Uzumaki Naruto accepted the white outline's statement, but the sacred tree of the Otsutsuki clan was surprisingly cheap. Even an Otsutsuki Kaguya cost 80% of its value.

The white outline understood what Uzumaki Naruto was thinking.

"It's not that Otsutsuki Kaguya is too valuable, nor is it that the sacred tree is too worthless, but it's a reciprocal relationship of value."

"If you ask for too many things from Kaguya Otsutsuki, the price you need to pay will be higher. But this does not mean that the value of Kaguya Otsutsuki is very high, but that the value of your request is very high. high"

"The sacred tree of the Otsutsuki clan itself is of considerable value. If you are planning to cultivate this sacred tree for a longer period of time, and use the sacred tree seeds and branches of the sacred tree to transform the Ten-Tails and My trading naturally has a steady stream of value, but you don’t have that time"

"To put it in layman's terms, it's like a hen that can lay eggs. Its greater value lies in the value created by laying eggs, but the value of the hen itself is not much higher because of laying eggs. Unless you take care of your breeding, a hen is only worth that."

Uzumaki Naruto, who didn't care much about this problem at the beginning, nodded. Now he understands why the sacred tree needs 80% of the value even to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But for this kind of shrinking Uzumaki Naruto, he is not very Care.

If he can sell the sacred tree, he is stealing. Even if he has the ability and opportunity, Uzumaki Naruto will not choose to raise the sacred tree.

Raising the sacred tree to obtain the seeds of the sacred tree and the Ten-Tails does not know how long it will take. With that extra time, he was already on the verge of reaching the top with his own strength. If he sold it all at once, the value would shrink a lot, but at least the sacred tree he prostituted for free had value.

"I know."

Uzumaki Naruto's face was calm.

Uzumaki Naruto, who cannot cross the universe, does not yet have the ability to go to Otsutsuki's week. This time it is because he encountered the only opportunity to observe the universe without the ability.

Here Being able to have the opportunity to sell a sacred tree of the Otsutsuki clan is indeed the ultimate form of whoring.

In addition, Uzumaki Naruto has the idea of ​​"it doesn't matter if he fails", so his current success is just a bonus.

「"I don't care, it doesn't matter" is also appropriate. After all, time is the most important to Uzumaki Naruto, and it is even worth more than this sacred tree.

Moreover, the biggest gain this time is not a sacred tree.

「World view... great secret treasure……」

「That thing may be more important than anything else."

Uzumaki Naruto heard some"surprised" emotions from the white outline for the first time.

Although Uzumaki Naruto still doesn't know what this"world view" and"great secret treasure" mean, what he can know is that it is"very important".

"Send me back."

The surrounding white protective panels disappeared little by little, and Uzumaki Naruto also saw the scene outside.

The space was collapsing, and the huge planet was almost constantly being swallowed by the center.

「It looks like this situation will continue for some time."

Just looking at the collapse of this space, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly became interested. After all, he had never seen a real planet collapse.

Without a core in the center of the planet, the collapse rate is much faster than imagined, and the entire mass of the planet has shrunk.

After the planet was completely swallowed, the central point suddenly lit up with an astonishing brightness, and spread outward at an alarming speed.


Uzumaki Naruto frowned slightly, and the next moment, his vision appeared far away.

After Naruto Uzumaki was far away from the center of the explosion, the shock wave just now had passed. Many things on the planet were blown away into the universe by the shock wave, but most of them had lost their original appearance.

However, these are not issues that Uzumaki Naruto is concerned about.

Now he focused his attention on the tiny black space created after the shock wave.

His sight was drawn closer, and Uzumaki Naruto saw that the not-so-large black space was constantly generating amazing gravity, sucking things that were still scattered in the universe into the black space at an alarming speed.

「A black hole is formed」

「The astonishing mass caused the creation of black holes, and the mass caused by the collapse of a planet was unimaginably strong."

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Uzumaki Naruto slowly opened his palms.

A weak gravitational force suddenly appeared in the center of the palm. This gravitational force shrank little by little, forming a black hole that was only one millimeter in size.

「It's not chakra, it's not any kind of power."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the black hole in his hand. He was very sure that he did not use his inner power. After all, he is just a conscious body now and should not be able to use the power in his body.

Even if you use the power in your body to form a black hole, it shouldn't appear here, but where your body is.

「It's really a situation I don't understand."

I can't understand what is going on at all, why I can create a black hole in the palm of my hand.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't know the answer to this question, but he already had a direction towards the answer.

「I guess it was something like [World View] that person was talking about, right?」

「However, this is not an exercise of power at all.」

「My three views are shattered."

Although Uzumaki Naruto knows that his level of education is not very high, he still knows something about conservation of mass.

Normally creating a black hole probably requires the collapse of a planet, or perhaps a star. It is not even certain that a black hole can be created, but the destruction of a star may cause the birth of a black hole.

But this kind of thing was born in his own hands, and Uzumaki Naruto did not feel that he had consumed any energy.

In other words, the black hole in your hand was created when you wanted to create it.

「The law of conservation of mass has been defeated instantly, right?"

Looking at the black hole in his hand that was always trying to pull the surrounding objects, Uzumaki Naruto felt that his common sense was a bit broken.

「No, maybe this black hole was created using energy that I don't know about」

「It's just that I don't know, so I think that mass is not conserved. Maybe this is just a shallow understanding.」

「Well, that's how it should be."

Waving his hand to make the black hole disappear, Uzumaki Naruto also stabilized his mood.

He has accepted too many things that he cannot touch at this stage, and now he is a bit emotionally impetuous.

「These powers will definitely belong to me in the future」

「However, what I need now is to let go of these thoughts. These things do not belong to me yet.」

「Now, I'm going back."

Uzumaki Naruto took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

My mood slowly calmed down, and the previous feeling that I could do anything disappeared.

Opening his eyes again, he returned to his home on the 23rd training ground.

PS: Ask for flowers and comments every day

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