I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 868 The decisive battle begins

The moment he stepped out, Wang Zijia felt the surging power.

Theoretically, he was still half a step away from entering Taiyi, condensing the Dao fruit, and becoming a master of the Dao.

However, I don’t know whether it was because the legacy of the Five Emperors was too terrifying, or the degree of his mastery of his own Dao, or both.

He was obviously a little bit away from condensing the Dao fruit, but now he has the power of Taiyi.

The only thing missing is that the Dao has not condensed the Dao fruit yet, and it’s just a little bit short of the means.

But his Taiyi realm fake spirit made up for this, and even because of this, he could seriously compete with Zhang Daoxuan and the other four!

He has become a genuine Taiyi master, Shenhong’s current fifth Tianzun: Chiyang Tianzun!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Wang Zijia flashed to the third outer layer, found a place at random, and began to carefully comprehend this change.

When Wang Zijia understood his status, he did not leave, but returned to the previous place and continued to work.

Since he and Mingye have irreconcilable conflicts, whether in terms of justice or personal interests, he should pay more attention to the final battle.

Although he doesn't know what Mingye is preparing now, it is definitely right to absorb more of these powers to minimize the opponent's help.

In this way, Wang Zijia settled in the inner world.

While trying not to cause a big noise, he quietly became a sanitation worker in the world.

Constantly purifying the inner layer of the inner world.

As time passed, countless cultivators rose up because of the sacrifice.

Some mortals got treasures and ascended to heaven through sacrifice;

Some great cultivators had exhausted their lifespans and sacrificed everything to break the way forward and recreate the world;

There were also those who believed that they had no talent, dedicated everything, left their true spirits alone, were named gods, and shepherded a place in the mortal world, enjoying a long time and receiving incense from the people...

Especially as Wang Zijia's cultivation reached the top, the extra 70% of resources began to be used by Wang Zijia for development, and the effect was even more terrifying.

Gradually, the contributions of Chiyang Tianzun and Zhenling sacrifice spread throughout the world and were sought after by all living beings!

The entire Shenhong Zhutian seemed to usher in an unprecedented prosperity. Countless cultivators emerged like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and the cultivation world truly ushered in a revival.

And as countless disciples joined the ranks of sacrifice, various rare and precious spiritual objects were offered.

Wang Zijia's spiritual object database became richer and richer, and more and more things could be converted. The conditions required for becoming an immortal were no longer a threshold, forming a virtuous circle.

Time passed quickly, and another ten years passed in a flash.

The middle and lower-level cultivators of the entire Shenhong ushered in an era of eruption.

And as more and more Zhenling disciples made progress, the earthly immortal era was also ushered in.

The situation where it was rare for a few immortals to become immortals in a year began to appear continuously, and various new forces began to join the inner world.

The progress of the control world formation began to be accelerated.

With Wang Zijia's unscrupulous blessing, the original fifty-year preparation plan was completed in only forty years.

This is because, in the past twenty years, Wang Zijia was building his avenue and running in the Ten Thousand Worlds, otherwise it would be even faster!

Awakening 59 years.

On this day, in the void of the inner world, Zhang Daoxuan and Wang Zijia and the other five turned into giants that covered the sky, surrounding the inner world in the center.

At this moment, the five people joined forces and burst out with terrifying spiritual light.

And with the actions of the five people, the immortal boats below lit up one by one and turned into large formation nodes.

Then, countless streams of light spread from the immortal boats, lighting up runes, forming a formation network, and finally, under the nervous and excited gaze of countless disciples, a spherical net covering the entire inner world was formed.

With the immortal boats as nodes and the laws as a network, a terrifying control formation was formed, which completely achieved the goal of connecting heaven and earth.

As the formation was completed, countless disciples burst into amazing cheers.

Even Wang Zijia and the other five, who were tense, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the final debugging was completed without any accidents, and a little smile appeared on their faces.

The five people looked at each other for a moment, and Zhang Daoxuan was the first to speak: "Finally, the preparations are complete!"

"Yes, it's really not easy, and I feel relieved a little bit." Sword Master Li Linyuan sighed rarely.

Hua Yuling, the Palace Master of Yuqing Palace, continued: "It was originally planned to prepare for war for fifty years, and now only thirty-nine years have passed. Should we continue to prepare or start the war in advance?"

As Hua Yuling spoke, everyone fell into silence.

After a moment, Zhang Daoxuan said: "If it were originally, the sooner the better, after all, the longer it is delayed, the more disadvantageous it is for us. But now, thanks to the blessing of fellow Daoist Chiyang, sacrifices are prevalent. Although it is a bit of a waste of time, it has ushered in a prosperous era of cultivation in a short period of time. Waiting for ten years will do more good than harm to us."

Wang Zijia heard the words, looked at the others, but shook his head in disapproval, and said:

"Although waiting for more than ten years should result in a lot of immortals, most of them are earth immortals, and it is difficult to be a heavenly immortal, not to mention a golden immortal."

"Even if I open up the avenue and collect all the resources, it is not Maybe in ten years or so, we can produce a thousand or eight hundred Golden Immortal disciples, but in the end, they will not have an absolute impact. "

"As for the cleanup of the inner world, even if I was careful before, it would have been noticed long ago."

"And as I continue to advance, I have gradually reached the bottom line of that evil."

"Half a year ago, when I pushed to the thirteenth floor, I had a faint feeling that once I continued to go deeper, that thing would definitely start fighting."

"In other words, we have reached the limit in the short term, and since the other party has not made any moves, it can definitely accumulate."

At this point, Wang Zijia stopped. Although he did not express his opinion directly, his thoughts were expressed clearly.

When the four of them heard this, there was another moment of silence, and finally Zhang Daoxuan said: "In that case, let's start the war in advance!"

After saying this, he looked at everyone.



"I have no objection!"


In the end, the five people agreed.

"Then when will we act?"

"In half a year, after all, we have planned to prepare for the war for fifty years. Although we are ready in advance, we still need some time to adjust."

This time, Hua Yuling was the first to speak.

Everyone looked at each other again and saw that no one had any objections, so it was settled.

Immediately, the four of them went to the person in charge of each sect and explained the mobilization of the boundary control formation.

Wang Zijia left the inner world.


Taiqing Palace.

After nearly twenty years in the inner world, the overall situation has not changed much, but it has become too lively.

In particular, the number of disciples in the Third Realm of Shenjun has almost doubled in more than ten years.

When Wang Zijia returned to the area where Zhenling Pavilion belonged, the situation became even more obvious, and the number of disciples increased dozens of times.

Especially the middle-level Shenjun disciples not only reached the level of Taiqing's old lineage, but even went far beyond it, becoming a veritable lineage in the palace.

"I've met the Pavilion Master!"

When Wang Zijia returned to Xianyaju, An Xingsheng came in a hurry, as usual.

"You have become an immortal too!" Wang Zijia looked at An Xingsheng and said with emotion.

Hearing this, An Xingsheng said respectfully: "This disciple is here today only because of the pavilion master's cultivation!"

This is not an exaggeration at all. An Xingsheng clearly understood that if it weren't for Wang Zijia, it would be a luxury for him to become a real person, let alone an immortal.

Thinking back to those days, he was just a marginalized disciple who was abandoned in the run-down family of Wanyu Sect.

If you use family channels to enter a Fulou, you will only be given to a new junior brother.

If he hadn't met Wang Zijia, his life would have been doomed.

He knows all this better than anyone else.

Wang Zijia smiled and watched An Xingsheng solemnly salute, and then said: "Okay, we have been together for decades, and we are even pretentious. Let's talk about the things in the palace!"

"Follow the law!" An Xingsheng bowed respectfully again, then turned over his hands and took out a pile of documents and handed them to Wang Zijia.

Wang Zijia took it familiarly and began to read.

An Xingsheng clicked on a light screen and began to report: "Fifteen years ago, we completely integrated the world arranged by you, Pavilion Master, and sacrifices began to become popular in all worlds."

"In the same year, Brother Frost and Immortal Huanmeng together invited the heads of the Yuqing and Shangqing palaces, and summoned all branches of the Tao sect to completely integrate our contribution system into the entire Shenhong Realm Control Formation and promote it throughout the world. ”

"And abolish most of the merit and contribution systems of each sect and lineage. The Zhenling Pavilion's contribution points will be renamed merit and implemented throughout the world."

"The following year, the legal money system also began to be restructured, using merit as a guide to open the era of virtual currency..."

An Xingsheng kept reporting on everything that happened over the years. Wang Zijia listened and occasionally asked a few questions.

It took a long time for Wang Zijia to finish the general matters.

Immediately, he gathered a group of boys and began to instruct them in their practice.

After all, he is still his registered disciple, so he cannot completely ignore him.

In this way, Wang Zijia found a rare moment of leisure.

He would show up at Xianyaju every now and then to give guidance to his disciples.

When I have time, I go to Qinglian Realm, play with Xiang Feifei and the girls, and have a nice time.

Time flies, and it’s half a year.

On this day, Wang Zijia's figure quietly appeared outside the Shenhong Realm, deep in the endless chaotic ruins.

Among the endless chaotic ruins, there are seven broken worlds floating quietly, which is exactly the world that Yao Wenxuan entered.

"I've met Master!" Wang Zijia's appearance alarmed the guarding disciples here. After discovering that it was Wang Zijia, they immediately greeted him.

"How is it? Is there anything strange?" Wang Zijia asked.

"Returning to Master, apart from the fact that the space-time power of the world in the center has become more and more intense over the past few years, there are no other abnormalities."

Wang Zijia nodded and looked at the world that the guy in the center, Yao Wenxuan, had entered. There was silence for a while.

It is now the 60th year since his awakening. If there are no surprises, based on the information Wang Zijia got when he traveled to the future, this guy should have attained the enlightenment of Taiyi in the 70th year since his awakening.

And Shenhong also started the decisive battle at this time.

Normally, Wang Zijia should wait for ten years. After all, waiting for ten years will give him one more Taiyi realm combat power!

However, ever since I learned about Yao Wenxuan's life experience and realized that this guy and I were once one and the same soul, our fate has been entangled for several epochs.

Even every time he traveled through time, he did so by borrowing the reincarnated body of the other person in that era.

This entanglement of cause and effect is too deep.

This is not the key, the key is that Ming Ni has the last source of life he needs!

The masterpiece is the last legacy of the Five Emperors and the last piece of the puzzle of the supreme Taoist fruit.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Zijia decided to complete the last step ten years in advance before this guy attained enlightenment.

After all, since he can rely on time travel to seamlessly integrate into the other person's reincarnation in various eras and receive everything, it means that in this era, Yao Wenxuan may also replace him, receive the legacy, and condense the supreme Tao Fruit.

Although he may be unfounded, although until now, his relationship with Yao Wenxuan is very good.

But it does not mean that there is no possibility. On the contrary, it is a big variable. After all, when he traveled to the future, it was Yao Wenxuan who replaced him and became the one who responded to the disaster and started the all-out war. It was just that he failed in the end for some unknown reason.

Since fate and cause and effect can replace each other, everything is possible.

You know, the five emperors were not only fellow villagers, but also traveled together, became children together, practiced together, supported each other for several eras, and finally became emperors.

What kind of friendship is that?

In the end, it was not because of the dispute of Taoism that they ended up fighting!

Therefore, considering many factors, Wang Zijia decided to start the war in advance!

He never liked to take the postgraduate entrance examination for human nature!

Instead of gambling on this, it is better to kill it in advance, so as to avoid a quarrel.

While thinking, Wang Zijia looked at the world below and said to his disciples: "Watch carefully. If there is any change, notify me immediately."

"I obey the law!" The disciple replied respectfully.

Wang Zijia nodded, said no more, floated away, returned to Daoxianyaju, and made final preparations.


Half a month later, in the inner world.

The huge figures of Wang Zijia, Zhang Daoxuan and the other five people were suspended in the void, with the golden light of the Dao wheel floating behind them, and the whole body was filled with Dao rhyme, and the breath was fully open.

Below them, in the void, countless disciples stood densely and orderly.

After half a year of mobilization, everyone was already ready, so Zhang Daoxuan did not hold any complicated oath-taking meeting.

Just with the whole body filled with Dao rhyme, he simply talked about the cause, necessity, and failure of this battle, and finally waved his hand and said: "Start the formation!"

As the words fell.


The sky and the earth shook.

"Hua La La!"

The golden chains in the void swayed.

Under the presidency of the disciples who had been preparing for a long time, the entire control world blockade formation was activated.

Countless spiritual lights spread, blocking the entire inner world.

At the same time, the entrances to the inner world were opened with the immortal boat nodes as the foundation.


Accompanied by Li Linyuan's solemn killing voice that resounded through the world, countless gods rushed into the inner world like heavenly soldiers, led by earthly immortals.


At this moment, the inner world seemed to come alive, and the clear movement of flesh and blood was heard.

In the flesh and blood land, countless terrifying monsters began to emerge and fight with the monks in the sky.

Countless immortal lights flowed, and Tao and reason intertwined.

If it weren't for the terrifying control world blockade, who knows what the inner world would be like.

Zhang Daoxuan and the other four did not do anything immediately, but guarded the four directions as before, quietly watching the disciples rush into the flesh and blood world, fighting and advancing.

Only Wang Zijia was suspended in the void, with Tao power all over his body.

Flesh and blood flew out and turned into human skin clones, following the large army, constantly cleaning the battlefield and purifying everything!

Whenever the battle line was pushed forward, the world behind was completely purified by Wang Zijia.

No matter what the fate evil wanted to arrange, it was useless.

This was also the first time that Wang Zijia cleaned the ground with full firepower.

The terrifying effect even moved the four saints in charge of guarding.

In this way, the gods of the sky, led by countless immortals, fought with countless evil monsters.

While advancing, countless disciples also died, and countless blood and flesh, Tao and fruit fell into the flesh and blood land and disappeared without a trace.

However, all of this was not digested in time, and was collected by Wang Zijia who cleaned the battlefield afterwards.

Even the original flesh and blood pollution was left three feet away.

After advancing several levels like this.

"Roar, Zhang, you deserve to die!"

"Hua La La!"

With a roar of extreme anger, accompanied by a wave of gold and silver chains shaking.

The next moment, all the remaining flesh and blood worlds began to fade.

Endless flesh and blood gathered towards the core.

At the same time, the evil monster rushed out with various deformed creatures and fought with the disciples.

As the flesh and blood gathered, the golden chains in the sky appeared and shook!

Finally, it began to be infected by blood and began to break.

The entire inner core world squirmed directly, and the world was transformed into a huge blood-colored giant.

The giant was pierced by the golden chains and was struggling madly at this moment.

The figures of Wang Zijia and the other five emerged and watched the blood man struggle quietly.

There was no other reason. These golden chains were both seals and protection. After all, this guy was regarded as the source of power for Shenhong's healing, so he had to be protected.

To kill the evil, he could only break the seal.

If he took action at this moment, it would be to help the other party escape. It would be better to watch and wait for the other party to consume.

Of course, the five people did not just watch. All of them were in the fluctuation of Tao power, and terrifying power gathered.


Under the indulgence of the five people and the crazy struggle of the fate, the seal, which was already in danger, was finally completely broken.

Countless gold coins scattered into auras all over the sky.

And at this moment, everyone who had been preparing for a long time also took action together!

In an instant, the peerless sword light broke through the boundary and cut down;

The terrifying fire light gathered, the fire phoenix burned the sky and boiled the sea;

Countless silk threads cut the void...

The five people's long-accumulated tricks were played without reservation, and the void in the entire core area was corrupted.

But Ming Nie was obviously prepared. When the attack came, his whole body softened and turned directly into a huge ball of flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood kept wriggling, splitting, and regenerating under various attacks.

But when everything was over, it gathered again and turned into a huge blood man, as if there was no effect at all.

"The origin of the Great Dao of Life, the power of Daluo!"

Zhang Daoxuan said with an ugly face.

Ming Nie was an old monster who became a Dao several epochs ago. He had to be sealed after being besieged by the entire Dao Court and finally had to be sealed. Naturally, he was in the realm of Daluo.

"What are you afraid of? He was killed and crippled back then, and he was sealed and absorbed for so many years. I don't believe how powerful he is." Hua Yuling said.

"Yes, if he really was Daluo, could he still be suppressed by us for 800,000 years?" Li Linyuan didn't need to do it at all, and rushed up with a sword. (End of this chapter)

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