Weight: Cursed Bastard

Status: Contaminated

Value: 91


‘Sure enough, it is already close to the value point of innate cultivation, no wonder it is so difficult to deal with! ’

Looking at the 91-point blood-colored weight, Wang Zijia confirmed that his perception was correct, and then immediately exchanged it for the value of the talisman making technique.

Spell: Talisman Making Technique (Proficiency 371/500)

After looking at the rapid increase in progress, Wang Zijia exited the sea of ​​consciousness, picked up the dagger, and disappeared.

It's a long story, but from the time Wang Zijia appeared to when he disappeared, it only took a few breaths, less than half a minute.


His front legs disappeared, and the pursuers chasing the children arrived behind him. Looking at the corpse on the ground, he asked in surprise: "Dead?"

"Ha, even more hasty purification!"

"So the news reported by Team 7 is true? Is there anyone who can help?"

"No, it's not purification, it's pollution!"



"Are there other evil cultivators in the city who dare to absorb pollution directly?"

"Report immediately!"

"Damn it, it's been almost a day, why are there still no movement in the various veins in the inner gate? Are they all just eating hard food!"


Wang Zijia sneaked away again and ran all the way.

The first time it was new, the second time it was familiar, he felt that he was gradually getting started and gaining experience.

He rushed into some dark alleys where mortals lived. After all, the pollution had been going on for a day. Most of those who were obviously crazy, as well as those who were immediately crazy yesterday, should have been eliminated.

Most of the ones left now should be contaminated, but not completely crazy. Just like his crazy criticizing state yesterday, it was clear that something was wrong, but he didn't realize it, and at the same time he knew how to avoid danger.

In this semi-latency state, these places where mortals live are most easily ignored.

After a while, Wang Zijia killed another crazy person, and was lucky enough to pick up a corpse of the law enforcement team, gaining a total of 145 points.

As the weights were exchanged for skill value, Wang Zijia's talisman-making skills once again made great progress, reaching a small success.

Spell: Talisman Making Technique (Small Success 516/1000)

However, the value of Dacheng requires 500, and the success rate only increases by a little more than 10%. Therefore, Wang Zijia hesitated for a moment and planned to start building up his cultivation.

Although it is a bit unreliable to obtain internal power for thousands of years, the exchanged skill can be converted into monk cultivation with spiritual roots later, so it has no impact.

After making the decision, Wang Zijia began to search again.

Attracted by the battle again, Wang Zijia quietly touched it.

As soon as he got close, the aura in his body became extremely active again. As he continued to absorb pollution and redeem it for cleansing, he found that his Qi was becoming more and more sensitive to these evil creatures, like a radar, as if he was addicted.

But what made Wang Zijia change his mind was that before he even got close this time, the fighting monster moved towards him to break out, seeming to regard his mutated Qi as the same kind!

"This is... a monk-level polluted evil species, and he is not a low-level product, at least an intermediate, or even a high-level [child] cultivation level? Are such beings completely contaminated?"

Wang Zijia sensed the fluctuations of the battle, his expression changed drastically, and without saying a word, he turned around and ran away!


Following his move, the besieged demon two streets away let out a roar, with an anxious look on its face, as if it wanted to call Wang Zijia for help!

This guy was actually polluted but his mind was not affected!

At least, he still retains his sanity!

It's a pity that Wang Zijia didn't understand what the other party was yelling at, so he didn't have time to pay attention and ran away like crazy.

After walking around in a big circle, Wang Zijia returned home directly.

It was already early in the morning, not far from dawn, so I decided not to continue wandering. And the encounter just now scared him a bit.

The harvest of hundreds of value points in one night made him a little carried away.

Cultivation: Innate

Skill: Latent Shadow

Martial Arts: Nineteen Slashes of Youlong Short Sword

Spell: Talisman Making Technique (Small Success 516/1000)

Lying on the bed, Wang Zijia's face was filled with enthusiasm as he watched his sudden success in making talisman paper.

A small technique with an 80% success rate.

Ten spiritual materials cost one method, five spell cards will repay the original cost, three will be earned, and a 60% return rate. This kind of business investment is definitely worth it!

When it comes to your wallet's income, count on it!


It was dawn after three hours of sleep. Wang Zijia did not get up early today.

It's almost time to go to work, so I get up, eat, and then go to work.

The front desk is still on duty, and there are a lot more customers today, but most people are in a hurry.

Wang Zijia fished until get off work. After going home and having dinner, he practiced various skills at home for a long time.

After so many days, he has tested most of his skills.

During practice, the skill value increased the fastest. To my great surprise, it was not a technique, but Tai Chi in my previous life! ! !

It seems that because of the otherworldly skills, the value of pure connection increases faster than the magic connection!

Well, just testing his skills, of course.

For example, I haven't had a chance to test the 108-style hand-to-hand combat skills yet.

Because of this, he spent his free time boxing. Although he suddenly gained hundreds of value points, the accumulation of daily practice was still a considerable amount of income!

He practiced until around eight or nine in the evening, when the sky was getting dark and the lights were starting to turn on. When Wang Zijia felt that the time was almost up, he slowly stopped working.

He put on a black coat, took out the prepared bamboo hat, and took out 32 spell cards from the secret room. He quietly went out and headed for the outer part of the city.

When he came to the area near the city wall, there were mostly small low-rise tile houses, which belonged to the place where most mortals lived. It was considered the slums of the fairy city.

This slum is relative. After all, they use at least gold and silver in their daily lives, and rarely copper coins.

If he really sold the house, left here, and went to the secular world, he would become a small rich man in minutes!

There are endless people in Xiuxian City, which probably means this!

Wang Zijia walked through a group of streets, turned into an inconspicuous liquor store, came to the back door, and put on a black bamboo hat.

"Dongdong... Dongdong..."

He started knocking in a unique rhythm.

"No wine for sale today!" After a moment, an old voice sounded in the yard.

"Then how to spend this long night?" Wang Zijia responded.

Then, the surroundings fell into silence for a moment.


The back door was opened, and the one who opened it was an old man, who looked to be in his seventies or eighties, half buried in the ground.

He glanced at Wang Zijia, turned around and left without saying a word. Seeing this, Wang Zijia followed quietly.

The two walked through the backyard, entered the room from the side room, and then kept walking.

It seemed that they went directly from the house to another yard, walked through several rooms in a row, and a cellar entrance suddenly appeared in front of them, and the old man stepped in. Wang Zijia followed closely behind.

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