The border planet Wampa, a paradise of behemoths, is filled with all kinds of strange flora and fauna.

Beasts can barely be used for food, but pure fresh water is hardly to be found here.

The only drinks that can be drunk are the bodily fluids of the monsters, as well as various unpleasant liquids with strange ingredients.

Looking at Broly, who was sleeping soundly, the middle-aged uncle-like Paragas was expressionless, but his heart was almost desperate.

His own son was exiled to this desolate planet by the jealous King Vegeta because of his talent beyond that of Prince Vegeta.

The spaceship is broken, there are no tools for timing it, and it is not clear how long it will take for the planet to make one revolution.

The only thing that can give him a sense of time is Broly's growth.

The fresh water and food they brought with them have long been exhausted, and life today can be said to be worse than that of a wild man.

Paragas was originally King Vegeta's right-hand man, and he was also a highly intelligent group among the Saiyans, but his current life can be said to have brought him to the brink of madness.

What supports him now is the hatred of King Vegeta in his heart.

(Revenge, I must live with Broly, and then take revenge on King Vegeta and the Prince!).

However, the sad Avengers do not know that King Vegeta has already been destroyed by Frieza along with the Saiyan's home planet.

Just when he was simulating the scene of King Vegeta's body being broken into thousands of pieces in his mind countless times, a young man's voice suddenly came out of his mind.

"Want to leave this planet?".

"You, you, you...... Who are you, are you alive?" said Paragas, shouting excitedly, waking up the sleeping Broly.

However, no one answered, and there was a long silence in the hollow cave.

In his son's eyes, Paragas looked like a madman looking for the source of the sound, but found nothing.

After a long time, he finally gave up hope, returned to his calm, and muttered to himself.

"Delusion...... Looks like I've really gone crazy. "

"No, you're not crazy, but I think it's almost there. "

A figure came from the direction of their cave, and against the background of the morning sun, it seemed like a god who had come to save the father and son.

No exaggeration, in the eyes of Patigas, who was already on the verge of madness, was so.

Step by step, as if in disbelief, Paragas approached the entrance of the cave alone.

Seeing his father's strange behavior, the child Broly also followed with a short step.

What appeared in front of them was a Saiyan with the same tail as them.

Qin Yan is now close to 1.9 meters tall, which is much taller than today's Paragas and Broly.

After approaching, he looked at the two condescendingly, and asked the two in a magnetic voice.

"Now it's time to tell me the answer, are you willing to leave this planet?".

"Go back, go back, planet Vegeta?" asked Paragas, trying to maintain his sanity.

"No, Planet Vegeta and most of the Saiyans, including King Vegeta, have been destroyed by Frieza, Mr. Paragas. "

"If you father and son are willing to pay a price, I can take you to my planet. "

Qin Yan smiled and extended his olive branch to the two.

"Destroyed, destroyed ......


Hearing the news of the destruction of his hometown, Paragas was silent for a while, and then responded excitedly.

"I'm willing!Please take me and Broly out of here!".

Qin Yan didn't pay attention to him immediately, but walked to Little Broly's side.

(Can I harvest the cells now...... )

(Forget it, it's too early.) )

After quickly thinking about these, Qin Yan then bent down to make a kind appearance and touched Broly's head

Touch your head, good boy, good boy, this Saiyan Broly who appeared in "Dragon Ball Super", unlike his pure evil demon Broly, is a good boy who can't control his power.

(Training and training, and then brainwashing the lecturers in charge of ideological education in the Imperial Royal Academy, should be of use to me?).

Thinking like this, Qin Yan said softly with a smile.

"What about little Broly, do you want to leave this planet with your father?"

"??" Broly gave a confused expression.

Seeing this, Qin Yan pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and took out a universal capsule from his pocket.

"Bang-" Thrown from the small capsule to the ground, a pile of food and drink suddenly appeared in the clearing.

"Mr. Paragas, please don't be polite, it's not too late to fill your stomach before leaving. "

After casually greeting the two of them for a while, Qin Yan took out two more puddings from them, one of which he ate himself, and the other handed it to Little Broly.

"Try it. "

Demonstrating himself, Bro took it with his two small hands and ate it carefully.

"Good...... "Eating ......" seems to be due to his young age and the fact that he has not communicated with outsiders for a long time, so he does not speak fluently.

But from his expression, Qin Yan could see the child's joy.

(Hehe, the abduction is successful, and the subordinates above the destruction god +1.) )

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