Bai Qian's illusory figure emerged from the chaos. The moment he saw Wang Zijia, he was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his intact hands, with a look of disbelief that he could see again.

"Your eyesight hasn't recovered yet, take a look around first." Wang Zijia said.

"What?" Bai Qian looked around blankly and said in confusion: "What are you looking at? White mist?"

Can't she see even her own weights?

Is this white mist and chaos really the sea of ​​consciousness?

Wang Zijia frowned and said, "Then what can you see?"

"Um, sir, that big ball of light on your head is too dazzling to see clearly!" Bai Qian covered her eyes with her hands and said.

Wang Zijia looked up at the copper-colored weight above his head and roughly understood the specific situation. Then his mind moved slightly and he hid the weight.

"It's gone, the big ball of light is gone!" Bai Qian looked around as he spoke and said, "There's nothing there. Except for you, sir, it's just a vast expanse of white."

Wang Zijia nodded, then waved his hand and said: "If you feel anything about my next operation, try to resist!"

Bai Qian nodded silently.

Then Wang Zijia's mind moved slightly, and he contacted the red copper weight. He felt a scale appear in his hand, and he held it in his left hand. Then with a move of his right hand, the evil weight flew into the scale, and then he grabbed the eye weight with his right hand.


Following Wang Zijia's choice, the weight used to make medicine slowly disappeared, and a new weight merged with the eye weight like light spots in his hand.

"How do you feel?" Wang Zijia tilted his head to ask, but stopped in place with a slight frown, because as he redeemed, Bai Qian slowly disappeared.

His mind moved, and the red copper weight took him back to his sea of ​​consciousness, and then immediately exited the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Bai Qian covered her eyes and curled up on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Wang Zijia asked with a frown.

"It hurts, itches, and there's something in my eyes." Bai Qian whispered back.

"If you want to be blind for the rest of your life, you can continue to cover it. It won't be a problem if you scratch it twice." Wang Zijia said indifferently.

When Bai Qian heard this, she let go of her hand in horror and stood up from the ground.

Wang Zijia bent down and looked closely. He saw that in the hollows of the other person's eyes that had healed, countless flesh buds were squirming and growing.

In just a moment, most of the eyeball's growth has been completed.

Just as Wang Zijia was looking at the breath time, Bai Qian subconsciously stepped back, squinted her eyes, and stretched out her hand to block the less strong sunlight. Then he looked at his hand in disbelief again.

"Can you see it?" Wang Zijia asked.

"Yeah!" Bai Qian nodded sharply and replied with a shocked look on his face.

"Is there something wrong?" Wang Zijia looked at the freshman's eyes carefully and asked.

"My eyes feel a little stinging, everything is so bright." Bai Qian squinted her eyes and replied.

"It will take a while to get used to it. What did you see before you came out?" Wang Zijia straightened up and stopped observing.

"Master, you held a ball of light and waved it twice. Then I felt pain in my eyes and it suddenly came out." Bai Qian described.

Wang Zijia listened to the description and roughly understood the situation. It seemed that after completely completing the spiritual root cultivation, he tried to weigh the opponent, but the opponent could not resist.

That's right, after all, the innate magic spells say that after completing the demonic erosion, you can even control life and death.

But it seems that if he doesn't take the initiative to pull the other party, the other party can't even enter the space.

Is that really the Sea of ​​Consciousness?

While thinking, Wang Zijia entered the space again and made some attempts.

In fact, what he hopes most is to exchange Bai Qian's silver weights for himself, so that he can find someone to work and practice. Unfortunately, it cannot be operated across spaces, at least not currently.

"That's it for today. Tomorrow we'll start recovering your face, which is a delicate job. As for your right arm..." At this point, Wang Zijia looked her up and down and said:

"You are too thin now. It's a bit difficult to gain strength! Let's gain weight this month first and then next month. After all, you have no cultivation now. Feeding you the Violent Qi Pill is seeking death."

"As for other medicines that have miraculous effects on mortals, they are too expensive. It is better to let you gain weight. By the way, there is also half an ear. I will get it out for you tomorrow. This little bit of meat should still be able to be removed. "

"Oh!" Bai Qian replied half-understanding.

"It's getting late. You can go back and rest by yourself. I don't want you to serve me here." Wang Zijia said to see off the guests.

"Oh!" Bai Qian heard this and left the study honestly.

After leaving the study room, she changed her dull look. She looked at her hands, feet, and everywhere. She finally looked like a child.


After the other party left, Wang Zijia turned over his hands and took out the spell he had just obtained: Rune Sense, and began to browse through it.

As I read through it, the Chinese words in the book flashed into my mind.

After a while, when Wang Zijia flipped through it, he found that the book in his hand was still the same, and he was slightly startled.

When I opened it, I saw that the front part had disappeared, and there was still a small half page at the back. I couldn't remember the relevant spells in my mind.

He looked through it carefully again. This time the book turned into papyrus and shattered when touched. The spell in his mind also became clear.

Pulled out the information and looked at it.

Spell: Talisman Making Technique (small success 500/1000),

Clay transformation invisibility (entry level 300/600),

Earth Spear Spirit Arrow Technique (200/400 for beginners),

Rune Perception (50/300 for beginners),

Tai Chi: 117

Originally, he planned to make talisman paper to make money, but now he has rune perception, he can make talismans.

However, the value of the primary spell is only one thousand, while the advanced one is three thousand.

Now, he only has more than one thousand silver-white skill weights, which can be used to make low-level spell talisman paper to the great success, but the advanced rune perception requires fifteen thousand for the small success, which is still five hundred short.

So he needs to test whether the profit of making a simple blank card is higher under the great success level talisman paper making technique, or the profit of making a mastery level talisman is higher.

His thoughts moved slightly, and he transferred four hundred weights of the two earth-based spells, and added the Tai Chi weight pool to temporarily stack the talisman paper technique to the great success.

As the talisman paper making technique was completed, Wang Zijia found that a white illusory rune slowly condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless insights emerged in his heart.

After a long time, when he exited the state, he had completely mastered the talisman paper making technique.

The great technique can condense related magic runes. This is another condition for the breakthrough of the boy stage!

After exiting the sea of ​​consciousness, he took out the 100 spiritual materials he received, and there was no need to be careful at all.

With a wave of his hand, the spiritual materials flew in front of him, and under the kneading of the magic power, a card was finally condensed quickly.

Then, he threw it aside, and then Wang Zijia performed it again.

In this way, except for the occasional failure of making a card, one card after another was born quickly, as if working on an assembly line.

After more than seven years of Taoism, Wang Zijia made sixty or seventy cards in one breath, and then stopped because of exhaustion of magic power.

Then he took out the two magic coins left yesterday and began to meditate to recover. As the spiritual power in the magic coin jade was absorbed, the exquisite jade quickly dimmed. Even so, it took more than an hour for him to recover all his magic power.

And the spiritual energy in the magic coin was consumed by a small half, and it could be recovered at most twice.

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