I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 547 In Changbao Prefecture, the thirty-six gods want to slay the devil!

It is said that: Study the classics, and you will naturally develop supernatural powers.

Note: Any secret scripture of the immortals must contain supreme supernatural powers, please study it carefully.

"Uh..." Looking at the Yuanci Liangyi Sword that he had sharpened, Wang Zijia was stunned for a moment.

"Is this secret book a chapter inheritance in the scripture? I haven't even seen a third-grade immortal classic, and you told me that this is an introductory chapter in the scripture?"

Originally, he regarded this sword method as a Taoist method to make up the number of his Duobao Taoist school, as a resource for his Duobao Taoist school to further evolve, but... unexpectedly, he picked up such an exaggerated inheritance by accident.

It's really... After searching everywhere, it's easy to get it!

After a while, Wang Zijia stabilized his thoughts.

First, he looked at the cultivation information.

Taoism: 800 years (170 million/200 million)

Tai Chi: 17.89 million

Then he flipped his hand and took out several jade gourds of pills, all of which were love poison pills, but not second-grade ones, but third-grade and fourth-grade ones.

Twenty million magic money has been refined into pills in more than half a month. The efficiency of the Li family is pretty good, so he doesn't need to start a clone to work hard!

Wang Zijia flipped his hand and took the lead in swallowing the third-grade love poison pill.

"Value +10.92 million!"

"Value +9.43 million!"


After a while, he finished eating the third-grade love poison pill and started to eat the fourth-grade one.

To be honest, it feels the same.

For the love poison pill series, the grade is more about the accumulation of toxins, and when Wang Zijia ate the second-grade pill, he was madly accumulating special toxins. Strictly speaking, he had already eaten the second-grade pill as the fourth-grade one.

"Value +84.87 million!"

Daoist practice: 1,000 years (200 million/200 million)

Tai Chi: 72.76 million

After a long time, Wang Zijia consumed all the pills and looked at the total value of the harvest. Wang Zijia still found some differences.

The second-grade pill, the love poison pill, has a value of about 4.4-4.5 per magic money, while the high-quality one is only about 4.2-4.3.

It is probably caused by a combination of reasons such as the high quality, the age of the materials required, and the refining problems. However, this loss is acceptable.

After all, the love poison pill with tens of millions of magic money is too much and too complicated to refine the second-grade pill. Wang Zijia has tried it himself before.

He can even vomit after taking the pills.

Feeling the full mana in his body that has reached the limit of the infant god, Wang Zijia looked at several spells.

Yuanci Liangyi Sword (300,000/3 million for beginners)·Fourth-grade high-level

Paper Spirit Burial Chapter (300,000/3 million for beginners)·Fourth-grade high-level

Phantom God Inheritance Chapter (300,000/3 million for beginners)·Fourth-grade high-level

Time and Space Concealment·Seed of Divine Power (100,000/10 billion in the making)

The value of 70 million is only enough for a fourth-grade high-level Taoist method. After a slight hesitation, Wang Zijia gave up the idea of ​​getting the Paper Spirit Burial Chapter first and planned to get the Yuanci Liangyi Sword first.

[Do you want to consume 59.7 million value to upgrade the fourth-grade high-level Taoist chapter Yuanci Liangyi Sword Chapter to the Great Completion? ]


Tai Chi: 13.06 million


As Wang Zijia confirmed, there was a roar in his mind, like a lightning bolt, striking down on his head.

In a trance, Wang Zijia seemed to have experienced the grand scene of the creation of the world.

It seemed that he saw a huge golden shadow, which was shining with divine light under the divine wheel. There was no one in front of the shadow, but he was preaching, as if he was teaching a group of disciples.

"I have nine methods, which can cast supreme magical powers, perform thousands of spiritual treasures, and even transcend the great way. Those who enter with Tai Chi, Liang Yi, and San Cai are all predestined. I hope you will carefully comprehend and verify the true method!"

The next moment, golden light emerged, as if someone was teaching him the Tao in his mind.

Countless insights emerged quickly, and knowledge continued to fill his mind.

In an instant, Wang Zijia's sea of ​​consciousness once again had a complex sword rune group, forming a few centimeters long rune sword with cold light flashing.

As the rune sword took shape, the golden shadow of the Dharma seemed to be clearer. Before Wang Zijia could see clearly, all the strange phenomena disappeared, and he resumed his normal thoughts.

"Was that... the memory of blood inheritance? The blood inheritance of the innate sacred?"

"Speaking of which, the innate sacreds of the ancient times were really like demon beasts, born with sacredness, and even born with knowledge!"

Feeling the various information in his mind, Wang Zijia felt a little yearning.

It is conceivable that several epochs ago, the greatness of the Divine World.

It took a long time for Wang Zijia to come back to his senses from his sighs.

With a thought, the five ghosts turned into dark red mist and slowly condensed in front of him.

A three-foot-long strange long sword slowly emerged, dark red in color, with cracks and silver light spinning in the cracks.

Next to it was a three-inch-sized handleless small sword, which was also covered with cracks. As the silver light circulated, it was like a flying blade sword ball, spinning around the long sword.

The small sword was shrouded in a strange force field, invisible and shadowless, and extremely fast, but Wang Zijia saw it clearly.

The Yuanci flying sword, which was already very magical, underwent some changes and became even more magical because Wang Zijia integrated the power of time and space concealment.

He tried to think.

"Hua La!"

He didn't hear any sound of breaking through the air, and didn't feel any movement. In the distance, a large area of ​​trees in the Nanfei Mountains were directly broken.

He thought again, and the flying sword had already flown back.

The next moment, the mother sword in his hand also became smaller, and the mother and child swords turned into two small swords, which circled Wang Zijia's waist and rotated rapidly.

Wang Zijia took a tentative step forward, and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

He combined the ability of Da Chou and cooperated with the Yuanci Sword, and actually achieved the effect of shrinking the earth into an inch, constantly flashing rapidly.

The consumption is not like Da Chou's innate talent, and the short-term rapid flashing will continue to increase. It is a normal consumption. Although the consumption is still a bit large, it can be used as a regular means.

"Is this the effect of Yuanci's reversal of the five elements and the reversal of yin and yang? Isn't it just flashing, or flashing continuously!"

Suddenly, Wang Zijia has evolved this powerful secret swordsmanship.

Sometimes the flying sword slashes randomly, sometimes the sword moves shine in Duobao Realm, and sometimes the sword array controls the realm, with amazing power, so cool.

This kind of swordsmanship should be practiced by sword immortals!

Even compared with the Seven Heaven-cutting Swords and Yuanci Liangyi Sword of the Fifth-Rank Daozhang, it feels far inferior!


Time passed quickly while Wang Zijia was sealing the fake spirit and practicing the magic.

In a flash, several days passed.

Early in the morning of this day, in the core hall of the underground palace.

In the huge hall, there was a huge round table at this moment, with a total of thirty-six chairs and jade thrones, and it was full of people.

Without exception, all of them were gods.

And including Wang Zijia, only seven were infant gods, and the rest were all Yuanshen Daxiu.

It was the cultivators who had stabilized their cultivation after more than half a month, and there were also a few Yinlou infant gods of this era.

Among the twenty-nine people, there were more than a dozen who were familiar to Wang Zijia.

In other words, the first generation of sleeping gods occupied nearly half of the quota.

This was inevitable, after all, with the help of the five giants, and Wang Zijia's careful selection and careful training. Among the more than 200 people who had good natural capital, the emergence of five or six infant gods was quite unexpected, but not exaggerated.

And they were the generation that trusted and admired Wang Zijia the most, so most of them chose to focus on miscellaneous studies and seek to sleep after seeing no hope for the future.

And the later it was, even if the Hidden Tower did not decline, fewer people believed in this, and more people regarded it as a legend.

Add to that the ups and downs during inheritance and continuation, and it became the current situation.

At this moment, Wang Zijia was sitting in the main seat. There were 35 people around, and everyone was familiar with each other.

After a long time, when everyone was familiar with each other, Wang Zijia started the theme of this meeting and said: "This gathering is for the war situation."

With Wang Zijia's words, many great cultivators fell into silence.

More than half a month was enough for them to figure out the current situation. After all, they only slept for three to five thousand years, not three or five years.

"From the current situation, it is inevitable that Zhenling Domain will be plunged into a global war again. This seat intends to take the lead in declaring war on the Demon Sect so that we can take the initiative in the alliance later."

Hearing Wang Zijia's words, everyone showed different expressions, some frowned, and some pondered.

"With our current strength, we will be more advantageous after the war, right?"

"Waiting for the price to sit on the fence?"

"That's not possible, but if you don't express your position first, there will always be people who worry about it and will make conditions."

"Stupid, if you really want to form an alliance, of course it's better to play out the situation first. Who is easier to enter the core circle, the founder of the alliance or the one who is lured by interests? Or do you really plan to work with those demon cubs?"


A large group of big men from different eras, in a few words, have quite a few ideas.

After all, most of them are in power, and it is normal to have their own ideas.

Wang Zijia looked at everyone and said, "I called you all here today not to discuss whether to fight this war or how to fight it."

Hearing Wang Zijia's slightly cold words, everyone was shocked and subconsciously stopped talking.

"I have already decided to declare war, and I have an idea of ​​how to fight. I called you all here to ask who wants to go to the Demon Gate with me."

"Of course, this is not mandatory. Those who go will receive contribution points, which can repay a large amount of contribution points owed to the building for this breakthrough."

"If you don't go, it's okay. Go back to your own homes and take charge of the relevant logistics."

Wang Zijia's words made everyone silent.

"Haha, you are worthy of being my master. The name of the Confucian Sword Immortal is well-deserved! Count me in as Nong Shaoyong!"

"I haven't fought with Brother Jiu yet!"


More than a dozen people from the first generation, as well as the Li family, all expressed their opinions directly.

Among the younger generations of Daqian and Wanyu, several frowned and hesitated for a long time, saying: "I can participate in the war, but I need to hide my identity and will not do anything that is detrimental to the sect."

"Don't worry about this, the establishment of Yinlou was to continue the Taoist tradition of the Immortal Alliance. I have no interest in the disputes and disputes within the three families." Wang Zijia said indifferently.

Such words made several younger souls of Wanyu and Daqian breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they belonged to Yinmai, they also had a deep affection for the sect, and some people in the sect were still alive. It would be too difficult for them to run back and stab in the back.

"Then this matter is settled?"





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