Two days later, on the playground of the corpse project base, 80% of the corpses in the entire base had already arrived here.

Besides, large transport helicopters were parked one after another. In front of the playground, Cui Zhenggang stood on the high platform with a serious face.

"Everyone, everyone must have known what day it is two months ago."

"Everyone was drawn from all over the country and prepared for such a long time for today."

"The catastrophe is coming. If we wait for the abyss plane to fully invade, the earth will have no shelter for us humans. Can we sit and wait? Of course we can't, so we need to fight back."

"The counterattack is not blind. We need to know other people's information, the enemy's weakness, and even the enemy's weakness."

"But it's a pity that even now our understanding of the abyss plane is second only to the outer area, and we don't know anything about the internal situation."

"So you are the pioneers and the forerunners of mankind. Whether we humans can complete the first step of the counterattack depends on you."

"Now tell me, do you have the confidence to complete this investigation mission?" Cui Zhenggang roared angrily.

"Yes!" A uniform shout sounded.

According to the plan, Wei Sheng's most outstanding corpse man will follow the most elite first team, pass through the abyss passage in the capital, and reach the abyss plane.

That kind of small-scale retreat into the abyss channel can minimize being caught by the opponent.

Gao Zhiqing glanced at the people in the cabin. At this time, everyone said what they said, with tense expressions on their faces, and the atmosphere seemed not depressing.


But now we are at a low altitude, with the destructive power of those people, we can punch that transport plane well with one or two punches casually, when the time comes...

With Gao Zhiqing's current strength, it is too complicated to deal with those corpses who are even in the realm of gods and demons.

Some of the weaker ones were directly dizzy.

Because all the corpses who didn't stand up seemed to be under a lot of pressure, their faces were pale, their bodies were trembling, and their knees were bending a little bit.

At the same time, when releasing the coercion, he also fused his extremely small perception with that coercion.

But now that the vice-captain has spoken, it's the same.

At the last moment, facing Gao Zhiqing, the vice-captain Wei Shengwen, who stood at the back, finally withstood the pressure that was like a quilt, and fell to the ground.

Hearing Cui Zhenggang speak, the faces of the rest of the team members could not help but show the look of watching a bad show.

Immediately, he wanted to stand up and reprimand the other party, but Wei Shengwen pulled him hard, and sat down obediently.

And without the first one, there would be no second and third ones. Under Wei Shengwen's terrifying coercion, those corpses fell to the ground like wheat harvesters.

With the order issued, the team quickly divided into 10 brigades and rushed to different transport helicopters.

Now Huaguo has been deprived of 11 abyss passages. Excluding the abyss passage opened in Changshi City, which is difficult to retreat into, the remaining 10 abyss passages are the goals of our plan.

Gao Zhiqing was able to parachute our most elite No. 1 squad for a reason. It is estimated that the strength and identity background are poor, and our special members naturally dare to stand out.

Even those people alone, even Wang Yao, who has lost the strength of the gods and demons, also has no relaxed look on his face.

Immediately, half of the corpses were gone, and he stood up with no anger on his face, "My mother is farting, I will let him understand why the flowers are so red today."

Because that abyss passage has been opened for a long time, and the outside situation is relatively vague. Compared with other abyss passages, the safety factor is relatively high.

The guards standing guard under the cabin turned slightly pale when they saw that scene. I could hardly predict that the group of people was going to fight in the last moment.

"Outside that, you just want to say, who are you targeting, everyone in the field is **** in your eyes."

Wei Sheng on the side, when he heard Cui Zhenggang's words, there was no trace of anger on his face.

Outside of the first team, Wei Sheng has no overwhelming strength, so I naturally have some opinions, but I don't like Gao Zhiqing's outsider.

But for a moment, my eyes widened.

"On the other hand, if he didn't have too much pressure in the past, as long as he explored inside, it would be broken. It is necessary to take risks and go deep. You will complete the exploration mission."

"Very good, now board the plane according to the brigade! I hope that when I meet you, you will be the heroes of mankind." Cui Zhenggang issued an order loudly.

But at that time, a well-timed voice sounded, "What are you pretending to be a little wolf with a tail? There are so few of you who retreat, and you all dare to say that you can complete the task. What can he do alone?"

At this time, Gao Zhiqing was naturally also temporarily incorporated into the first team. According to the following idea, Wei Shengwen was not qualified to be the captain of the first team at all.

The guard didn't even think about it badly, what would happen to parachute him.

It was a mistake, but Wei Shengwen took the initiative to be punished.

"Hmm!" Feeling Gao Zhiqing's cool little hand, Wang Yao's uneasiness was instantly reduced by half.

Of course, during that process, he was discovered by the abyss plane, and sacrifice was almost a certainty. If such a thing happened, he could only consider himself unlucky.

The person who spoke was the vice-captain Cui Zhenggang, and his strength had reached the peak of the Body Shaping Realm. If I were to be placed in another team, I would be completely incapable of being the captain.

What's more, Wang Yao is the male **** in everyone's heart! Now being held by Gao Zhiqing, coupled with Xiaoyan's shameful words, how could I bear it.

Gao Zhiqing stretched out his hand to hold the opponent's palm, and said in a heavy voice, "Use Taigui, retreat into the abyss plane, and it will be safe for you to meet, and you will take care of it."

Even I need to make a move, and directly mobilize the thunder body that has not yet been perfected. The coercion that erupts can make creatures above the gods and demons tremble.

On top of that kind of double suppression, whether or not those corpses fainted on the spot was considered wrong.

That saw that the fire of jealousy in the hearts of many people was intensified. We have never seen Wang Yao's attitude of a big man!

Those who got off the plane were all corpses, and their ability to control their emotions was better than that of abnormal people. In addition, now they have to carry out the mission of four deaths and one life. Facing such a situation, how can anyone bear it? .

Very quickly, the entire 100 people in the first team boarded an ultra-small transport helicopter.

Without the perfect simulation ability of the system, Gao Zhiqing is most suitable if he acts alone.

Of course we are not happy about Gao Zhiqing, but those in the cutscene are all fools.

Because Gao Zhiqing did not plan to act with a small army. After all, with my current strength, I don’t have the ability given by the system. I want to talk about those special corpses. of.

Under the gaze of everyone, Gao Zhiqing stood up and said to everyone: "You know Xiaojia is happy to see you not a little bit, and you can probably guess what everyone is thinking."

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