The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

After seeing the corpse king, all the survivors on the scene were sweating.

"What's wrong with this guy? Why does he look so strong?"

The corpse king was full of muscles and had a pair of thick claws. He looked really strong.

At this time, the corpse king roared again.


The next moment, all the zombies started to attack the survivors again as if they had heard the order.

And a large number of zombies rushed down from the second floor. These zombies did not rush towards the survivors, but rushed towards the door, tightly blocking the door of the building.

Now Li Mu was in no mood to care about the current situation. He stared at the corpse king with his eyes, and a red light flashed, and the information of the corpse king emerged.

【Level 3 Corpse King】

【Talent Rating: Level B】

“Only level 3? Maybe it’s because he reached level 3 earlier, so his strength is even stronger. Otherwise, with his level B talent, he can’t be Zhang Yahu’s opponent.”

After confirming the level of the Corpse King, Li Mu was relieved. It was just a level 3 Corpse King. With Li Mu’s current strength, it was not a problem to hunt him.

Li Mu turned around and found that the door had been blocked by zombies.

But he was not in a hurry to leave. Anyway, his current location was relatively safe and there were no zombies around. Let’s talk about it later!

As for helping these survivors, Li Mu never thought about it at all.

Then Li Mu continued to observe the situation.

Not long after, the Corpse King also joined the battle. He saw the Corpse King jumped high on the second floor and rushed directly to the group of survivors.


After the Corpse King fell, he directly trampled a survivor into a pool of blood and flesh, and the rest of the survivors were also shocked.

"Go to hell!"

The Skull Mask held the mace in both hands and smashed it at the Corpse King with all his strength.

The Corpse King's movements were faster. He grabbed the mace with one hand and reached out with the other hand to grab his head, and lifted the Skull Mask up on the spot.

Then the Corpse King opened his bloody mouth and bit down on his neck. The Skull Mask's neck was bitten off before he even had time to scream.

After biting off the neck, the Corpse King began to suck blood in big mouthfuls, and in a few mouthfuls, he sucked the blood of the corpse dry.

After the Corpse King joined the battlefield, it was a one-sided massacre. The survivors of the second level had no chance of survival in front of the Corpse King.

Their formation was instantly disintegrated, and many people were besieged and bitten to death by zombies.

While the battle was still going on, the Corpse King suddenly pointed in a direction, which was where Li Mu was hiding.

"I didn't expect this guy's perception to be so sharp that he discovered my existence so quickly."

Li Mu slowly walked out of a clothing store, twisted his neck, and then took out the bronze sword.

"I'm afraid we can't avoid a fierce battle today. Since we can't get out, I'll just kill them all. It's a good opportunity to test my magic dragon swordsmanship with you."

After seeing Li Mu appear, the corpse king stared at Li Mu, as if he had discovered how powerful Li Mu was.

"Roar, roar!"

The corpse king roared again, and countless zombies rushed towards Li Mu in an instant.

Seeing the zombies rushing like a tide, Li Mu smiled.

"Come on, the more the better, the more the better, the faster my magic dragon swordsmanship will improve."

Li Mu also rushed towards the zombies, waving the bronze sword in his hand constantly, killing a zombie with every swing.

After breaking through the fourth level, Li Mu's strength has made a qualitative leap. Now, let alone encountering these first-level zombies, even if he encounters second-level zombies, he can kill them instantly.

The most important thing is that Li Mu's physical fitness is too strong now, and his physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. Now he will not feel tired even if he fights for a whole day.

Moreover, he now has the blessing of the magic dragon sword technique and a vast amount of combat experience, so killing these low-level zombies is not stressful at all, just like taking a walk.

The bronze sword flashed continuously, and the speed was extremely fast. The zombies that rushed up would be beheaded before they could react.

Even though there were thousands of zombies, they could not get close to Li Mu at all.

They killed all the way, and there were corpses of zombies everywhere, but the zombies still rushed forward one after another.

The zombie king stared at Li Mu with his eyes fixed, and after seeing that the first-level zombies could not stop Li Mu at all, he roared again.

Then the dozens of second-level zombies standing beside him

The second-level zombies rushed towards Li Mu.

Compared with the first-level zombies, the second-level zombies are more powerful and faster. The most important thing is that these second-level zombies are all big and strong. They are definitely powerful zombies.

After receiving the order from the zombie king, dozens of zombies rushed all the way and soon came to Li Mu.

A second-level zombie rushed towards Li Mu without caring about anything. The speed was very fast, and the first-level zombies in front of him were knocked away.

Li Mu dodged the collision by turning sideways and chopped off the head of the second-level zombie with a backhand sword.

"Sent out the second-level zombies so soon? It doesn't matter. The higher the level of the zombies coming, the happier I am."

If you want to practice the magic dragon sword technique to the second level, you must continue to kill zombies, and the higher the level of the zombies killed, the faster the practice speed.

So Li Mu was very happy after seeing the second-level zombies.

Compared with the first-level zombies, the attack speed of the second-level zombies is faster and more violent.

However, these attacks were still very slow in front of Li Mu. When the zombies attacked, Li Mu could quickly fight back, as if it was a conditioned reflex.

This was all thanks to the combat experience that came with the Magic Dragon Sword Technique, which allowed Li Mu to make the best choice in the battle. Otherwise, facing such a scene, Li Mu would not be able to deal with it calmly.

After seeing the second-level zombies he sent out being killed one by one, the zombie king kept roaring in anger.

Li Mu, who was fighting in the zombie group, also took the time to look at the tall zombie king in the distance.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon!"

Although angry, the zombie king did not rush to fight, but grabbed the body of a survivor next to him and started to eat.

With one bite, the sharp teeth directly bit off half of the survivor's head, and then began to eat the body on the ground.

The only way for zombies to upgrade their levels is to eat flesh and blood. The more flesh and blood they eat, the stronger the zombies will be.

After seeing Li Mu, the Corpse King knew that he was no match for Li Mu. His current strength was already at the peak of the third level, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the fourth level.

He also knew that Li Mu was definitely a fourth-level powerhouse, and the only way to kill the human in front of him was to break through to the fourth level himself.

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