I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 32 The vigilance of the people in the underworld

Malik asked a question: "You Miao, do you know who I am?"

You Miao's expression was respectful, and he was already known to be an outstanding rebel. He replied:

"The person in the Gurus organization who can hold the thousand-year scepter must be the leader Malik."

It's comfortable to talk to smart people, and Malik was also very satisfied with You Miao's answer.


Malik raised the Millennium Scepter high. He looked at You Miao with a serious expression and took the oath, and said:

"I will appoint you as the Gurus Hunter Manager of this city, which includes various rights to manage the leader of the stronghold and allocate manpower and resources."

"In the entire Gurus organization, you don't need to listen to orders other than mine."

You Miao smiled, he finally took the position.

A moment of official recognition from Malik himself.

He received a welcome tip! !

[Advanced mission (second stage) mission completed]

[The reward has been distributed, please check it yourself]

You Miao's action of returning the Millennium Scepter greatly increased Malik's trust, and he felt that he would not be far from reaching the second-in-command position.

Malik's eyes seemed to be smiling as he looked at You Miao temptingly:

"You are already an indispensable figure in the organization, and you also like to collect cards so much."

"I will give you the privilege once a month. You can go to Gurus's treasure house to exchange for any 5 rare cards you want."

You Miao smiled, Malik smiled, and everyone was happy.

It's a pity that they both laugh for different reasons.

Malik thought he had found the perfect man.

You Miao didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to put his "big rat" in the rice vat.

Don't blame him for this.

Have you ever seen a cat that doesn’t steal fish?

The two stronghold leaders who were defeated by Leopard Girl just woke up, and they happened to hear the news that You Miao was going to take over.

Is this okay?

The two men immediately ran over, hugged Malik's thigh and cried, saying:

"Sir Malik, this You Miao is actually a troublemaker. You cannot reuse him."

"Five days, five days, Lord Malik, do you know how we spent these five days, do you know?"

Malik sneered a few times and asked, "Oh, interesting, how did you spend your time?"

The two stronghold leaders' eyes flickered, and they seemed to have something to play, and they began to blame You Miao's head.

for example.

You Miao often went to eat Overlord meals in the name of their Gurus, and even deceived an ignorant girl who went to the arcade to dance.

Because of You Miao's various bad behaviors, the KC Group searched for their strongholds everywhere.

You Miao is all to blame for this!

The trap here tonight was also deliberately arranged by You Miaochu, with the purpose of eradicating these loyal stronghold leaders.

Dio, Wuhan, and Sutan have been poisoned by You Miao. They are so miserable!

Leopard Girl couldn't stand it anymore, and she planned to expose the ugly faces of these shameless villains.

Seeing that something was wrong, the two people immediately poured dirty water on Leopard Girl.

"Sir Malik, Leopard Girl and You Miao are in the same group."

"This pair of bad men and women have long conspired to use conspiracies and poisonous schemes to defeat us one by one to prove their abilities."

"By then, Lord Malik will be able to be put to good use by you after he arrives at Tongshiye City."

You Miao grabbed the leopard girl who wanted to summon her fist to attack. He looked at the two people talking nonsense with an indifferent expression.

During this period, Keith was being trained by Malik, but these people didn't know it.

Leopard Girl looked at You Miao, she didn't understand why he was so calm.

Could it be

You Miao has already acquiesced that she and she are a couple?

Damn it, she doesn't feel angry, but thinks it's reasonable?


"It's so much fun."

"You are so loyal. Come, I will give you a big treasure."

Malik smiled happily, he wanted to reward these two losers and rubbish severely.

The two stronghold leaders looked ecstatic, thinking that Sir Malik was going to reward them with invincible rare cards!


Malik pointed the Millennium Scepter at the two of them and said:

"Do you like this big baby?"

"See hell."


The golden eyes of the Millennium Scepter unleash dark power.

Dong.. Dong Dong~

The screen trembled, and the vision of the two stronghold leaders turned into black and white, and then

They both lost their sense of self due to the great pain.

Malik's methods have always been cruel and harsh.

The remaining three stronghold leaders died in Dark Game, and Malik also dealt with the remaining two.

You caught him, beat him up, and still want to run away?

Have you asked about the thousand-year scepter in his hand?

The bad breath stuck in his heart was instantly relieved, and Malik felt that the night air was extremely refreshing.

A shrill siren sounded in the distance.

It must have been the explosion just now that alerted people nearby.

"Go back first." You Miao dropped these words.

Malik also doesn't think it's a good thing to stay here.

Since Tong Shiye arrived in advance, he must find an opportunity to give a big gift to the unknown Pharaoh.

By the way, let’s test the opponent’s strength.

Before leaving, Malik wanted to ask:

"What happened to the "Sealed Exodia" now?"

The Millennium Scepter seemed to affect Malik's vision. He seemed to see a blue five-pointed star birthmark emitting black mist on the left side of You Miao's neck.

The black mist emanating from the five-pointed star birthmark is getting thicker and thicker. Looking at You Miao from a distance from behind, it's like watching a scary horror movie.

Is this still a human being?

Malik felt uneasy. He didn't know why, but he didn't ask.

Late at night.

It's been a few hours since tonight's incident.

Malik stood alone on the high rooftop, looking down at the bustling city with lights.

Until someone comes from behind.

"Sir Malik, the location of our temporary headquarters has been arranged." Bald Lishid looked loyal. He and Malik arrived in the city at the same time.

"very good."

"Sooner or later I will have to make an end with the nameless Pharaoh in this city."

Malik's expression was firm, he believed he could do it.

He will use his own strength to prove that his sister's worries and opinions are wrong.

Malik grew up with Lishid, and he sensed that the other person had something to say.

"Lishid, the relationship between you and me doesn't need to be like this. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Hearing these words, Lishid closed his eyes and said without reservation: "Sir Malik, I feel that You Miao is not trustworthy enough. It should be a wrong decision to keep him with us."

Malik thought Lishid would say something, but it turned out to be this.

He replied directly: "Lishid, you don't need to worry, I have already tested You Miao's loyalty."

Very true!


He definitely belongs to our side.

If You Miao has evil intentions, he can get rid of himself at that time if he holds the Millennium Scepter tonight.

There is absolutely no need to return the thousand-year artifact.

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