Seeing several newcomers joining the group,

Ying Zheng and his friends were busy discussing the mission and were in no mood to tease these newcomers.

【[Leader of the Tianxiahui]:

Ying Zheng, don't say I'm cruel, put yourself in my shoes and think about it!

In this situation, don't you want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune! ? You can earn a full 500,000 points yourself, you should at least give us some soup to drink? Chicken soup is coming.JPG! When the old group members saw this message, they felt nothing in their hearts, but Dongfang Bubai, Wanwan, and Ye Wen, who had just entered the group chat, were shocked at the same time.

Ying Zheng? ? ?

If they remembered correctly,

Ying Zheng should be the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

Is this person also called Ying Zheng?

Dongfang Bubai was dressed in a white suit, with an extremely domineering temperament, but his figure was agile, perfect, long legs, and his face was extremely handsome.

She pursed her lips at this time, with a trace of surprise on her face. She had planned to send a message to inquire about the situation.

But now, she decided to stay put and observe quietly before making any plans.

【The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】:

Of course I will not treat meritorious people unfairly! Wait until that world is conquered, and then distribute according to work, and reward according to the contribution made by each person!

Ying Zheng pondered.

But this news was like thunder, exploding in Wanwan's ears,

"Attack the world! Are these people so fierce? And this person calls himself"Zhen", could it be that he really thinks of himself as Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng!! ?"

And then,

Xiong Ba said unceremoniously

【[The leader of the Tianxiahui]:

If you are sure to reward people according to their merits, then I will directly mobilize all the 100,000 members of my world.

In addition, I have already practiced the Yi Qi Hua San Qing magic skill, so I must be the one who contributed the most.

Then shouldn't I get more than you, Ying Zheng?

Xiong Ba thought about it and added:

【[The leader of Tianxiahui]:

My 100,000 disciples are all at least masters of the acquired realm, and they are not comparable to your broken terracotta warriors!!

"One hundred thousand post-heaven realm disciples? ?"

"The magic skill of transforming three pure beings into one qi? ?"

"Terracotta Warriors? ?"

Dongfang Bubai was more and more shocked the more he listened.

What the hell is going on?

My Sun Moon Sect was so powerful and at its peak, but it only had more than 30,000 disciples, and most of them were just mediocre.

Compared with this, wouldn't the leader of the Tianxiahui be able to destroy my sect at will?

Lies! These people are definitely lying!

Dongfang Bubai finally couldn't help it and sent a message in the group.

【Sun Moon Sect Leader】:

What a joke! What a joke!

This Sect Leader has never heard of a leader of the Tianxiahui in the martial arts world, and a gang of 100,000 post-natal realm members. You are just dreaming! @【Tianxiahui Sect Leader】!"

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

Oh? Can't you see I'm fighting against Ying Zheng? New guy, you're very brave, right?

【[Devil's Saint]:

I haven't heard of any Tianxiahui or Sun Moon Sect either. Why are your names so strange? Have you all hidden your identities?

Wanwan saw Dongfang Bubai taking the lead and sent a message to speak out.

Suddenly seeing such a chat group, and seeing people like Ying Zheng and Tianxiahui gang leader fighting in it, it was really shocking.

Wanwan felt that her little head was almost dizzy.

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Contemplation.JPG! Why does every newcomer have to question my authenticity first?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

There is no way, maybe many people have been deceived by the First Emperor?.JPG!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Listen up, newcomers. The First Emperor is now going to attack a different world, but he has no start-up funds.

If you can lend us some points, then it is not impossible for us to be made a marquis and a prime minister by the First Emperor!!

【Demon Saint]:

Really? But we don’t have any points!

【Sun Moon Cult Master]:

Look at your silly look, you were fooled by them, how can you believe in attacking another world?

Dongfang Bubai snorted and spat with disdain, how could this newcomer who joined the group chat with him be so easily deceived?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

It's normal that you don't believe it, but I have turned on the live broadcast. You can give me some gifts when you watch, so that I can be more motivated when I attack the country!

【Ding! The Sun and Moon Cult Master has joined the live broadcast room!】

【Ding! The Demon Sect Saint has joined the live broadcast room!】

【Ding! Wing Chun Master Yip has joined the live broadcast room!】

【[Devil's Saint]:

Wow! It's true. How did you manage to let these sculptures move freely?

As soon as Wanwan entered the live broadcast room, she was shocked by the terracotta warriors on the screen.

【Sun Moon Sect Leader:

This is quite interesting. Could it be the mechanical technique passed down by the Mohist school?

Dongfang Bubai's eyes widened and he became quite interested in this. If he could get this technology, then her Sun Moon Sect would be several times stronger!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

So where is this? What are you attacking? The surrounding environment looks so strange!!

After paying attention to the terracotta warriors on the screen,

Dongfang Bubai also focused on the environment around the location where Qin Shihuang and his men were now.

The architectural style there seemed to be quite different from what he had seen before!!

Not in the Central Plains?

It can't really be a different world, right?

Could it be that this Ying Zheng is really the Qin Shihuang?

Compared to Wanwan,

Dongfang Bubai, as the leader of a sect, has a much stronger ability to accept things, and immediately associated many things.

Although he was still a little trembling in his heart, he was also mentally prepared to accept some facts that went against common sense.

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

Big brother is awesome. When I first came here, I couldn't understand what a chat group was. How could you accept it so quickly?

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but say that he felt that there were many things worth learning from these people in the group.

Putting aside the martial arts strength, there were many things worth learning from their personalities and ways of dealing with people!

He felt that even if these big brothers in the group didn't practice martial arts, they could do well in any industry by relying on their temperament and life wisdom!

Of course, except for Huoyun Evil God and Xie Xiaofeng!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

That's because Brother Qiang was still selling fish at the time, so it's normal for him to find it hard to accept!

Xu Fengnian comforted him. Who wouldn't be confused in such a magical place as the chat group


In his opinion, only immortals can be calm in dealing with things!

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