First of all, he needs a certain ability to protect himself to ensure his own safety. After all, judging from what happened last night, his current situation is not very good, and may even be very dangerous.

The second step is to find ways to contact practitioners while ensuring safety, especially information related to letting mortals possess spiritual roots.

It doesn't need to be very good, as long as it allows him to have even a little spiritual root. As long as he completes the creation from scratch, he can slowly transform, even the fairy root is not impossible.

While eating and thinking, time flew by.

By the afternoon, Wang Zijia had become roughly familiar with her work and the interpersonal relationships in her memory.

After guessing that there should be no problems, he looked at the time. Before getting off work, he went to get the last shipment, left his area, and came to the pill management area.

It's almost time for the day shift to end, and everyone is fishing in the warehouse area under their jurisdiction, waiting for handover.

"Mr. Xu!" Wang Zijia found Xu Chenglin and greeted him with courtesy.

"It's Zijia, is everything okay at home?" Xu Chenglin looked at Wang Zijia and asked.

In the same department, there are no secrets. Everyone knows about his family.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your concern. Everything is fine." Wang Zijia replied.

"Come to see me now, old man, but what do you need my help with?"

Wang Zijia's father was very good at doing things before and had a good relationship with most of the handymen on the first floor, Xu Chenglin was one of them, so he asked directly at this moment.

"I do have something to trouble you, Mr. Xu. I want to buy some pills from the building. I heard that we can get a 10% discount on the purchase?" Wang Zijia asked.

"What pills do you want to buy? But where do you feel uncomfortable?" Xu Chenglin asked with concern.

Wang Zijia shook his head and said: "First, I want to buy some poison. The poison should be strong, but it will not hurt the body immediately, and the poison will kill you. It is best to have a certain incubation period."

Xu Chenglin frowned when he heard this, looked at Wang Zijia up and down, and said: "Chronic poison? What do you want to do? But what difficulties have you encountered? Don't be impulsive. Although we are sect servants, we were caught by the law enforcement team. You won’t get much preferential treatment.”

"Mr. Xu, you are overthinking. I am not buying these drugs to deal with anyone, but I want to do some research." The prince added in his words: "Even the incubation period does not need to be long, and the poison will be released in half a quarter of an hour. Okay, as long as it doesn’t hurt you immediately.”

Xu Chenglin looked at Wang Zijia suspiciously. Seeing that he had made up his mind, he said after a while: "Okay, you're not young anymore. Just know the importance."

After all, if he didn't agree, he might go out to buy it, which would be even more dangerous.

Seeing Mr. Xu agree, Wang Zijia spoke again: "In addition to poison, I also want to buy some medicine that can be used by warriors for a short period of time, as well as medicines that can improve the warrior's practice."

"Drugs that enhance a warrior's cultivation?" Xu Chenglin was stunned when he heard this, looked at Wang Zijia and said, "Are you sure that you have no spiritual roots? Are you planning to practice martial arts? Have you checked carefully?"

"Mr. Xu, you misunderstood. The disciple hasn't gone to test the spiritual roots yet, and my family can't afford the money now. I just went there because of my father, and I must have something to rely on when I am alone! So I want to understand the techniques and practice at the same time. A little martial arts is a way to protect yourself," Wang Zijia said.

In fact, because his father spent a lot of money to buy two books of exercises and techniques for him to understand, he was already very sure that his predecessor had no spiritual roots. After all, this was the best way to verify besides spiritual root testing, but he had never disclosed it to the outside world. Just make a statement.

"This..." Xu Chenglin was stunned for a while when he heard this, and then sighed: "Oh... you said your father, why did he pass away so suddenly!"

Hearing this, Wang Zijia looked depressed, lowered his head, and stopped answering.

"Okay, old man, I'll go look for it for you." As he spoke, Xu Chenglin stood up and entered the warehouse in the elixir area.

Having worked here for decades, he is not too familiar with it, especially the various unpopular pills available to mortals. After all, he had been thinking about this before he lay down and accepted his fate.

After a while, he came out with a bunch of bottles and cans.

"This is Tongmai Dan, the best pill in martial arts. One pill costs one and a half dharma coins, which can improve one's skill for about a year." Xu Chenglin first took out an exquisite jade bottle and said to Wang Zijia.

"One pill will give you a year's worth of skills. Doesn't it mean that if you buy a hundred pills, you can become an innate master, comparable to a newly initiated monk?" Wang Zijia said innocently.

"Haha..." When Xu Chenglin heard this, he laughed without correcting the fallacy, and said: "A hundred years of skill can break the innateness. It is theoretically correct to say that, but for this medicine, you have to have a hundred before you can say it." other.

We have a quota for this thing in a year. We can only buy ten pills at most, and we can't buy it all at once. The main reason is that they are afraid that the people below will resell it to outsiders and blatantly take advantage of the sect. "

Wang Zijia nodded suddenly, and Xu Chenglin took out a jade bottle again and said: "There are three Explosive Qi Pills in it, which can double the martial artist's cultivation level for half a quarter of an hour.

Within half a quarter of an hour, if the effect of the medicine can be exhausted, the body will not suffer much damage. If the duration is over and the medicine is not exhausted, there will be a certain period of weakness. Among the many explosive pills, it has the least side effects and the best cost performance. A bottle costs one French penny. "

Hearing this, Wang Zijia silently took the medicine bottle. Seeing this, Xu Chenglin placed the remaining ten medicine bottles on the small cabinet in front of the two of them and said, "These are the most toxic chronic medicines that I found." It’s poison, and the incubation period varies. It can take as little as a cup of tea to cause the poison to take effect, or as long as half a year..."

Mr. Xu pointed at a bunch of poisons and explained them in great detail. Obviously, he still didn't believe Wang Zijia and thought he was going to do something bad. But the relationship between the two did not reach the point of preaching or even stopping him.

Fortunately, I explained it to him in detail so that he could have a solid idea.

"That's about it, which one do you want?"

"Okay, I want all of this. Mr. Xu, you can settle the accounts, and then we can go to the steward's place to settle the accounts." Wang Zijia nodded.

"Uh..." Xu Chenglin said in astonishment: "You want them all? What... are you going to do?"

"Mr. Xu, this kid is really useful for doing some research." Wang Zijia heard this and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Xu Chenglin nodded and said, "Okay, you just need to know the importance."

While talking, the two of them left the warehouse area and came to the gate management office to check out.

There is not much oil and water in the warehouse, but that does not mean that there is no oil and water in the entire warehouse management department. On the contrary, there is a lot of oil and water.

Therefore, the manager of the warehouse is a serious monk from the sect, who is directly assigned from the Servant House. He is not an outsider, and he is still working under the sect's welfare!

"These ten poisons are all extremely poisonous. Although they are ordinary things, their prices are not low.

There are more than five magic coins in total, plus a bottle of Violent Qi Pill and a Tongmai Pill, a total of nearly eight magic coins. Your purchase quota is useless, and you can get a 10% discount on all of them, totaling 7.11 magic coins. Add eleven taels of gold to the seven dharma coins! "

After a while, the steward finished counting and said the check.

Hearing this, Wang Zijia bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you very much, manager."

As he spoke, he carefully took out seven French jade coins and some silver coins from his pocket, and settled the bill.


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