The window was opened, and the window was opened.

Li Mu walked quickly to the window on the other side, where he could see the situation of the villa.

As expected, just like the situation in the surveillance video, six off-road vehicles were approaching the villa.

"Damn, they are obviously coming for me. They can't be here to see the scenery."

Li Mu didn't waste any words and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Zhang Yao, take them to hide, someone is looking for trouble."

"Don't come out until I tell you to after you hide."

Zhang Yao, who was watching TV on the third floor, also reacted very quickly. Without any hesitation, he immediately said to others.

"Hurry, hurry, get into the safe house, go!"

After shouting, Li Mu was not idle, and immediately took out the Barrett from the storage space.

After putting the Barrett on the balcony, Li Mu began to aim at the car.

The off-road vehicle was heading towards Li Mu, so it was not difficult to aim.

"Dare to come to me for trouble, then let me show you what dimensionality reduction is!"

Using Barrett to kill a group of people with big knives, what else is it but dimensionality reduction.

Li Mu held his breath, and the crosshairs in the scope were also aimed at the driving seat of the first car.

He exhaled gently, and his finger gently pulled the trigger.


A huge gunshot echoed throughout the villa area.

Then, after flying quickly, the Barrett's bullet effortlessly penetrated the front windshield of the first off-road vehicle, and then penetrated the driver's chest.

The driver's chest exploded instantly, leaving a fist-sized hole in his chest.

The off-road vehicle lost control and began to sway left and right on the road. Finally, it drove off the roadbed and crashed into a big tree and stopped.

Nie Tao, who was sitting in the last car, panicked instantly. Hearing the gunshot, he was like an ant on a hot pot sitting in the car.

"What's going on? Why is there a gunshot?"

The younger brother beside him was also panicked. The gunshots were fired, and the first car was scrapped. Who wouldn't be scared!

"Brother, there is a gun on the opposite side. It seems that the gun was fired from the fourth floor, and the driver of the first car was killed directly!"

Through the car window, Nie Tao saw a figure on the fourth floor of the villa at a glance. When he saw the large-caliber Barrett in the figure's hand, he panicked.

For a moment, he was also stunned, because he really didn't expect the opponent to have a gun, and it was a large-caliber sniper rifle.

Look at the machetes in their hands again. In front of the gun, what is the difference between a machete and a large piece of iron!

The younger brother was also panicking. After hearing the gunshots and seeing the first car rushing down the roadbed, all the off-road vehicles stopped because they didn't know what to do now.

But Li Mu's gun would not stop. After aiming at the driver of the second car, Li Mu did not hesitate and pulled the trigger again.


This shot also completely woke up Nie Tao and the younger brother beside him.

"Brother Tao, what should we do now? Should we continue to rush forward?"

Nie Tao kicked the younger brother in front of him fiercely and cursed loudly.

"Go, rush forward to die? They have guns in their hands. Are we going to get our heads smashed by them if we rush forward?"

"Go back, turn around and go back, run!"

Nie Tao's voice was transmitted to other vehicles through the intercom. All the off-road vehicles turned their heads and drove towards the townhouse.

Seeing that they wanted to run, Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Are you running away now?"

"I thought you guys would be brave enough to come over here. It's not that easy to run away."

Li Mu immediately began to move the muzzle of his gun and aimed at the first car that was escaping, which was the off-road vehicle where Nie Tao was. The vehicle was moving very fast at this time.

After aiming, Li Mu immediately pulled the trigger.


Nie Tao, who was sitting in the car, lowered his head unconsciously after hearing the gunshot. As soon as he lowered his head, he heard the sound of the bullet hitting the off-road vehicle.

At this time, Nie Tao's heart was about to jump out, but the person who died was not him. The little brother sitting next to him was miserable. The bullet passed through the little brother's chest and left a terrible hole in his chest.

Nie Tao, who saw this scene, shouted again.

"Hurry up, drive faster."

"Hurry up, drive faster if you don't want to die."

Nie Tao wanted to stuff his whole body under the seat. He didn't want to be shot in the head like this.

Li Mu, who was standing on the fourth floor, didn't continue to shoot after seeing the off-road vehicle drive into the villa area, because

Because it was no longer possible to shoot.

At this time, all the people in the first and second cars where the driver was shot dead rushed out of the car and began to run towards the villa area.

Looking at the dozens of people running around on the grass, Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Just right, I'll use you to practice my shooting skills."

Then, gunshots continued to ring, and people running in the field began to fall down.

After shooting the last person, Li Mu put away the Barrett.

"It seems that I have been targeted. I didn't expect that there are really people who are not afraid of death and dare to trouble me. This defense system is really useful!"

If the defense system hadn't alarmed today, I'm afraid Li Mu wouldn't react until everyone went downstairs.

Li Mu touched Xiao Heizi's head again lovingly.

"I didn't expect you to be so alert. You can spot the enemy from a long distance. You are worthy of being a beast. It's really the right choice to let you guard the house!"

After confirming that there was no danger, Li Mu went downstairs to call Zhang Yao and others.

At this time, Zhu Feng was standing at the door of his villa with a panicked look on his face, because he heard the gunshots coming from the villa area.

Zhu Feng knew that Nie Tao didn't have a gun, so the gun was most likely from the young man living in the villa area. The moment the gunshots rang out, Zhu Feng's heart was already in his throat.

When the gunshots rang out, Zhu Feng probably guessed the result of the battle, so his only hope now was that Nie Tao and his brothers could come back more.

If Nie Tao and his brothers died, then Zhu Feng's position as the boss would be over, and it wouldn't take long for his territory to be swallowed up by others.

Even the food in his hands would be taken away, and he would die sooner or later.

If Nie Tao could come back alive, at least he could survive for a while, and at least his life could be saved.

Thinking about it, Zhu Feng raised his hand and slapped himself in the face, and half of his face instantly burned red.

"I'm such a fool. Why do I have to take revenge? If Nie Tao doesn't come back, I'll die too."

"Damn it, women are really the root of trouble. If it weren't for that female star, I wouldn't have come to this point!"

Just when Zhu Feng was feeling annoyed, the sound of a car suddenly came from a distance, and the headlights shone over.

Seeing the car coming back, Zhu Feng immediately smiled and ran out of the villa.

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