The black shadow that fell from the sky spread out on the ground like a burrito, and then stood still.

Qiqi originally thought that the timeline had changed, but the Hulk was the Hulk, and the figure on the ground gradually changed, the limbs gradually became larger and thicker, and the muscles of the whole body bulged, and the clothes and pants were broken.

Finally, the Hulk, wearing a pair of shorts, stood up.

Hulk – Hulk.

Qiqi really can't figure out what material the shorts are made of, and they won't break it.

The Hulk, who fell inexplicably, burst into anger.

He first looked at the abomination corpse paralyzed on the side, picked up the car door and slammed it at the abomination.

Unfortunately, abomination never responded.

Unable to respond, Hulk turned his head to look in the direction where Seven Seven was.

Hey? No one?

Hulk slowly lowered his head, only to see Qiqi with his hands crossed at his waist.

cult, cute, kawaii ~

The Hulk, who was originally full of anger, was suddenly cute.

The macho Hulk originally had no resistance to Mengmengda, let alone frowning little Lori.

"Hey! Are you thinking I'm short? Qiqi asked loudly.

Hulk scratched his ears, his hand suddenly didn't know how to put it, and he simply lay down and looked at Qiqi.

At this time, Qiqi saw the helicopter in the distance sticking out the barrel.

"Be careful!"

The Hulk was already alert, and he turned around and picked up a rock and smashed it into the helicopter.

The helicopter staggered and fell.

Such a provocative act once again angered the Hulk and is now a completely irrational Hulk.

"The gate is open!"

"Hulk, come here!" Qiqi threw the small stone in his hand towards the Hulk while running towards the suburbs.

Hulk was attracted to his attention, aimed in the direction where Qiqi was, bent his knees and prepared, and crossed tens of meters with a big jump.

Qiqi was startled, and he used the Physical Instantaneous Technique, and also increased his speed.

The two chased and fled, and soon came to a wilderness.

Qiqi, who felt that the distance was almost the same, turned the gun head.

and Hulk punched each other in midair.

Hulk was knocked back a few steps, obviously in pain.

And some inflated sevens forget that Marvel's Newton is not lying in a coffin.

Because of the inertia seven seven flew out upside down.

Misstep, Seven Seven Secret Road.

"Real name, Duer Jin-kun!" Qiqi hurriedly set a Duer True Charm for the Hulk.

Six doors and seven sevens who ate the blood bonus, and Hulk, who has excellent self-healing ability, two giant monsters are up against A.

At the beginning, Qiqi could also tease the Hulk with extreme speed, and the Hulk became stronger and stronger in the fierce fighting, and even suppressed Qiqi.

The Hulk has the characteristics of being angrier and more powerful, and suddenly bursting into battle is as common as eating and drinking.

"It's simply the standard ability of the protagonist!"

Qiqi opened a portal in the direction of Hulk's advance, and Hulk, who didn't have time to react, instantly penetrated the door.

A flat portal was revealed in mid-air, and the Hulk was spit out by the portal.

Seeing that the Hulk was about to hit the ground, another portal appeared below.

The teleported Hulk reappeared in mid-air and fell towards the portal below.

Just like that, the Hulk went up and down between the two portals.

The Hulk, who has been doing free-fall motion, is getting faster and faster, and it seems that it is about to rub out of Mars with the air.

Qiqi is also afraid that the Hulk will reach an escape speed out of the earth's gravity, and it will not end well.

So, he adjusted the direction of the portal and spit the Hulk upwards.

The Hulk moving up became slower and slower, and just when the Hulk wanted to show a smile, he reacted that he was unable to borrow power in mid-air, and the futile sliding of his limbs could not change anything.

After slowing down, the Hulk was re-accelerated by Seven Seven, and appeared up and down between portals.

In the back, Qiqi also played the game of Hulk Ball, spraying Hulk towards the upper left, catching it with a portal on the lower right, and spraying out from the left portal again.

At this time, the anger in Hulk's heart has long been gone, and the only thought of the flightless Hulk now is to touch the earth.

I used to take the earth for granted, and I regretted it when I lost it, and how nostalgic it was to feel down-to-earth... Thinking about it, Hulk even cried.

Seeing the tears in the corners of Hulk's eyes, Qiqi stopped with some hesitation.

After slowing down, the Hulk was lowered to the ground.

Hulk, who touched the earth, showed a long-lost smile.

On the side, Qiqi slowly approached, Hulk looked at Qiqi's cute little face, and felt that he saw the Great Devil.

Hulk instantly retracted into Dr. Banner's heart, dead or alive.

The Hulk on the ground gradually changed back to Dr. Banner.

"Ding! Congratulations on defeating the Hulk and gaining your physique, the gamma ray mutant. "

Although Hulk's ability is very strong, Qiqi is a hidden appearance party, and he still can't thank him.

"Uh-" Bruce Banner, who was lying on the ground, let out a groan, feeling a little soft all over his body, like a roller coaster ride for a day.

Banner struggled to get up and found himself in a wilderness, and a somewhat frightened Banner looked around, trying to figure out his situation.


Banner, who heard the voice, looked back, did not find anyone, and turned around to find the existence of Qiqi.

"Hello, little girl, why are you here? I didn't scare you. Banner scoffed.

"I beat the Hulk back!" Qiqi said expressionlessly.

"How is that possible?"

"Then you call the Hulk out and ask."

Banner was wondering how to call Hulk out, and a voice came from the bottom of his heart that he didn't want to go out.

"It turned out to be true," Banner said in shock, "I didn't even know Hulk could communicate before.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet?" Banner asked.

"Qiqi, my name is Qiqi."

"Miss Seven, then what can you drive the Hulk out of my body?"

"Why do you still have such ignorant thoughts?" Qiqi asked with a frown.

Banner looked confused.

"The Hulk is yourself," Qiqi explained, "It was you who couldn't accept your transformation that made the Hulk."

"What, what?"

"The Hulk is your own side, so he knows what you think, and when you want to eliminate him, he doesn't want to communicate with you."

Bruce Banner vaguely felt that what Qiqi said should be true, but he couldn't accept the truth for a while.

"I can't believe it," Banner said, "it looks like I need to find a place to rest for a while." "

Might as well go find Tony Big Shot." Qiqi suggested.

"Stark, still don't bother him, I want to be alone and quiet."

"Can you avoid their pursuit?"

"I also have some lessons learned about this."

"It's been a good ride." Seven Seven watched Bruce Banner leave.

"By the way, does Banner know where this is? It seems that this place is quite far from the road," Qiqi thought consciously, "There should be no problem." Feeling

that things had been done, Qiqi drew the portal and returned to his room.

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