"This function gives me more possibilities."

Lin Ge thought.

He was a little worried at first. He only had cultivation but no powerful magic weapons and magical powers.

Even if he was infused with cultivation and understanding when he broke through the realm, he would still be at a disadvantage among his peers and could not be considered the top group of combat forces at the same level.

The emergence of this patch solved this problem.

Under the control of the Heavenly Dao, whether the chat group function can help me break through to become a saint is still unknown, but with more powerful magic weapons and magical powers, at least there is an extra layer of protection.

"After the evolution, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye Swords were directly upgraded to the acquired spiritual treasure Yin Yang Sword!

But as far as I know, there are several swords better than this one in the famous sword list of Qin Shi World alone , not to mention other treasures in Qin Shi World!

There are also top-level skills such as Nine Yin Manual, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, One Yang Finger in the Song Dynasty World, Qian Kun Da Neng Yi, Wu Mu's Testament, Nine Yang Magic Skill, Tai Chi Sword Skill, Black Jade Intermittent Cream in Yi Tian World, Ming Yu Gong in Yi Hua Palace, Tathagata Palm in Kung Fu World, and Feng Yun World are even richer.


The rarer and more precious the skills and objects are, the higher the upper limit they can reach after evolution.

When these skills in this plane are upgraded to the prehistoric level,

I don’t know what kind of magical powers they will evolve into.

Perhaps, they will bloom with new brilliance in the prehistoric world!!

Lin Ge seemed to see the birth of countless top-level magic weapons.

When he could calculate the specific location, he was not worried about not being able to find these treasures.


Lin Ge still planned to buy these treasures from the hands of the people in the group through transactions.

The last trip to Xueyue City made him realize that creating laws in various planes and improving the world level can give him feedback and develop together with everyone in a mutually beneficial way.

Perhaps to a certain extent, it will bring him unexpected surprises.

Lin Ge shook his head slightly.

Sure enough,

I am still too kind!

Obviously I can get it for free, but I still want to make a fortune with everyone!

In front of him, a furnace of pills emerged.

These were pills that he specially refined in order to improve the progress of the immortal cultivation of the people he was chatting with. They were suitable for mortals to use, and could increase a person's cultivation speed exponentially in a short period of time.

Unexpectedly, they came in handy now!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Because of the new function of the chat group, the top treasures and skills of various planes are useful to me. From today on, in addition to points, you can use them to trade with me.

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Wow!! It's so good! I was wondering what the new function was for, but I didn't expect it to turn trash into treasure!!

Huang Rong sat up in shock from her dying illness, her face full of excitement.

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

Thank God, I finally don't have to wait for the mission to be triggered every day!!.JPG!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

I have collected a large number of rare treasures, skills and secret manuals, as long as they can be useful to the immortals!!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

This feature is great! Otherwise, just selling the Snow Dragon Riders wouldn't give you many points even if you sold them all! What a lucky day!! I bow down to you.JPG!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Immortal, I wonder if modern weapons like nuclear bombs can work?

Feng Yuxiu imagined the various weapons in the immortal world, and always felt that the picture was too beautiful

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest:

I wonder if the Dragon Slaying Sabre and Heavenly Sword can be recognized by the immortals.......

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

(Exclusive red envelope)! Immortal, I wonder if these are useful to you!

【Fish seller Aqiang:

I don’t seem to have anything......shy.jpg! sad face.JPG!

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], you can send a nuclear bomb first to see your strength!

【Ding! The Jiejiao Celestial Immortal received the exclusive red envelope from the leader of the Tianxiahui!】

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Got it, I'll submit my application right away!.JPG!

【[Leader of the Tianxiahui]:

I hope I won’t disappoint the immortal!

Xiongba was a little uneasy.

The skills in the red envelope were his specialties that he was proud of, but could this person in the group really appreciate them?

"Is it Xiong Ba's Tianshuang Fist, Fengshen Leg, Paiyun Palm and Sanfen Guiyuan Qi?"

After receiving the red envelope, the information of several secret books immediately entered Lin Ge's mind.

"The first three techniques are only part of the Three-point Return to Origin Qi. It is enough to deduce the Three-point Return to Origin Qi!"


Lin Ge began to evolve and upgrade it.

【Ding! The secret concealment function has been activated!】

【Ding! Adaptive evolution function has been activated, evolution begins!! 】

As the prompt sounded, the technique began to automatically evolve and upgrade, and countless unrestrained and imaginative insights and experiences appeared in Lin Ge's mind.

【Ding! The skill"Three-part Return to the Original Qi" is adapted to the equivalent position in this world, and you have obtained the great-level magical power"One Qi into Three Pure Ones""!】

""One Qi becomes three pure ones, what a magical power!"

Lin Ge opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise.

This is certainly not Pangu's one qi becomes three pure ones, but the mystery and magic in it also makes him amazed!

Without seeing any movement of Lin Ge, three shadows appeared behind him, one was sharp, one had the same temperament as Lin Ge, and the last one was more profound and mysterious.

These were the past body, present body, and future body.

Each shadow could exert strength that was not weaker than the original body and would not affect the movement of the original body.

It is especially worth mentioning that below the saint realm, the future body can burst out with a strength that is one major realm higher than the original body in a short period of time!!

As Lin Ge's mind moved slightly, the three shadows merged into his body, as if nothing had happened

"I wonder what level the Hong-level magical power is. Can the Sword Saint's Sword Twenty-Three and Emperor Shitian's Sacred Heart Sutra bring me more surprises? At this rate, I will be invincible soon, right?! ?"

Lin Ge was surprised and happy, and was very satisfied with his gains this time.

"As for modern nuclear bombs......It's better not to mention it. The effect of this thing after transformation is difficult to estimate. If it really works......The Nuclear Saint is not just a name"

【Jiejiao Celestial Being]:

(Exclusive red envelope), @[Tianxiahui Gang Leader], these are the deduced magical powers and some enlightenment pills, can you check if you are satisfied?

【Ding! The leader of Tianxiahui received the red envelope!】

"The immortal's red envelope!! ?" Xiong Ba received the red envelope with three parts of nervousness, three parts of anticipation, three parts of excitement and one part of happiness, and then immediately checked it nervously.

"Magical power!!! One Qi becomes Three Pure Ones!!! Are you kidding? This is derived from my Three-part Return to Origin Qi? ?"

Xiong Ba was dumbfounded.

He was strong enough to begin with.

Now that he has cultivated this magical power, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in his own world?

No, he must quickly search for more treasures!

He should be able to catch the Fire Kirin and present it to the immortal himself, right?


Xiong Ba focused his attention on the Enlightenment Pill in his hand.

This extremely terrifying magical power had already satisfied him so much that he almost ascended to heaven on the spot.

What kind of treasure would this immortal pill be!!!

Life was indeed too dreamy.

He had envied Taoist Zhang before, but he didn't expect that happiness would come to him now!!

【[The leader of Tianxiahui]:

Thank you for the magic from the immortal!!! I dare to ask, what is the effect of this elixir! ? Screenshot.JPG! I am in awe.JPG!!

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