In front of Lin Ge, he, Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao, Zhao Gongming, and a large number of disciples from the Three Immortal Islands, were on an unknown battlefield. The immortals of

Jiejiao protected Lin Ge on both sides, and they had the intention of taking him as the leader.

Everyone was depressed, as if they were forcibly suppressing some deep anger.

In addition, there were many faces that Lin Ge had never seen before, confronting the people of Jiejiao with a bad face.

When he saw the picture,

Lin Ge seemed to feel that he had completely replaced himself in the picture.

His eyes were red, and he felt that his chest was filled with endless anger and hatred, and he wanted to release it through killing!

Lin Ge did not choose to continue to suppress it.

The spiritual power in his immortal body surged, and he instantly shot and killed several strangers in front of him, releasing the anger in his heart.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao and others no longer suppressed it, and they all sacrificed their magic weapons to kill the immortals around them.

At this moment, Lin Ge's eyes revealed a trace of sobriety.

Is this him?

Why is he so impulsive and angry?

This, this is not right?

Just when Lin Ge felt a little confused and doubtful, two statues, one old and one middle-aged, emitting endless light, as bright as the sun, appeared in the distant sky.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Ge with a serious face, and then stretched out his hand and pointed.

A huge palm that covered the sky and the sun emerged and suppressed everyone led by Jiejiao.

At this moment, the middle-aged and the old man seemed to have noticed something, and they all looked up at Lin Ge who was watching the picture next to him!

The picture suddenly fluctuated seriously and blurred!!


Lin Ge was shocked.

At this moment, he heard a cold snort behind him, and a pair of eyes looked at the two of them coldly!

The scene fell into darkness, and

Lin Ge's emotions were no longer affected by the anger.

The surrounding environment began to change as before, and everything returned to normal!

At the same time, in Yuxu Palace,

Yuanshi Tianzun's expression moved slightly,

"Someone is spying on my future? Who could it be?"

He calculated with his fingers, sneered for a while, and ignored it.

On Shouyang Mountain,

Laozi opened his eyes slightly, was silent for a moment, and then closed them again.......

"I thought you would come to me earlier."

With the sound of the smile,

Lin Ge completely woke up.

He looked back and saw a middle-aged Taoist wearing yew slowly walking towards him.

The Taoist rhyme was flowing around him, and the holy sound was endless.

The three thousand great ways and many mysterious and unusual Taoist methods seemed to be revealed with his every move.

Is this the Master Tongtian?

Lin Ge was slightly surprised and saluted:

"The third generation disciple Lin Ge meets the master!"


What you just saw was a glimpse of the future.

"Do you have any doubts?"


This Tongtian Sect Master seems to be much gentler and more approachable than he had imagined!

Lin Ge thought to himself, and then a look of doubt appeared on his face.

"Please forgive me for being frank, but I don't think this will happen in the future at all!"

Is that me? Are you kidding me,

I am such a reckless man.

If I say that I was possessed by the master or was coerced, then it is possible, but how can he be so impulsive when he has a script in his hand ?

"There are countless futures, and what just happened is just the most likely evolution for the current development!"

Tongtian said in a deep voice,

"After entering the game, how can people in the game be sure that everything will develop according to their own ideas?"Will something unexpected happen in the future?

Lin Ge was shocked and felt that he was suddenly reminded.

If something happened that was not part of the original plot and was beyond control, how could he be sure that he would not fall into a state of loss of control?

"I called you here just to tell you that as long as it is within the rules, you can just let it go."

Tongtian lightly tapped his finger and poured the complete Shangqing Immortal Technique into Lin Ge's sea of consciousness.

"If someone doesn't want to follow the rules, I will make them pay the price!"

Speaking of this,

Tongtian's eyes showed an inexplicable color.......

Jinghai City,

Criminal Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

"Some very weird things have been happening lately!"

"Someone claimed to have heard gunshots on Old Factory Street, and two people testified that a fishmonger opened fire that day!"

"We conducted a thorough search of the man but found no clues about the pistol, so the matter ended up being left unresolved!"

"In response to this result, brothers Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu reported it, saying that the fishmonger had the magical ability to make objects disappear out of thin air!!

Therefore, we began to doubt the mental state of the two witnesses, and have now sent them to a mental hospital for examination.

It was confirmed that both of them had antisocial personalities, and compulsory measures have been taken to detain them in a mental hospital for treatment!"

"Not long ago, it was discovered that the fishmonger Gao Qiqiang suddenly had a large amount of property from unknown sources, and also moved into a large mansion."

"What's even more bizarre is that while our people were observing the other party, he suddenly disappeared in a dead end after buying a cake, and his whereabouts were completely unknown. The next day he returned to the same place as if nothing had happened!

Not long after, a man whose background we didn't know walked out of his room! His name was Feng Yuxiu! He claimed to be a visitor from another world!"

"The two have been detained and are awaiting further interrogation!"

An Xin finished the report with a heavy face, and everyone was silent.

This report was somewhat like a supernatural story!

"I think for these two people, we should......"

"Officer An, there is your package!"

Li Xiang was about to express his opinion when he was interrupted by a female police officer!

"The signature is Gao Qiqiang? ? Wasn't he detained? How did he do that? CD? Open it and have a look!"

After An Xin opened the package, she played the CD inside through the computer. Everyone waited nervously with doubts. After the computer started playing, the first thing that came into view was Gao Qiqiang's familiar face. Then, the music sounded, and An Xin suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in her heart! At this moment, Gao Qiqiang's magnetic singing voice sounded unexpectedly!

"Black pineapple!"

An Xin's eyelids jumped, and

Li Xiang stood up suddenly!

Xiao Wu was confused and at a loss, and many criminal police officers looked towards An Xin, their eyes were surprised and dull.

The music continued!

"Black pineapple!

Those eyes are charming, and the laughter is even more charming.

I wish I could caress you again!

That lovely face, holding hands and talking in sleep, just like yesterday, you and I......"

When the song ended, the lingering sound made everyone look strange.

"Gao! Qi! Qiang!"

An Xin was so embarrassed that she was dumbfounded.

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