In a residential alley in Qifumai East District and Baihui Street, Wang Zijia jumped down from the paper kite and landed on the ground.

As he landed, the paper kite quickly shrank in size, and finally turned into a palm-sized paper bird, landing on his shoulder.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

Even though it was already midnight, the alley seemed a little deserted and dark. In front of the alley, the exit was connected to the main street, and a steady stream of people could be vaguely seen.

The movement and silence form a sharp contrast, like two worlds.

Even in a place like this, in the East District of Qi Fu Mai, if you don't have some qualifications, you can't even hope to own a yard.

Wang Zijia looked around casually and paused for a moment at a courtyard gate in the corner of the alley.

After confirming that no one was in the courtyard, he walked past the door as if nothing had happened. A bit of soil fell from Wang Zijia's body and squeezed in along the gap in the courtyard door.

After entering the yard, the soil slowly condensed into a small man the size of a palm.

The villain looked around carefully first, and after confirming that his master had indeed gone to work, he carefully got into the yard.

After careful identification, after recognizing that one of the rooms was a bedroom, the clay man turned into quicksand again and carefully got into the bedroom.

After searching the bedroom for a long time, I found four strands of black hair.

After guessing that it was almost done, the little clay man did not touch anything in the bedroom, stuffed his hair into his body, and quietly walked out of the yard.

Outside the hospital, Wang Zijia walked mechanically in the alley, strolling towards the outside of the alley, but his eyes were not focused, as if he was lost in thought.

As a clay figure flashed quickly, Wang Zijia immediately came back to his senses.

With a move of his hand, the villain collapsed in front of his eyes.

‘Spell: Seal the spirit! ’

In the flash of spiritual light, there was a faint fluctuation of mana, and a few strands of black hair were sealed by Wang Zijia, and he turned his hands and put them into the storage bag.

After doing all this, Wang Zijia looked around. After no one noticed him, he hurriedly left the alley.

After arriving at the main street and walking for a while as if shopping, Wang Zijia summoned the paper kite, jumped on it, and headed in the other direction.


Throughout the day, Wang Zijia rode the paper kite, constantly shuttling through the streets and alleys of the Qifupai Building Complex, looking for the residences of the targets listed in the information.

After first confirming that no one was in the house, he controlled the clay figure and sneaked into the courtyard.

Either search for hair, or use absorbent spiritual objects to find residues of various substances on some daily necessities.

The monks in the boyhood stage can't even condense the extraordinary Tao foundation, they can't do inedia, and their metabolism cannot be exempted from secularism.

So it is not too difficult to collect these things. It would be difficult if the real person's body was initially clean and pure.

By the afternoon, Wang Zijia had collected several pieces of hair and other objects based on the information.

When he came to the West District, a large courtyard area where disciples lived, he found another target residence. He skillfully sneaked into the other party's yard, identified the bedroom, and got in. When he got in, his whole body suddenly froze.

On the bed in the bedroom, a young man was staring dumbfoundedly at the villain who had just slipped in through the crack in the door. There was still some surprise on his face, he was obviously frightened.

The villain was extremely skillful in his movements. After slipping in through the crack in the door, he was ready to search for something.

Then there was a freeze, Mu Ran raised his head, his big eyes and small eyes met, they were all confused for a while.

‘Fuck, just don’t go to work in broad daylight. Qing Mimi, who is still closed, is staying in the bedroom. Isn't she doing something shameful? ’

‘Like practicing hand speed? I mean the hand speed in fencing, well, that sword is used in fighting! ’

Wang Zijia stiffened and cursed inwardly.

"I don't know why this senior brother came to Mr. Wei's residence, but what..."


Before the young man could say anything, the clay figure at the door stiffened for a moment, then suddenly disintegrated and dissipated into little bits of spiritual light.

This neat move made the young man stunned again. But he didn't dare to do anything else. His expression was uncertain for a while, and it took a long time before he dared to stand up and check carefully.


Not far outside the yard, Wang Zijia, who was walking mechanically, suddenly came to his senses, and then, with a few flashes, he quickly left the place.

After a moment, after confirming that no one was chasing him, Wang Zijia breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's still a bit reckless. Next time after checking for no one, you have to leave a sufficient distance and hide before infiltrating in order to prevent any accidents and being discovered."

As he spoke, Wang Zijia raised his head and looked at the sky. It was already afternoon.

In another hour, it will be time to get off work.

Wang Zijia looked at the six sealed media in the storage bag. In order not to run into those who left early, he gave up his plan to continue to the next target.

He turned around and went to the Xiangnan Street Market in the South District. He bought various high-end spiritual materials for more than a hundred francs, and then turned back to Biyiyuan.


"You didn't go to Fulou today?" Xiang Feifei asked during dinner.

Wang Zijia paused while eating and said, "Well, I've been busy these past few days."

"It's better to be more attentive." Hearing this, Xiang Feifei hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke and added: "I mean there are still three or four months, and your first performance evaluation is coming. This is very important." The key thing.”

"After the first grade evaluation, you have gained the attention of some of the inner disciples in Fulou. It will be very helpful for your future path."

Wang Zijia smiled and said without any anger: "I know the importance of it, but you don't need to use this instructional talisman every day, right?"

"That's true!" Xiang Feifei nodded in agreement and said, "Some junior brothers will not cherish them if they are too many."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety. Anyway, I can't let the clan's efforts go to waste." Wang Zijia replied with a smile.

"There's no need to feel pressure about this. The clan arranged this job for you solely for your future development. We didn't expect it to bring any benefits." Xiang Feifei explained.

Wang Zijia moved his chopsticks again, naturally picked one for Xiang Feifei, and said with a smile: "Yes, I understand."

Xiang Feifei also ate her meal skillfully, and the two happily chatted about trivial matters in life.

Most of the time, it was Wang Zijia who initiated the relationship. When he saw someone that Xiang Feifei was able to hook up with, he would talk more about it, and he would stop talking about the ones that he couldn't hook up with. The pattern of how the two get along was figured out.


After eating, Wang Zijia once again did not enter the training room and got into the basement again.

He turned over his hands and took out the spiritual materials he bought in the afternoon.

Although the spiritual materials are almost all first-grade high-end goods with strong aura, most of them are from the underworld. Such as various animal bones, blood, and poisons.

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