Luo Yingxue also saw Su Fan.

Their eyes met for the first time in so many days, which caused great waves in their hearts.

The two looked at each other for a long time without speaking, as if even time had stopped at this moment.

Finally, it was Su Fan who spoke first and broke the silence:"Yingxue."

These two short words seemed to have exhausted all of Su Fan's strength, but they were better than thousands of words.

"Brother Su……"

After a moment, Luo Yingxue also spoke.

She could no longer suppress her emotions, and at this moment, she immediately rushed towards Su Fan.

She plunged into Su Fan's arms, as if she was still the same as before.

This also made Su Fan feel warm in his heart.

His wish to come here has been fulfilled, and successfully finding Luo Yingxue is undoubtedly a great thing for Su Fan.

The two hugged each other tightly, and after a long time, Su Fan finally let go.

""Yingxue, who is this?"

At this moment, someone beside him spoke.

That person was also a girl.

Su Fan took a look at her and found that the aura of this girl was still very strong, and there was a faint flash of thunder around her.

It seemed that like Luo Yingxue, she was also an elite in the reserve group of the Stepping Star Group.


Luo Yingxue just wanted to introduce Su Fan, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say.

Because she didn't know what name to use to introduce Su Fan to outsiders.


Although she did call Su Fan like this, she knew in her heart that the relationship between Su Fan and herself had actually surpassed the traditional brother and sister.

This made her obviously a little embarrassed for a moment, and she didn't know what to say.


Her companions were not blind people.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the relationship between Luo Yingxue and Su Fan was very unusual.

Therefore, they just smiled knowingly and did not continue to ask questions.

"Everyone, are you injured? If you are injured, I have some medicine here that I can provide to you."

Su Fan took the initiative to change the subject.

While talking, he also took out all the medicines he prepared.

Anyway, he has never used these things, so it is not a waste to take them out and use them for these people.

We are all human beings.

On such an alien planet, we must help each other.

"Thank you very much."

Those people were not polite either. Their medicines were lost in the fight with the aliens.

Although no one was seriously injured, some people still suffered some flesh wounds.

At this moment, they took Su Fan's medicine and distributed it to everyone.

Seeing that everyone began to heal their wounds and rest, Su Fan once again turned his gaze to Luo Yingxue.

It has been a long time since they last saw each other, and Su Fan had a lot of things to ask her. He had no time just now, but now he finally had the chance.

Therefore, Su Fan asked Luo Yingxue with concern:"Yingxue, how have you been these days?"

Before finding Luo Yingxue, Su Fan still had thousands of words in his heart, and countless words he wanted to say to her.

But after meeting Luo Yingxue.

What he cared about most was Luo Yingxue's experience these days. He wanted to know what happened to Luo Yingxue these days.


Luo Yingxue raised her head, her lips pursed. She seemed to be a little entangled.

But after pondering for a moment, she still told Su Fan about her various experiences during this period.


When she was in the hospital, she could already feel that there was some mysterious power in her body.

But at that time, she was embarrassed to tell Su Fan, and just endured it silently by herself. But as time went by, Luo Yingxue also found that it was increasingly difficult for her to control this power.

She also began to struggle whether she should tell Su Fan.

Luo Yingxue wanted to tell Su Fan and let Su Fan help her find a solution, but she was afraid to tell Su Fan. She was afraid that after telling Su Fan, Su Fan would stay away from her for this reason.

Su Fan was Luo Yingxue's only support in this world.

She didn't want Su Fan to leave her.

Therefore, in Luo Yingxue's entanglement, her body became more and more uncomfortable.

The specific external manifestation, that is, Luo Yingxue's illness, could not be cured for a long time, and even had a tendency to worsen.

But at this time, the arrival of a mysterious man helped her resolve this problem.

The man was a young talent from the Star Stepping Group.

Although he was young, his own strength was quite good.

He came to the hospital to visit patients and accidentally discovered that Luo Yingxue was unusual.

Therefore, she told Luo Yingxue about the Star-Stepping Group and said that joining the preparatory group of the Star-Stepping Group would help her solve the problems that had been bothering her.

Luo Yingxue was still a little worried at first.

What if this person was lying to her?

But as time went on, the power in her body became more and more difficult to control, and finally, it broke out completely one day.

Then, she fainted.

When Luo Yingxue woke up, she came to a strange room.

Through communication with the nurse, she realized that she was taken away by the people of the Star-Stepping Group after her power went out of control.

The people of the Star-Stepping Group temporarily helped Luo Yingxue suppress the outbreak of her own power with various potions.

But how to control this power requires Luo Yingxue's own efforts.

So far, Luo Yingxue has temporarily settled in the Star-Stepping Group.

Although she is a little sad in her heart, and although she also wants to see Su Fan again.

But she actually knows that since things have happened, they can never go back.

At present, she should learn to master this power.

In the future, there will be a chance to see Su Fan again.

In the days that followed, Luo Yingxue stayed in the Stepping Stars Group. She showed her extraordinary talent and strength, which was really impressive.

Finally, she was successfully selected into the preparatory group of the Stepping Stars Group.

In the preparatory group of the Stepping Stars Group, Luo Yingxue's team successfully completed one task after another, and her strength continued to improve. It was not until this mission that Luo Yingxue finally met Lin Hui.

"I didn't expect that your experience would be so rough. Yingxue, it's all my fault. If I had been by your side at that time, perhaps these things would not have happened.……"

Su Fan said softly

"Brother Su, it's all over. And if there is no Star-Stepping Group, maybe I can't master this power."

Luo Yingxue shook her head and answered with a smile.

While speaking, she opened her palm, and there was a faint power flowing in her palm, which was an extreme chill.

"That's true."

Su Fan nodded.

Luo Yingxue has an innate cold constitution, which is also a very rare constitution.

If it weren't for the Star-Stepping Group, he would not have been able to help her master this power.

In that case, Luo Yingxue would have to suffer again.

Looking at Luo Yingxue in front of him, Su Fan had mixed feelings. No matter what, she is no longer the weak little girl she used to be!

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