[Big Idiot]:

Immortal, I deserve to die! I didn't think before I spoke! I apologize to you!

Huoyun Evil God was so panicked that he simply knelt on the ground and kowtowed to apologize.

The floor tiles specially made for him in the mental hospital were broken into pieces by him, and Huoyun Evil God's forehead was also covered in blood.

The picture was broadcasted in real time by the live broadcast function of the chat group, so that everyone could see his attitude.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

You still want to win the sympathy of the immortals? You committed such a huge mistake, and you still want to be forgiven? I will kill you with my own hands!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

No matter what you do, you can't make up for the fact that you have offended the immortal. I suggest you kill yourself! Otherwise, I will kill you with my own hands!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Now you know the consequences of having a foul mouth, right? If I had known this would happen, I would not have done it in the first place! Alas!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】: It would be too easy for you to be executed just like that.

Originally, according to my habit, I would definitely sentence you to death! But since you have entered the group chat, you can work to earn points to make amends to the immortal!

Looking at the messages in the group chat,

Huoyun Evil God had a look of despair on his face.

If he had known that there was such a terrifying existence in the group, he would not dare to speak like that even if he had a hundred courages!

Who knew that if he spoke a little aggressively like in the past, he would become a rat crossing the street and everyone would shout and beat him!

After all, in the past , he has always been the strongest one!

Why should he worry so much about speaking?

Unexpectedly, he would bring disaster today!

Now, he just wants to see if there is any chance to make amends, to make up for his mistakes, and to restore the impression points in the heart of the immortal!

Yes, isn’t there a point in the group?

This point is probably the only thing that the immortal is a little interested in!

He must earn more points to please the immortal!

【[Big Idiot]:

Dare to ask the immortal, how can I get points! I have no other intentions, I just ask the immortal to give me a chance to make up for my mistakes and let me earn points to make amends! After this message was sent, the other two newcomers immediately agreed.

When they watched the video of Lin Ge's attack just now, they felt as if they were in the scene.

The scene of the collapse of the sky and the earth, like the end of the world, and the collapse of everything was too shocking!

Even now, their heads are still buzzing, and they haven't been able to take a breath.

That is definitely only the legendary immortals who can do that!

I thought it was just an ordinary chat group, but I didn't expect that there would be such a super boss!

At this time, both Huang Rong and Feng Yuxiu, who were in modern society, were so excited that they couldn't stop shaking!

Huang Rong was hiding in her room at this time, with her eyes wide open.

This chat group is simply a rare opportunity!

As long as you can get a little benefit and get some guidance from the immortal, with a dimensionality reduction attack, wouldn't it be easy to break through the entire martial arts world?!

She seemed to have seen the scene where she, under the guidance of the immortal, flew through the sky and hid the ground on Peach Blossom Island, shocking the old evil for ten thousand years!

As a martial arts fanatic, Feng Yuxiu has always been obsessed with tempering the power of the individual to the extreme, but he was born at the wrong time and could not find an opponent or an organization.

The existence of Lin Ge undoubtedly opened the door to a brand new world for him, allowing him to see a new world!

It turned out that the powerful he once thought was like an ant in front of such an existence, which could be destroyed with a snap of a finger!

Such a powerful existence made Feng Yuxiu crazy!

Trembling for it!

From this moment on, Feng Yuxiu directly became a fanatic believer of Lin Ge!

The first blow of the immortal in the group!

Even Lin Ge did not expect that the previous video used to establish his prestige would be so effective.

In his eyes, it was just some normal means of immortal cultivators, but it directly became the belief of a martial arts master!

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

I am a newbie and would like to ask all the masters for answers. What are the functions of the chat group? Which gangs are you from? Why have I never seen the immortal master in the video?

【One person's martial arts world]:

Same question, can the chat group only allow people from different places to chat together?

At this time,

Feng Yuxiu had already felt something strange, and a terrible guess appeared in his mind, perhaps the members of the chat group were from different worlds.

Otherwise, how to explain that what he had seen in the video before were people and environments in ancient images!

Moreover, an existence like an immortal is destined to be brilliant.

If he is in the same world as him, how could he know nothing about it?

This idea took root in his heart!



If the chat group really invites people from different worlds, it would be too against the will of heaven!

At the same time, it also made Feng Yuxiu feel extremely excited.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to challenge martial arts masters from different worlds and different time and space!

It has to be said that

Feng Yuxiu, as a martial arts fanatic, was born in a modern society where martial arts had long been defeated.

It is undoubtedly a tragedy.

This is also Feng Yuxiu's biggest regret, but now, not only can he communicate with martial arts masters from all walks of life through the chat group, but he can also witness the existence of immortals.

How can he not be excited?

【Jiejiao Tianxian]:

The old people in the group should know your problems very well.

Xu Fengnian saw that his chance to show off had come, and he immediately sent a message

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

That’s right! You don’t need to bother the immortal with these simple questions. I will answer them for you!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

Points are the most common currency in chat groups, and their importance is self-evident! Newcomers can get 1 point for signing in every day, and they can also get points for trading and completing tasks!���It can directly improve your martial arts level!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Directly improve your cultivation?! How is this possible!

In the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes,

Huang Rong widened her eyes and exclaimed.

If the news was true, then the chat group was an extremely heaven-defying opportunity, and she was not the only member in the group!

With so many people,

Huang Rong had already begun to think that in the near future, a large number of newcomers would emerge in the martial arts world because of joining the chat group!

However, thinking of the two previous videos and the god-like figure in the video, she suddenly felt that she could accept it.

【Big Idiot]:

Directly improve my cultivation? Doesn't this mean that my strength can be further improved?

Huoyun Evil God's pupils also shrank sharply, and he had a deeper understanding of the invincibility of the chat group.

He was already the top powerhouse in his own world, and he had been ranked first on the killer list, but he was suffering from not being able to make a breakthrough and not being able to find an opponent. He didn't expect to see the hope of further improvement in martial arts here!

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