His father was originally a cultivator, and a cultivator of the Wanyu Xianzong. Although he was a errand boy who could not even enter the outer gate, he was also driven out.

But such a person, after decades of accumulation, the property he purchased would not be too rubbish.

In addition to the study, there is a kitchen, two large bedrooms, a main hall and living room, a wing room, and a large yard with an old peach tree planted in the yard.

All added up, it is more than 100 to 200 square meters. In the previous life, it was a standard villa with a yard.

‘Hehe, I have been in the past for more than 20 years, but I didn’t make a name for myself. Now I have just traveled through time, but I have become a family with a house and have a stable job. What is this? ’

‘Traveled through time to become rich? ’

The thought flashed through his mind, and he shook his head with some self-mockery. While walking out of the door, he reached out and took out a fire starter from his pocket.

Before entering the secret room, he lit an oil lamp in his study, but now the oil lamp has burned out. It is obvious that the original body has stayed in the secret room for a long time, which can be seen from the dried blood in the secret room.


Holding the fire starter, he crossed the desk and blew it gently, preparing to light the mobile lamp similar to a lantern at the door of the study.


Suddenly, a slight sound came from the garden, as if someone jumped in from outside the yard.


Wang Zijia, who has already mastered martial arts, paused for a moment. He decisively stopped the action in his hand, covered the fire starter, put it in his arms, quietly came to the window, and looked into the yard through the window in the moonlight.

The dim moonlight scattered in the yard, so that the yard was not completely dark, but only a vague shadow could be seen.

In the empty yard, an old peach tree cast a circle of shadows under the moonlight, making the yard look a little deep. At the edge of the yard, a vague black shadow was standing against the wall, looking around vigilantly.

Looking at the black shadow, Wang Zijia's heart was shocked.

The black shadow seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After looking around the dark yard, there was no light or human voice. He walked directly to the bedroom where the original body lived. His purpose seemed very clear.

It seems that the other party is very familiar with the yard?

At least not unfamiliar.

Wang Zijia became nervous instantly, because the other party was not only wearing black clothes, but also holding a knife.

His father died suddenly, the original body was poisoned, and now the man in black broke in at night... Combining the information in his memory, all kinds of things added up, then you can tell with your toes that the person is not good.

It may even be the mastermind behind the scenes, the kind who came to collect the body.

There was not much time to think, and Wang Zijia quickly immersed himself in his mind.

The scale trembled slightly, and the silver experience weight emerged. He quickly waved his hand and threw all the messy weights from his previous life, such as [One Hundred and Eight Styles] and [Eye Exercises], into it.

Then he grabbed the [Thirteen Cuts of the Wandering Dragon Short Knife] weight that belonged to the original owner and was the only one that could improve combat power in a short period of time.

"Exchange all!"

As Wang Zijia's thoughts fell, all the relevant skill weights from his previous life trembled and turned into light spots. A huge weight was born from the right scale.

Weight: Nineteen Cuts of the Wandering Dragon Short Knife

Level: Secret Skill

Status: Innovative

Value: 87

Introduction: Secret Skill-level martial arts, dagger type. Due to special circumstances, this martial arts has been innovated and transcended, and it is not far from being completely extraordinary and becoming a spell.

As the new weight merged with the weight in his hand, countless insights emerged in Wang Zijia's mind, as if he had transformed into an assassin, constantly practicing a set of dagger swordsmanship.

Repeating day after day, honing day after day, he comprehended martial arts from thirteen cuts to nineteen cuts, almost becoming a method.

There was no time to comprehend carefully, because at this moment, the black-clothed man in the yard had not only opened the bedroom window of the previous body, but also jumped in to check. After finding no one, he went straight to the outside of the study.

The other party did not stop at the door of the study, but came directly to the window.

Wang Zijia, who had come back to his senses at this moment, decisively held his breath and leaned against the wall next to the window.

At this time, a silver long knife was inserted from the gap of the window. The blade was snow-white, flashing with cold light, and extremely sharp. Gently moving up, the long knife cut off the wooden window whistle like cutting tofu.

The window opened silently. The other party carefully looked outside the window. After finding no one, he jumped into the room through the window.

‘Now! ’

Wang Zijia, holding his breath and preparing to strike, held the dagger in both hands and instinctively used the strongest sneak attack move in his unique skills.

‘Sixteen Slashes of the Wandering Dragon: Wandering Dragon Backstab! ’

The body turned into a residual image, with a cold light, rushing towards the target who had just jumped into the room.


The black-clothed man who had just entered the room instantly had his hair standing on end. Under the threat of death, he had no time to turn around. He held the knife with both hands, turned his hands, inserted the long knife from his armpit, and stabbed behind him.

He tried to use this way of dying together to force Wang Zijia to change his moves and get a chance to breathe.

If it were the original owner, he would definitely have to be cautious.

But at this moment, Wang Zijia's cultivation has not only reached the initial stage of the acquired realm, and he has been promoted to a first-class expert. He has also piled up his unique martial arts to the point where it is almost like magic. How can he be so careless?

He was seen shaking slightly, and just slightly adjusted the direction of the thrust, but his forward movement was not delayed at all.


The dagger instantly sank into the opponent's waist and inserted from the spine.


The person who was stabbed wanted to say something.

Unfortunately, he had no chance. After inserting a knife into the opponent's waist spine, Wang Zijia did not stop, but quickly used his hand to insert the dagger in his other hand from the back of the opponent's neck spine, diagonally upward, and emerged from the Adam's apple.

"Uh uh..."

The opponent who was about to say something froze all over. The spine, vocal cords, and carotid artery were all cut off. He instantly collapsed to the ground like mud, and a little bit of mumbling came out of his mouth, accompanied by blood.

After doing all this, Wang Zijia did not breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly pulled out the dagger. Without waiting for the opponent to die completely, he quietly jumped out of the room.

Although the opponent was a warrior, his spine and carotid artery were broken. Even if he would not die instantly, he could not do anything.

After Wang Zijia jumped out of the room, he quickly scanned the yard and found no other movement. After hesitating for a moment, he quietly climbed out from the back door wall, carefully looked around, and then quickly turned around along the shadow of the wall.

He originally practiced assassin-type martial arts, and he was even more extraordinary and almost a sage. In addition, it was still midnight, and under the right time and place, he looked around quietly like a ghost.

No other enemies were found!

It seemed that the other party came alone.

After confirming that there was no danger for the time being, Wang Zijia climbed back into the yard and came to the study.

A faint smell of blood filled the air. After a moment of delay, the person in the room had completely lost his breath, and the blood spurting from his neck also became slow and flowed out.

What made Wang Zijia frown was that the other party seemed to be a little similar to himself, also a little fat man. As for martial arts cultivation, that was unknown.

And when he attacked just now, there was no magic aura, so it was even more impossible that he was a cultivator.


He took out the fire starter again, blew twice, and looked at the other party with the faint red light.


When he handed the fire starter to the other party and saw the other party's face clearly with the faint red light, Wang Zijia's heart skipped a beat.

It was nothing, this guy looked exactly like the original owner in his memory.

Fifteen or sixteen years old, with a tender little round face, plus that fat body... It was exactly the same as the original in his memory.

Wang Zijia, who was in doubt, found a bronze mirror in the study, lit the lantern and came to him again. When they compared each other, they were exactly the same, just like looking in the mirror.

"Damn, could it be that the original twins were killed by mistake?"

"No, the original owner's memory doesn't seem to have any ghost twin brothers, and the original owner's adopted father doesn't have another son."

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Wang Zijia frowned and kept searching the memory of his previous life.

This weird situation made him forget the fear of his first murder for a while.


After a while, whether it was because the corpse was dead and cooled or because of other reasons, Wang Zijia found that the skin on the chin of the fat man was bleeding, as if bleeding under the skin.

"Huh? This is..."

Wang Zijia took a closer look and found that it was not bleeding under the skin, but something on the other person's face. The blood seeped into the wound, causing this situation.

With a slight change of expression, he reached out and touched it carefully.


After a moment, he touched something, and with a little force, he actually pulled out a transparent mask like plastic wrap from the fat man's face.

The mask was extremely thin and elastic. It felt like a latex mask, extremely elastic.

On the ground, the little fat man who had lost his mask had some subtle changes on his face. He remained roughly the same, still somewhat similar to him, but no longer exactly the same. At most, they were only 70% similar.

More like brothers!

"Isn't this the legendary human skin mask?"

Looking at the other party, and then at the transparent mask film in his hand, Wang Zijia frowned slightly, his heart surging.


His stomach growled again, even hungrier, and even the constantly running skills slowed down a little.

Temporarily suppressing his hunger, Wang Zijia began to search the little fat man. In addition to wearing a tight black suit, the other party also had a small package across his waist.

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