Feeling that everything had been dealt with, Qiqi cut through the space portal and returned to his home.

As for the altar related to vampires, Qiqi directly notified Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Ma mess with Fakle," Nick Fury scolded, "the Asgardians just appeared, and now vampires!" "

Now Nick Fury has no doubt that there are other mythical creatures.

Nick Fury orders Crossbone Brock Rumlow to lead a rapid reaction special force to the altar, and to be on the safe side, he has the troops carrying a large amount of silver weapons, garlic, and ultraviolet light sources.

When the heavily armed crossbones arrived at the scene with his subordinates, only an exhausted, breathless black man was seen.

"Don't move! Hands up! Crossbone shouted.

"I surrender!"

It turned out that this person was none other than the Blade Warrior.

The Blade Warrior had just been brutally pierced in the torture instrument and suffered severe blood loss.

Originally, he thought that the little girl who suddenly appeared would save him after defeating Dickenfith, but he didn't expect this little girl to leave like this.

Trapped in the torture device, he could only watch the little girl disappear and leave.

Then the Blade Warrior is captured alive by the old Wall Street vampire who follows him.

The severely injured blade warrior barely picked up his spirits, and took advantage of the vampire's inattention to pull out the silver dagger hidden on his body,

and it took the blade warrior to destroy these vampires one by one.

Unexpectedly, a group of people with firearms came again.

The rather desperate Blade Warrior decided to lie down completely and directly raised his hand to surrender.

Just as S.H.I.E.L.D. turned its attention to the vampire altar, Qiqi flipped through the vampire's Bible at home.

This ancient book was obviously divided up at a certain time, and now only part of it has been recovered.

Moreover, Qiqi also found that this book was not the original text, but only a rubbing.

However, the power does not disappear due to the change of paper or ink, and the spell itself contains power.

When Qiqi tried to turn the page, a murmur suddenly sounded in his ears.

"When you turn it open, you will fall into boundless darkness!"

But soon there was a sharp shout: "No! You will gain supreme might, and the world will be ruled by you! "

Qiqi is a little speechless, and he rules the world, are you other big cakes with these artifact magic codes?

"Whoever opens this book will get unlimited coconut milk, and you will become the master of coconut milk!"

Do you think I will believe it? Qiqi pouted.

Then she opened the page.


A black shadow flashed out from the book and instantly submerged into Qiqi's forehead.

"Let me Kangkang, what the hell is in your mind!" The dwarf in a black dress laughed maniacally in Qiqi's mind.

A black shadow ran around in Qiqi's spiritual world.

"Huh, why neither?"

"Oh, it's a newborn planet deity, come and greet your master—Water! What is it! The

dark dwarf saw a floating smiling face, with a phantom flame floating on the smiling face, but there was no trace of heat, but it revealed an aura of death.

"Aren't you a god, how can you raise ghosts!"

"Death is also a god." Qiqi said in his mind.

At the same time, six bright stars appeared above Qiqi's mind and jointly drew the constellation Triqing.

The moment the Sanqing Bell took shape, the dark dwarf felt a great fear.


There was obviously no sound, but the dark dwarf heard a crisp sound that seemed to tear the soul.

And the ice ghost cha also opened his mouth wide, and his whole face slowly approached the dark dwarf.

"Oh no!" The dark dwarf sensed the homologous aura in the book on the mouth of the ice ghost!

"It's a ghost!" With a scream, the spirit body of the dark dwarf was almost devoured by the ice ghost.

In an instant, Qiqi understood the original name of the book.

Book of Dark Gods!

Qiqi suddenly raised his head, and just at that moment, Qiqi felt that he had established an irresistible connection with a certain being, but soon the connection was broken again.

At this moment, the space changed, the heaven and the earth were reversed, and Gu Yi appeared in front of Qiqi without knowing when.

"It's dangerous just now," Furuichi began, "It's good that the connection is broken, otherwise an ancient god will come."

"There should be many people who read this book before me, why me?" Qiqi asked in surprise.

Furuichi glanced at her meaningfully and said, "They don't deserve it, and you are the goddess of winter, representing a part of the planet to some extent." Qiqi

was a little puzzled.

"If you want to open the dimensional channel, you must activate it at both ends of the channel," Furuichi explained, "and every time you activate black magic, you will deepen the connection with Sithorne until you break through a certain threshold and allow the god of Hades to truly come."

"Then the book won't work." Qiqi sighed.

"Whether you like it or not, you have already crossed paths with the Underworld, so you must learn to control the Dark God Book," Furuichi said, "It is undoubtedly very dangerous for beginners to read magic books directly, it seems that you need to study systematically." "

Study again! Qiqi's little face instantly crumpled.

"So will you follow me to learn magic?"

"Okay then."

Although the two have not yet decided on the title of master and apprentice, they already have a master and apprentice.

The space portal opened, and Guichi and Seven appeared at Karma Taj.

Karma Taj is not all mages, and a considerable number are just ordinary people, but they settled here because their ancestors were mages or related to mages.

The residents saw Naguichi and Qiqi, nodded slightly, and went straight to their own business.

It can be seen that Gu Yi is not high in the hearts of ordinary people at Karma Taj.

For Gu Yi herself, she is only a passing guest in this universe, whether it is physical or magical, it will one day return to the world.

Of course, Gu Yi's disciples still had great respect for her.

When Gu Yi walked through the square with Qiqi, many mages who were still practicing martial arts saluted her in unison.

Seeing that someone looked curious, Gu Yi introduced: "This is my newly accepted disciple, Qiqi.

Everyone looked surprised.

You must know that Gu Yi has not accepted disciples for a long time, and many rookie mages in this square are actually guided by Casillas.

Therefore, Casillas, who had some white sideburns, was also a little surprised by this newly emerged little junior sister, of course, he also knew that now was not a good time, so he held back the idea of exploration and continued to lead everyone to practice martial arts.

When Furuichi took Qiqi to sit indoors, he began to learn magic.

"The so-called magic is actually a means of using a specific energy or external energy," Furuichi said slowly.

"Immortal power like the immortal power you use is actually a kind of magical energy, but the Protoss itself has powerful energy, and for ordinary people, the flesh is weak and magic is difficult to find, so three types of magic were born."

"First, it originates from itself, divided into spirit and body, and the form of using spiritual power includes soul magic, hypnosis or mind control, and it is difficult for non-gifted people to get started

," and the mining of physical cell energy is most famous for the practice of "qi" in the Celestial Empire, through the cultivation of qi, gradually sublimating itself, and finally completing the unity of heaven and man," Gu Yi further explained, "At this point, their life level has changed, called immortal in the east and god in the west."

Qiqi understood here and said, "I understand, I am an immortal and a god, so am I not an immortal?"

Furuichi couldn't help but glance at her and said, "I know." "

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