I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 412 I wish to be a lamp to lead you into the mortal world

Qin Shu's lips gradually pursed into a straight line, and her brows also wrinkled into a knot.

"I'm old and we're all down in the world, so it's not fun for you to do this."

Sui Han shook his head, "We are different. I can't see but still have consciousness."

He is usually a high-altitude flower, just like an immortal in the Heavenly Palace, he does not like the fireworks of the world.

But this time, Qin Shu actually heard a less obvious showoff in his words.

Can Qin Shu spoil him? Of course it's impossible.

She released her consciousness and swept over him, saying hello to him.

Humph, as if no one has.

Sui Han glanced at her in surprise, and without asking any questions, he directly reported what he had gained from his cultivation in the past few days, "I have broken through to the fourth level of body training."

Qin Shu was not surprised. Back in the small world, Sui Han was already on the verge of a breakthrough after being pushed like that by her.


Suihan said again: "I heard that you were ordered to go to the mortal world?"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows when she heard this and said, "You are pretty well informed? Who told you this?"

"The surname is You."

Qin Shu: "..."

This kid doesn't even know which way to turn his elbow!

"Well, what's wrong?" Qin Shu folded her arms and looked at him with her blind eyes, but unfortunately she still saw nothingness.

"Take me with you."

Qin Shu: "???"

You are a big boss, is it appropriate for you to be so clingy?

Suihan added: "I was born and grew up in the world of immortality. I have never been to the mortal world... and I also want to see the life of ordinary people."

Qin Shu: "..."

I seriously doubt that you were born in Versailles, and grew up in the world of cultivating immortals. Isn’t it amazing? It's not like his life is hanging by a thread.

"If I really can't live long, my last wish is to take a good look at this colorful world." Suihan's expression was calm, as if he really didn't take his own life seriously.

Qin Shu is a soft-spoken person, and she really can't stand Suihan's tricks.

She scratched her hair in annoyance, "Don't say that!! I'll take you there... Really, I've tried so hard to save you, but I still keep saying that I won't live long! Don't talk about it again in the future. Blame me for using the silence technique directly!"

Suihan: "..."

His purpose was achieved, and he didn't need to say any more.

"You go back and prepare first. I'll see you in front of the mountain gate at three o'clock the day after tomorrow."

Suihan had nothing to prepare. All his things were packed in the storage ring, including his carriage.

But he knew that Qin Shu had something to prepare, so he nodded in agreement, took out six pieces of iron wood from the storage ring, carried them, and left.

Qin Shu stood there and watched Sui Han walk out of the scope of her consciousness, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

His spirit of training has really gained his true heritage! Don’t even miss walking!

She smiled and shook her head, then turned around and hummed a little tune and climbed up her mountain.

It had to be said that eating the candy given by Master had some effect, and her mood became better again at this time.

All the way back to the cave, the entire cave was covered with a layer of water mist in addition to the protective shield at the beginning.

Qin Shu used two magic techniques and successfully walked into the mist.

The entire courtyard fell into Qin Shu's sight at this time. She was shocked when she saw it.


Originally, the lump of soil was only spread in a corner of the experimental field, but it was occupied tyrannically by the Grimace Flower.

But now, that mass of soil has already covered the entire yard.

I've read in books that soil can grow indefinitely, but I didn't expect the effect to be so awesome?

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice, very grateful that Senior Brother Kongshen had set up a formation for her, so that these soils were just trapped in her yard.

She walked into the stone door, but she didn't expect that the little black snake on her wrist fell to the ground with a "chirp".

Xie Shiyuan was also awakened by the movement. He opened his eyes, and there was a hint of gloom in his dark gold pupils.

Qin Shu also jumped out of the stone door at the next moment. Looking at the tall figure in human form in front of her, she quickly clasped her hands together, with a repressed look on her face that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. She explained: "The formation arranged by senior brother is too great." Even if you are strong, I didn’t expect to stop you outside.”

Xie Shiyuan snorted coldly, took out a wine jar that Qin Shu had drawn a replacement symbol on before, and threw it to her.

Qin Shu didn't have time to think about it. Driven by instinct, she raised her hand to catch it reflexively.

The next moment, a white light flashed across the two of them, and Qin Shu stood in the yard, while Xie Shiyuan only left her with the tip of his tail as he turned and left.

Qin Shu: "..."

You still have the ability.

She stepped in and found that Xie Shiyuan had already used the cleaning technique to clean up the room.

He was half lying on the white jade bed, with a sandalwood table in his hand, a wine bottle and a plate of spiritual fruits on it.

Just the smell wafting out of the wine pot made Qin Shu salivate.

The last time she saw snacks of this size was in her second senior brother's cave.

Xie Shiyuan himself was holding a message jade slip in his hand and looking at it carefully. The huge tail dragged a small section on the carpet, and there was a sharp cold light from top to bottom. The tip of his tail was like another creature parasitic on Xie Shiyuan's body, swaying happily and rhythmically again and again.

"You can't drink that wine, so don't be greedy."

Xie Shiyuan's sight was clearly not on Qin Shu, but he still knew what she was thinking.

Qin Shu retracted her sight and sighed with regret.

"Why don't you let me smell it?"

It's not that she is greedy, but she doesn't know what good stuff this thing is made of. She just smelled it and felt that her whole soul was comfortable.

Xie Shiyuan looked up at her. His eyebrows were deep, and his appearance was originally very beautiful. The dark golden eyes added a bit of hostility to this face, making people dare not look directly at it.

Qin Shu quickly lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly, "I was joking, don't mind it, I'll go out first."

She was about to leave, but suddenly she felt something attacking her from behind, and she quickly caught it with her backhand.

But she found that it was a small jar of wine, "Reward you."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and she quickly opened the jar of wine and smelled it. The effect was obviously different from what Xie Shiyuan drank, but it was also good wine.

"Big snake! Thank you!"

"If you really want to thank me, you wouldn't have spent so many years repairing a small injury and it's still not healed." Xie Shiyuan's unique cold voice came from above her head.

Qin Shu turned back subconsciously and saw a solid chest.

Xie Shiyuan crossed his arms and looked down at Qin Shu, with a look in his eyes that she couldn't understand, "Some people, after getting two spiritual veins from others, look down on my half spiritual vein."

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