At the beginning of the 20th century, a piece of news that shocked the world came out.

China's ancient emperor Qin Shi Huang actually came back to life and led a million terracotta warriors to make a comeback, intending to replicate the war of the six countries and unify the whole world!

When the news came out, everyone was shocked and felt that this was simply a fairy tale!

However, this is indeed a fact that cannot be more true, and everyone soon accepted this fact.

Countless netizens even called out to Qin Shi Huang, hoping that he would fulfill his promise to be granted a title of nobility and appointed as prime minister, but to no avail.

Thus, the third world war on earth officially kicked off!

This is what later historical records record!

Of course, that's all later! (Wrong)......

Northern Myanmar has a complex terrain, surrounded by mountains and few humans.

This is a breeding ground for crime.

From the beginning, northern Myanmar has been a war-torn land, with many armed forces active on this continent.

Since the beginning of the last century, this place has been controlled by several families with powerful backgrounds and warlords.

In recent years, political, economic, and ethnic factors have led to conflicts and disputes among all parties.

This has become a real no-man's land.

Some daring and reckless people, at the beginning, tried to trick some ignorant Chinese people into coming here to make money, but after not suffering retaliation, they gradually formed an industrial chain and became more rampant.

Of course, because communications are not well developed, the dark side here is not yet known to the world.

When it is exposed, it will take 20 years.

At this time, several parks inside were filled with miserable cries and shouts.

The soldiers patrolling outside turned a blind eye to this and had long adapted to this situation.

These beasts tortured the lambs who were deceived day after day.

But before they knew it, they had been surrounded by unknown beings.

If they found out what surrounded them, they would probably be frightened to the point of incontinence!

At this time, the Terracotta Warriors holding ancient swords, spears, and halberds were lurking and ready to go.

As long as they waited for the first emperor's order, they would immediately rush forward fearlessly and fight the enemy to the death!

But Qin Shihuang was not in a hurry. He planned and won the battle thousands of miles away!

Why panic about something that was almost certain!

He first took out the map and compared it for a while, and then took out the telescope to observe the local market.


Ying Zheng sighed.

"As expected, what Feng Yuxiu said was right, this is a dark place full of filth and corruption, bullying our Chinese people!"

At this moment, he happened to see a Chinese man with his ears cut off and his hands tied on the rooftop in front of him. A soldier behind him kicked him off the roof with an expressionless face, and he fell heavily to the ground, and soon there was no sound!


Ying Zheng was furious!

The telescope in his hand was instantly shattered by the spiritual energy!

Although he changed his body to move this time, his cultivation was still in his body and he could use it at will!

He waved his arm, and suddenly the millions of Terracotta Warriors and Horses around him collectively rioted!

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses are only useful in this way. Compared with the living army, they have to obey orders more strictly and orderly, and wait for Ying Zheng to issue instructions.

The scene instantly became extremely spectacular.

Millions of Terracotta Warriors and Horses moved together, as if an earthquake had occurred. All the management areas in northern Myanmar were shaking and could collapse at any time.


Before the soldiers inside could react, they saw the gray waves surging around them from a distance.

When they looked closely, they couldn't believe their eyes!!

Damn it!!

Are those statues!! ?

"I! Qin Shi Huang! Today I follow the will of heaven and make a comeback!!"

Ying Zheng amplified his voice through his spiritual energy, and it spread out instantly.

It echoed in the sky of northern Myanmar!......

In Jinghai City,

Feng Yuxiu was still arguing with An Xin and Li Xiang.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

An Xin glanced at Feng Yuxiu and quickly walked over to answer the phone.

""Well, hello, I'm An Xin!"

He picked up the phone and said.

When he heard the words on the other end clearly, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Feng Yuxiu as if he had seen a ghost!

"What's wrong?"

Li Xiang also realized that something was wrong and asked quickly

""The chief's call!"

An Xin looked like he couldn't accept it at all, and hesitated whether to tell this nonsense.

He didn't say it immediately, but asked Feng Yuxiu:

"You really know this!!"

An Xin asked in shock and disbelief.

It's right! What the other party said is exactly the same as the facts!

Li Xiang asked anxiously when he saw this,

"What's going on? ?"

He was a little speechless.

What kind of secret code are you two using?

You are just hiding it from him, right?

Feng Yuxiu said calmly:

"You should feel fortunate that this world will usher in an era of spiritual revival!"

"Spiritual energy revival? What the hell is that? I'm also changing everyone's job!!"

Li Xiang couldn't stand it anymore and yelled

"Next is the moment to witness a miracle!"

Feng Yuxiu lowered his head, and the next moment, the handcuffs on his hands disappeared out of thin air!!



At this moment, both of them had their eyes wide open.

The three views accumulated over the years were shattered at this moment.

【Ding! Group member One Person's Martial Arts uploaded a new item, handcuffs*1! 】

Li Xiang looked at An Xin, asking for confirmation.

An Xin gritted her teeth and said:

"The news I just received is that a mysterious person who calls himself Qin Shi Huang attacked northern Myanmar and rescued tens of thousands of compatriots there. Now there is a whole war there!! The Myanmar government is asking us to give an explanation!"

"Qin Shi Huang!!? Are you kidding? So what he said before was true? ?"

Li Xiang looked at Feng Yuxiu in disbelief.

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms]:

I need someone to help me command the army! I can't manage so many Terracotta Warriors!! Please share some points!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

First Emperor, here I come!! Raise your hands!!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

Here comes the persimmon!!! Both hands and feet.JPG!!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Let me be the first emperor! I am familiar with the modern world! And I have practiced the Three Pure Ones, so my fighting power is guaranteed!!......

Many people volunteered

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor of all ages]:

Well, Feng Yuxiu, I appoint you as the vanguard officer! Tiedan Shenhou, I appoint you as the brave and brave marquis! Xiongba, I appoint you as the generalissimo, come to this plane to capture cities and conquer the country!

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