brightly?

"What did you call us just now?"

The two walked over hesitantly, both of them were a little confused.

Little Dragon, Little Tiger?

Didn't we politely call each other A Long and A Hu before?

""Little Dragon, Little Tiger!"

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile, as if he didn't feel anything was wrong.

""Xiaolong, Xiaohu, haha? You are so arrogant!"

Tang Xiaolong frowned.

"You can yell what you want, but I have some news. This market has been the only place that has not changed over the years. What about this year?......"

Gao Qiqiang interrupted:

"This year, he has to change!!"

Tang Xiaolong's eyes were dull.

Tang Xiaohu smiled and said:

"Hey Lao Gao, don't you know that someone gave my brother a huge TV this year?......"

Before the other party finished speaking,

Gao Qiqiang smiled and echoed:

"Oh, that's not an ordinary TV, it's a plasma TV!!!"

Tang Xiaolong looked at Gao Qiqiang and his brother who were smiling like two idiots, and stroked his chin in deep thought.

What was going on with this cheerful smile from the heart?

It seemed a little wrong.

What was going on today?

Shouldn't he beg for mercy and not to change the stall?

The other party's reaction made him confused.

"Actually, I'm just about to retire, so you can hand it over to whoever you want!"

Gao Qiqiang casually spread his hands.


Tang Xiaolong licked his lips, forced a smile and said:

"Old Gao, have you made a fortune recently? If you don't have this business, how are you going to support your younger brothers and sisters to study?"

Gao Qiqiang smiled:"It's none of your business?"

Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu looked at each other, their expressions gradually stiffened, the smiles did not disappear, but just moved from their faces to Gao Qiqiang's face


Tang Xiaolong let out a breath of frustration.

"You can leave, but I'm telling you, you can't take your stuff with you......."

Suddenly, he stopped talking because the other party took out a hard object and pressed it against his mouth.

"You can reorganize your language."

Gao Qiqiang laughed, took off the safety of his pistol, and pointed it at Xiaolong's forehead.

This was lent to him by Feng Yuxiu, and the chat group was convenient.

As for why he dared to pull out the gun directly, it was because after seeing the earth-shaking scenes of the immortals,

Gao Qiqiang was immune to such small fights.

Anyway, no one was as outrageous as the immortals, so what if he just let himself go?


Tang Xiaohu was stunned.

This pistol seemed to appear out of thin air in his hand, right?

"Fake! Even if it is real, do you dare to shoot here?"

Tang Xiaolong said stubbornly after being stunned.

He didn't believe that this was a real gun, otherwise how could the other party dare to take it out here!?


A gunshot rang out throughout the vegetable market.

All the vendors and customers here looked at Gao Qiqiang in confusion.

"what happened???"


Tang Xiaolong looked at the dark bullet holes under his feet and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Brother Qiang, I was wrong before......."

Gao Qiqiang had already sent the gun back through the red envelope.

Hearing this, he patted the shoulders of the Dragon and Tiger brothers, smiled and picked up the box of gold without saying a word, and passed by them.

When he walked away, the two of them collapsed to the ground!

"Brother, you're not selling fish today?" Gao Qisheng, who was on holiday, was surprised to see Gao Qiqiang coming home.

"Well, I won't sell it!"

Gao Qiqiang glanced at his brother and said unhappily.

His brother was a little confused, but didn't say anything.

"Do you want to sell PHS?"

Gao Qiqiang suddenly asked

"Brother! ? ?"

The younger brother stood up suddenly and looked at his brother in surprise.

What happened?

Did he lose his memory?

Did he tell his brother about this plan a long time ago?

"You can sell PHS if you want, as long as you can learn my magic, I will support you, if you can't, forget it!"

Gao Qiqiang said

"Magic? I can definitely do it!"

The younger brother was stunned, then said firmly

"Look! There's nothing in your hands now!"

Gao Qiqiang spread out his empty hands, and the next second, a box appeared in his hands!


My brother's eyes gradually became dull

"I'll show you another magic trick!"

Gao Qiqiang said.

The next second, he disappeared from the spot as if he had teleported. His brother was stunned and petrified on the spot.

"I appear again!"

Gao Qiqiang instantly returned to this world.

"I disappeared again!"

"I'm here again!"......

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

Is Mr. Gao so naughty? Shocked.JPG! I've learned it, I'll do the same next time!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Is this the opening of the Ren and Du meridians? This is too different from the original development path, isn't it? It's abnormal development? I'm stunned.JPG!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

You did a great job. Don't do it again next time. Am I here to watch you do it? I've been doing it for so long but I haven't seen a single task triggered!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]:

Why should you be in such a hurry, Chief Xiong? I think the tasks that can earn a lot of points should not be so easy to trigger!

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

You are right, this newcomer is still too conservative. If I send out a huge army, I should be able to disrupt the world line and trigger the mission!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I heard the Qin Shi Huang's calculations when I was a guest at the White House. But if you do this, aren't you afraid that the whole world will attack you? Qin Shi Huang's resurrection, with thousands of troops, should be a major global event, right?

【[The Grand Master of Yihua Palace]:

Lianxing, why don't you go home? If you don't come home at night, what will the immortal think of you? Smile.JPG!

【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:? ? ?

Ghost face.JPG! Ghost face.JPG! Ghost face.JPG!

In an inn,

Lian Xing’s smile froze.

【Wudang Taoist priest:

In a few days, it will be my 100th birthday. Would you like to come to Wudang to have a chat?

Zhang Sanfeng was a little embarrassed.

In front of this immortal who had lived for who knows how many years, his 100th birthday might not even be considered a birthday for a child.

However, when making the invitation,

Zhang Sanfeng also considered that since he already knew that he would be besieged by the five sects, it would be safer if he could invite the group members to participate.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]: Master

Zhang, you are too polite. I will attend that day. And send some gifts. You will also receive gifts on your birthdays.

After seeing the message, Lin Ge responded in the group with this message:

"A gift from an immortal? ?"

Zhang Sanfeng was excited!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Any more gifts? I want to celebrate my 100th birthday, too!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

The Immortal is going! I want to go too! Dancing with joy.JPG!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I have never met the immortal before, I didn’t expect that I would have this opportunity!

【[The leader of the Tianxiahui]:

I also want to compete with you to see how strong you are. (Please ignore the competition

, Immortal!) Xiongba is actually curious about the gift from the Immortal. What kind of treasure will it be when this person gives it away?! ?

Damn it, this old Taoist priest can get a treasure from the Immortal for free just by celebrating his birthday!......

And at this moment, a prompt appeared in the group chat!

【Ding! Member Wudang Taoist priest triggers group mission! 】

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