Qin Shu flew and kicked the man in black in front of her, jumped off the eaves and came to her senior brother's side.

The three envoys held their wrists and cried out in pain. He looked at Qin Shu in disbelief, "You...how are you okay?!"

Qin Shu raised her head and looked at him. At this time, the purple in Qin Shu's eyes became even brighter, "Maybe it's because of her extraordinary talent?"

The third envoy still didn't believe it. He snorted coldly, "Just keep your mouth strong. We will meet again."

After saying these words, he turned around and wanted to leave, but saw Qin Shu taking out the golden bell and shaking it.

Everyone on the roof was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, the folding fan in Wen Chi's hand was thrown out, and it went straight to the heads of the three envoys.

The third messenger felt a chill on the back of his neck and broke into a cold sweat. Just when he thought he was going to die, the streamer fan stopped.

His feet on the rubble moved an inch, and the streamer fan behind him came closer.

He now understood that this person should also have spiritual energy.

When the others saw this, they did not dare to act rashly. They could only look at the three envoys with worried faces and asked: "Envoy, what should we do now?"

The three envoys pursed their lips and thought for a moment. Suddenly, dark blue flames rose up all over their bodies, and a fire blade hit the flowing light fan behind them.

Wen Chi's streamer fan was a high-level Taoist weapon, so he wasn't afraid of his anger at all.

However, his sudden counterattack still forced the Liuguang Fan back an inch.

He himself took advantage of this gap to quickly distance himself from the streamer fan. Qin Shu laughed when she saw this, "Senior brother, can't you even control such a little guy now?"

Wen Chi also felt that his face was dishonored. After all, he was in the late stage of Jindan, but now he was escaped by a new monk who had learned some evil ways. It was really embarrassing to tell him.

Guo Chong stretched and stood up proactively, "I haven't moved my hands in thousands of years, why don't you let me stretch my muscles?"

If he hadn't said that, Qin Shu would have planned to do it herself.

But now that Guo Chong said this, Qin Shu was also a little curious.

Can Bai Ze still have any means of attack? Isn't he a military advisor in all the books I've read before?

With a smile on her face, Qin Shu stepped back slightly, held her fist at him, and said respectfully: "Please."

The three envoys immediately became vigilant, but in the face of absolute strength, just being vigilant had no effect.

Just as Guo Chong clenched his fist, the next moment he appeared behind the three envoys and punched him in the spine.

This open and closed look is somewhat similar to Qin Shu's style, and Qin Shu also gave them nice names.


The three envoys were afraid of the streamer fan behind them and could only avoid the eaves. However, Guo Chong seemed to have predicted his plan and kicked him in the face with an upside-down golden hook.

The three messengers were kicked by this huge force onto the opposite roof, crushing a pile of tiles, and then fell into the house.

Guo Chong's figure fell on the big human-shaped hole, and Qin Shu called him, "Old Guo, stay alive."

Guo Chong responded and disappeared from the roof again.

Qin Shu noticed that he didn't use spiritual energy at all. Such speed was only supported by his body.

The physique of the mythical beast is really enviable...

Qin Shu was drooling when she saw the door in front of her being kicked open from the inside.

Guo Chong came over carrying the three envoys and threw him on the ground.

At this time, the three envoys were like a pile of mud, covered in bruises and bruises, and it was unclear how many intact bones were left on their bodies.

When the other men in black saw that their three envoys had been captured, they quickly scattered and fled.

Qin Shu and Wen Chi chased after them, defeated them in two or two, and came back again.

"What should we do now?" Guo Chong asked curiously.

Qin Shu kicked the three envoys on the ground and said, "Find a place to interrogate him first."

After saying this, she looked at Sui Han, who had been serving as the background for a long time, and asked: "Old Sui, I suspect that someone has also cast a silence curse on him. How can I break it?"

She didn't know much about this, but Sui Han, who was knowledgeable and talented, must have known about it.

Suihan did not disappoint her, and she heard her say: "Just give him another opening spell."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and the purple mist in her eyes also rolled up, "Quickly, give him another one!"

Suihan spread his hands and said, "Neither can I."

Qin Shu: "..."

Silence is like the moonlight last night. If I had known this, I wouldn't have brought you here. It's really useless.

Sui Han might have guessed what Qin Shu was thinking, so he turned to look at the other two people, "Can you do it?"

Wen Chi shook his head, and Guo Chong also shook his head.

Sui Han looked at Qin Shu with a half-smile but shrugged his shoulders, "Then there's nothing we can do."

See, he's not useless alone.

Qin Shu pursed her lips and was trying to figure out if there was any other way. At this time, Guo Chong suddenly said, "There's no need to go to such trouble. Can you search for magic to understand?"

Qin Shu came over and said, "You know how?"

She didn't dare to hold out too much hope anymore. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

However, Guo Chong was quite reliable. He raised his chin confidently and said, "Of course I can! In our place, anyone who doesn't know how to search for magic will be too embarrassed to go out!"

After his explanation, Qin Shu understood that the God-Searching Technique was a more advanced technique than the Soul-Searching Technique.

The specific manifestation is that Sou Shen will not destroy the opponent's soul and make the person a fool.

Qin Shu seemed to be infected by Guo Chong's confidence and was full of confidence in him.

"Old Guo, since you can do it, why don't you search him!"

When Qin Shu said this, the three messengers who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead also froze.

Guo Chong spread his hands again and sighed, "It's not that I don't want to, but... there is not a trace of spiritual energy. How can I search it?"

Qin Shu set his eyes on Wen Chi, the only one of the four who could still use spiritual energy. Wen Chi coughed lightly, "I still have 10% of spiritual energy, but I don't know how to search for gods. I know how to search for souls, but I can't use this 10% of spiritual energy!"

Qin Shu accepted her fate. This time coming to the mortal world was too uncomfortable. Everyone couldn't use their skills.

Could it be that the master wanted to take this opportunity to tell them that "love" is not indulgence, but restraint?

She looked at the people on the ground with a stern face, and suddenly an idea popped up in her mind.

It seems... I can only try it out.

The third messenger, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, was suddenly kicked in the butt. He took a breath and opened his eyes, and saw a blank paper in front of him.

Just as he was stunned, a pen was stuffed into his hand again.

When he raised his head, he met Qin Shu's stern face.

She frowned and said coldly: "Write!"

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