After a long time, Wang Zijia finally let out a long breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

He is now a serious peak boy. He can't do anything in terms of cultivation. The only thing he lacks is spiritual objects and nine foundation-building techniques.

And eight of the nine foundation-building techniques have been prepared. For the remaining technique, according to the mysterious induction in the connection of the five techniques, he needs to add a blood side technique.

Of course, this is not urgent at the moment. Let's get the spiritual objects first. As for the nine foundation-building techniques, as long as the value is enough, they can be completed in minutes after finding them.


Four days passed in a flash.

Wang Zijia skipped work again that day. He kept sorting out his clothes, thinking about what else he needed to prepare. He even bought a lot of spiritual materials needed for the Five Ghosts Communication Technique.

In the evening, it was time for dinner.

"I will go on a mission tomorrow. If everything goes well, I will be back in a month." Wang Zijia suddenly said.

Xiang Feifei's eating movements suddenly froze, and she looked up at Wang Zijia with astonishment.

"Have you accepted the mission?"

"What mission?"

"How dangerous is it?"

"Why didn't you discuss it with me?"

"Do you know that any A-level mission can't be simple?"

"It's over. I thought you would need at least half a year before you start looking for something to save your life."

She was stunned for a moment, then changed her gentle personality and quickly bombarded Wang Zijia.

Wang Zijia looked at her gently, and Xiang Feifei stopped talking for a long time. Wang Zijia smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know my limits. As for why I didn't inform you... My mission is different from the ordinary A-level mission of making foundation-building pills."

Ordinary A-level missions are mostly about exorcising demons, sweeping away monsters, and pioneering.

While talking, Wang Zijia clicked on the task and showed it to Xiang Feifei.

When she saw the task, Xiang Feifei was stunned and said in surprise: "Secret Realm Trial? Isn't this a benefit for the top seed players in the vein? How did you get it..."

She stopped again in the middle of her words. They have been together for half a year, and she has been aware of Wang Zijia's secret for a month or two.

But she never asked.

The two were silent for a moment, and she changed the subject and said: "Have you prepared the life-saving things? It is not safe to be kept in the secret realm of the strange domain even if it is a sect."

"Yes, it was prepared early in the morning." Wang Zijia nodded.

"What about the healing pills?"


The two ate and chatted. Today, Xiang Feifei was mostly instructing, and she was a bit like a mother in advance.

Wang Zijia was not impatient and kept responding.

After dinner, Wang Zijia came to the basement and looked at the altar.

After the curse of ten people, although the spirit bones had been replenished many times, the repaired altar was almost completely scrapped, so Wang Zijia simply demolished it. And cleaned up the basement carefully.

He didn't want to see a bunch of law enforcement teams waiting for him to have tea when he came back.

After doing all this, Wang Zijia had almost finished cleaning. He planned to go to bed early, but he couldn't sleep. It was probably because it was his first time to experience a mission, so he was always a little nervous. He simply got up and went to the practice room to practice.

Because of the value exchange practice, although Wang Zijia would meditate for a period of time every day, he rarely used practice to replace sleep.


Time passed slowly. When it was almost twelve o'clock, Wang Zijia, who was in meditation, suddenly felt something in his heart, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the window on the side.

As Wang Zijia looked, a palm-sized figure flew to his window, and the dark shadow was illuminated on the window by the moonlight outside, and at the same time, a slight, extremely regular knocking sound sounded.


"Who?" Wang Zijia frowned and asked softly.

While speaking, he raised his hand suddenly, and opened the window with a surge of spiritual light.


The window was suddenly opened, making a loud crashing sound.

A dark bat was standing on the window.

After Wang Zijia opened the door, some weak mana fluctuations emerged from the bat, and a voice came out from its body.

"Two quarters of an hour later, in the suburbs of Yushoumai, by the Hualin Pond."

Along with the voice, there was a faint rune flashing on the bat's forehead. The rune was a simple human face. If you look closely, you will find that the human face is composed of countless smaller skulls.


As the words came out, the rune flashed for three breaths, and the bat in front of the window suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist, leaving no residue.

"Is this... from the Bone Soul Temple? Did it come to the door again?"

Wang Zijia had seen the strange human face rune before in Wanyu Xiancheng when he planted a demon on the man who stopped his carriage.

Thoughts were churning in his mind, and Wang Zijia was struggling whether to go or not. After he joined the sect, he has been constantly improving his cultivation. It was because of this sense of urgency that he didn't expect that he would still come to his door.

So what should he do now?

'Looking at the fluctuations in this aura, it is impossible for him to be a beast-controlling monk in the Jijiu realm. Let's go and see before deciding what to do next? '

'After all, there is almost no information about these people at present. The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. I don't know how well the other party knows me. It is easy to make mistakes in everything I do, and even dangerous if I am not careful. '

'At least I can get through tonight. I will go on a mission tomorrow. I can think about it slowly then! '

After his thoughts settled, Wang Zijia no longer hesitated, got up and left the yard, jumped on the kite, identified the direction, and went straight to the Dao Court and the Beast Control Vein.


The Dao Court, Beast Control Vein and Bloodline Transformation Vein building complexes are separated by nearly ten miles of suburbs, which is one of the farthest suburbs among many faction building complexes.

This is mainly because these two veins have certain land requirements.

This suburb is covered by forests, and there are many places in it, raising some low-level monsters to extract blood for the use of Transformation Vein disciples.

There are also some low-level disciples of the Beast Control Vein who can't even afford a spirit beast bag, and their beasts are not small, so they have to release them in this area.

Therefore, this suburb is usually not deserted, but has a lot of life.

It was already midnight at this moment. Wang Zijia rode a kite and hovered over the forest for a while, and then found the so-called Hualin Pond according to the map. It was indeed just a small pond.

Looking at the pool below, Wang Zijia did not dive directly into the water, but landed in the woods far away. After putting away the kite, his magic power covered his whole body like quicksand, and Wang Zijia disappeared from the spot like a chameleon.

After completing the invisibility, Wang Zijia carefully dived forward.

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