"Hmm~ I don’t hate this kind of character at all."

"You are always vigilant. Although you want to trade, you are still suspicious of me. You are even more outrageous than those gods and Buddhas."

The white outline shook his head helplessly. He could completely see what the kid in front of him was thinking. It was not that he deliberately wanted to see it, but that the kid put everything on his face.

"Aren't you worried that I might suddenly change my mind?"

"Worry. You can talk nonsense to me, obviously you are not going to change your mind"

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, at least it is still a situation that is beneficial to me now, so let me take advantage of it no matter what."

Uzumaki Naruto will not believe the existence in front of him who claims to be"God", because he does not know whether"God" exists.

But the person in front of him has given him enough benefits, so he needs to think about this person's purpose. This vigilance cannot be relaxed until he cannot understand it, but in the process of knowing the purpose, it does not prevent him from getting benefits from this person that will definitely benefit himself.

The white outline was not angry when he heard such straightforward words, because he knew that this was what the kid in front of him really thought.

「Knowing that I can read minds, why don't you shy away from speaking out your thoughts?」

「What a smart kid."

Looking at the white outline in front of him and saying nothing, Uzumaki Naruto continued the topic.

"So, what are the terms of the deal?"

"As long as it belongs to you, you can trade it"

"What's mine, Asura's soul also belongs to me?"

"That is your past life. The immortal soul of the past life is transferred to you, and it naturally belongs to you."

Uzumaki Naruto was silent for a moment, raised his head and looked at the white outline in front of him.

"So, the things I snatched also belong to me?"

The white outline smiled with a hint of meaning.

"Regardless of whether it is something snatched or stolen, as long as it is something you got yourself, it is considered to belong to you."

This answer also made Uzumaki Naruto laugh. Isn't this a very good condition?

As long as it is something I get, it is considered to be my thing, then this definition becomes broad.

In this ninja world, there are many The few good things can be used as materials for exchange. Maybe you can use those troublesome things to exchange for some less troublesome things.

For example, the huge reincarnation eye of the moon.

That is a very good material, the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye. For things of the same level, the value of the things that can be exchanged may not be lower than the reincarnation eye.

For example, the sealed dragon vein in the desert.

If these things can be obtained, maybe I will go on to fight against Konoha in the future. The road of revenge for common people will become easier.

Of course, there is also the fox in his belly.

As a part of the Ten-Tails, it also has considerable value.

"First replace Asura's soul."

Uzumaki Naruto didn't hesitate at all and directly chose to sell Asura's soul.

"So, the deal is established."

The white outline's right hand was slightly raised, and Uzumaki Naruto saw a light blue translucent figure being pulled out of his body.

Uzumaki Naruto knew that this was the soul of Asura.

"As a trading item, I will give you this."

The white-outlined right hand passed through Asura's soul and took out a white light jade from the soul.

"It can be considered a very useful thing in your current world."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at this white light jade and was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted.

"Yang escape?"

"correct. To be precise, it comes from the power of the soul's essence. This is the power that belongs to the soul's essence. This is the power that Asura inherited from the beginning of his birth, and it is also the power that Senju and Uzumaki inherited from generation to generation."

There is no doubt that this is a very important thing for any ninja system.

But the soul of an Asura is just exchanged for this kind of thing?

This made Uzumaki Naruto look at the white outline in front of him strangely, The look in his eyes almost said"That's it".

The white outline didn't say anything, it just gave a sarcastic smile.

"For a soul of this quality, only what the soul itself possesses can be considered"equivalent"」"

Uzumaki Naruto was stunned for a long time, and then he realized that Asura's soul was only at the level of Yang Release in the eyes of the guy in front of him.

Seeing that the kid in front of him didn't understand at all, the white outline was not annoyed, but patiently explained.

"If it is a soul of noble quality, it may have higher collection value, but after several reincarnations, this soul has lost its original brilliance, and the initial brilliance has been completely wiped out by time."

"Now the value of this soul's existence is nothing more than the power it has always contained."

"Because this is something that has been imprinted on the soul from the beginning of birth, it has been reincarnated several times and has not been erased by time and reincarnation."

The voice revealed disdain for this kind of soul, and Uzumaki Naruto could hear it. I am afraid that the greatest value of this kind of soul is just to become a collection.

But since it is an equal exchange, the Yang escape in it is If it was given to him as a trading object, then the remaining soul must have a certain meaning, otherwise it would lose the meaning of equivalent exchange. It's just that Uzumaki Naruto will not know the meaning now.

He raised his hand and took it The light jade floating in front of him.

The light jade also rushed into Uzumaki Naruto's body when he stretched out his hand. At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto felt that all the cells in his body were jumping for joy.


The heart also began to beat faster.

However, this feeling of excitement soon calmed down.

Looking at his hands, Uzumaki Naruto had a very strange feeling.

「strange feeling……」

「My body seems to be starting to change... Is this the power of Yang escape?"

The white silhouette watching from the side observed the changes of Uzumaki Naruto with great interest.

"After obtaining Yang Dun, the nature of your life has undergone tremendous changes. It has begun to tend to reverse the nature of life and begin to evolve in the direction of the ancestor of the bloodline."

"However, your Yang Escape only comes from the third generation, and it is impossible to be the same as that rabbit."

Uzumaki Naruto is already satisfied, but he still has some regrets.

"It's enough, even if it's just this, it's still an unattainable height for me"

"However, I thought I could use Yin-Yang Escape once I got Yang Escape, but it still doesn't seem to work."

The white outline hugged his chest and looked at the kid in front of him.

"The Yin-Yang Dun in your world is the product of the fusion of seven attributes. Yang Dun alone is not enough. But your luck is pretty good. When your life nature approaches that of the bloodline ancestor, you will also get the five attributes."

"But Yin Escape is not within the scope of the Five Elements"

「……This person is leading me to do this."

Uzumaki Naruto could tell that this was intentional guidance, to induce him to conduct more transactions with him.

However, doing so would be more beneficial to him. What is this person’s purpose?

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