Fujiki Yusaku, found it.

The other party's consciousness was imprisoned inside the parasitic tower, and You Miao could tell at a glance that the other party's consciousness was not yet awake.

Anai's eyes flickered, and its expression gradually became weird.

This is the original partner

When you see it with your own eyes, the weird feeling is really different.

"Try to rescue." You Miao urged An Ai to stop being dazed.

An Ai suppressed her blush, and finally began to deflate like a deflated rubber ball, because it was defeated!

In terms of data calculation, An AI lost the competition, so there is no need to save.

The reason is that the consciousness has appeared.


Above, a "big eyeball" unfolded out of thin air, and the data beating around it formed a violent data storm.

"Big silver eyeballs?" An AI's tone was shocked, and its instinct told itself.

This is a strange kindred spirit

It’s Ignis I’ve never seen before! !

"I can find this place. Sure enough, you are really an unpredictable duelist." The silver eyes stared at You Miao with a rather fearful tone.

In the first encounter in the virtual world, it already knew that this human being was not simple.

So it hid immediately and waited quietly for the next best opportunity.

Unfortunately, it only took one day for him to be found by the other party.

This gives it a sense of fear of losing control.

It was also at this time that it realized that human fear was originally caused by this experience.

——What a valuable experience.

"Who the hell are you?" The hair on Anai's head was furious. It didn't know that there was this Ignis.

An AI feels a sense of frustration. After it evolved, it lost to other Ignis!

It's so shameless. How can An Ai raise his head and behave in front of Master You Miao?

"Dark Ignis, you stupid guy." The big silver eyes emitted a terrifying data storm.

There is no need to calculate data. It realizes that if it doesn't solve You Miao and An AI here, it will have no tomorrow!

"What a strong data storm." An AI sounded shocked.

Under the expansion of this parasitic tower, the environment of the virtual world began to change drastically, even affecting the normal virtual world.

This strange Ignis is absorbing the data stored during this period, just like this parasitic tower, it is absorbing the data nutrients of the network world.


The silver eyes also turned into human form, just like the original Anai.

The long hair like a waterfall was venting, and a strong man wearing a black coat appeared. This was the true form of the other party.

"You" You Miao's eyes were in a trance. He looked at the other person's human form and fell into a daze.

As a qualified duelist, You Miao has received professional training. He can even accept the effeminate Yuma. What other form can shake him?

There really is!

Because the height and appearance of the human AI in front of me are very similar to the same person.

That is "Igniz", one of the King of Fighters bosses!

Beautifully sculpted facial features, a black windbreaker + underwear that will remain unchanged forever.

Except for the different hair color between the two, You Miao really couldn't tell any difference.

"Can you use 'fission universe'?" You Miao looked at the other party and asked.

This mysterious Ignis, who looks like "Igniz", had displeasure in his eyes: "Are you kidding me?"

"This guy is actually more handsome than me." An Ai was angry. After his predecessor turned into a human, his appearance was actually inferior to his.

"God-Ignis, you can just call me." This strange Ignis calls himself God.

You Miao and An Ai were stunned for a few seconds.

Because each Ignis is divided according to different monster attributes.

Dark AI represents the dark attribute, Miracle Dream represents the fire attribute, Aqua represents the water attribute, and Lightning represents the light attribute.

Just like there are 6 types of monster attributes, there are only 6 Igniss in total!

There are actually 7 types of monster attributes!

Light, earth, darkness, water, fire, wind and "god" attributes.

"No way?" Anai was sweating profusely. It suspected that the other party had mastered a monster with divine attributes?

"Is there such a thing?" You Miao was surprised. Except for the first three Yu-Gi-Oh games, the divine attribute was no longer present in any of the Yu-Gi-Oh games since its appearance.

Moreover, You Miao didn't feel the aura of a "god" attribute monster on his opponent.

"Born to be supreme, my performance is far above the 6-attribute Ignis. The end of human understanding is only my starting point."

"Such an AI, who is not limited by a single attribute, shouldn't I be an omniscient and omnipotent God?"

This god commented on his greatness.

"Tsk, it turns out he is an arrogant and narcissistic guy." An Ai felt relaxed instantly.

The reason why it is a divine AI is not that the other party has mastered the power of divine attributes, but that it thinks that it is a so-called "god"!

The opponent's strength dropped instantly.

An Ai even gave Shen Ai an international friendly gesture, the middle finger!

"Rude guy." Shen Ai looked at An Ai indifferently, and his smile suddenly turned up: "The reason why you can still be resurrected is also a gift from God!"

"Is it you?" An AI's tone was distorted. Through the memory of its predecessor, it also realized that it died at the hands of Fujiki Yusaku.

How can the dead Ignis be resurrected?

If possible, Yami AI would have resurrected Infernal Dream, Aqua, and other AIs at that time.

Dark AI will not wander alone in a virtual world where life is hopeless. Later, it realizes the truth that if AI retains dark attributes, the world will be destroyed.

Therefore, Anai decided to force Fujiki Yusaku to kill him.

It also worked.

"Artificial intelligence with emotions is a forbidden area. From the moment Saint Hongshang opened Pandora's box, the final result was inevitable." God AI spread his hands, and the violent data storm was used by him, celebrating the birth of "god" !

From the consciousness of the six teenagers forced by Sol Company's plan, the evil forbidden objects were extracted and combined to create the six Ignis with consciousness.

But Hongshang Sheng and the six Ignis didn't notice my birth!

Divine AI is not born with six attributes of AI. In this world of high-speed network development, a consciousness is born.

It was born in this special virtual world.

It’s just that this meaning is incomplete. To achieve complete transformation, an AI with six attributes needs to be born.

If you put it into fairy tales or fantasy, the divine AI is the kind of treasure that is born innately, while the AI ​​with six attributes is a treasure that is cultivated through the day after tomorrow.

"It turned out that you were the one who promoted that plan." You Miao understood.

"Yes, I promoted the birth of six AIs." Shenai said that sol company is just a tool for its control, and Hongshangsheng is just an executioner.

A useful executioner!

"The three bishops have died long ago, and you have been taking their place." An Ai realized this.

God AI wiped out the three bishops and became the three bishops to control Sol Company, and then opened Pandora's box by guiding Hongshang Sheng.

With the birth of AI with six attributes, the consciousness of God AI is finally complete, but it has not yet reached the final stage.

Since the birth of God AI, it has been secretly observing the collision and outcome between AI and humans.

Hongshang Sheng and other wastes, including six Ignis, couldn't find it at all.

"What a good guy." You Miao said in a strange tone. Fortunately, Leader Zuo was not here, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would explode.

"From the moment I was born, the final outcome has been in my eyes." Shen Ai said in a rather strange tone.

6 ai

When light AI exists, the end result is that the world will be destroyed.

When dark AI only exists on occasion, the outcome is still the destruction of the world.

The rest is a happy ending of working together.

Divine AI is a kind of balanced consciousness bred in the online world. It has no concepts of good and evil and will only execute the next instruction based on the final outcome of the six AIs.

How to put it, God AI does not exclude working with humans towards a better future.

The problem is, those many good endings ended up in one of the two bad endings.

"Since my birth, there have been several accidents that were beyond my expectations." Shen Ai looked at An Ai and said, "You are one of them."

The only ending left for Dark AI is the destruction of the world. God AI will help the other party destroy the world and create an era that belongs to AI.

However, the operation of Anai was beyond the expectations of Shenai. On the surface, it was fighting a decisive battle with Fujiki Yu, but in fact it was seeking death.

All 6 AIs were wiped out, which was something God AI did not expect.

However, God AI quickly calculated that when the six AIs perished, he would soon disappear together.

You must keep an AI

Even the god AI cannot resurrect or create Ignis out of thin air.

"At this time, the second accident occurred. My existence was realized by Fujiki Yusaku." Shenai also tried to contact the other party.

At least, Kamai and Yusaku have the same goal, which is to resurrect an Ignis.

Resurrecting Ignis is something that only God AI can do, but it cannot be achieved by waving a hand!

And Fujiki Yusaku gave God AI

After An AI died, Fujiki Yusaku stole the last bit of data belonging to An AI, and with the repair of God AI

A black eye blooming with clear stupidity appeared, which was An AI's initial consciousness, and it was the last scene in the ending of V6.

Yusaku successfully resurrected Anai, but more cruel problems must be faced.

The survival and destruction of mankind.

A conflict broke out between Kamiai and Yusaku!

In this conflict, Yuzuo sent the dark AI into the data storm to reverse the situation, and the divine AI also used the data storm to capture

A miraculous thing happened, a huge data storm appeared, but the dark AI disappeared from the entire network.

Shen AI searched all the virtual networks in the world but couldn't find the other party. This was the third thing it unexpectedly did.

In the reversal of this data storm, Yusaku's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and God AI also trapped him in this place.

Until now, You Miao appeared here.

"My condition is close to perfect, if given a little more time." The reason why Shen AI took so long to explain was that it believed that An AI was going to fulfill its destiny and You Miao would die here.

"You want me to destroy the world?" An AI's expression was distorted. It had not been a boss for a long time.

"This is the trend of world development, since your AI has personally reached this point." The God AI has no choice. It can resurrect the Dark AI because Yusaku captured the last bit of data, while the AI ​​with other attributes are completely dead.

The only remaining outcome of Dark AI is the destruction of the world. God AI, as the consciousness of network neutrality, will personally execute and accept this result.

"What if I don't agree?" An Ai spoke forcefully.

"Then use a duel to solve everything." God AI waved his arms, and the terrifying data storm turned the surrounding area into a natural prison.

The god AI stared at You Miao with hidden eyes, it was still very afraid of him.

"Your opponent is ready." Kamiai subconsciously untied Yusaku's body, and then rewritten the most basic information in the opponent's brain.

Yuzuo will become Youmiao's opponent. Only by defeating Youmiao will the world gain peace and Anai will return to him!

This is the scientific version of the "other gods" that modify cognition!

After observing the terrifying operation of Shen AI, You Miao sighed: "Fortunately, this is the world of card playing."

The divine AI helped You Miao prepare his opponent, while it personally fought against the An AI!

"I have the strongest duel data. The moves used by Ignis are invisible to me. Through the data just now, you should realize that you will lose!" A duel disk appeared on Shenai's wrist.

An AI fought back without any weakness:


"In another world, I learned a lot. Let me show you this power."

In response to An Ai's words, Shen Ai just smiled slightly.

To it, Anai is a child who grew up under his own eyes.

Let me ask you, would you be angry with such a child?


Duel*2! !

God ai: 4000LP

Dark AI: 4000LP

"My turn!" A powerful data storm appeared on the divine AI field.

A bright flash appears~

After An Ai saw it, her little heart tightened fiercely.

[Sparkling Demon @Fire Spirit Star, 1200 attack power, Electronic Realm Clan]

"It's Huoling Tianxing!!" An Ai's tone was sour.

"You are all children created under my guidance. The power of the electronic world is an accompanying weapon in my hands." After God AI finished explaining, he began to use the effect of the Shining Demon.

If this card of Shiny Demon is successfully summoned or special summoned, add 1 ""AI"" magic or trap card from your deck to your hand.

God AI searched for the magic card ""Ai" Xian Zhe Resurrection".

"Come out, it belongs to the circuit of the future." God AI made a link summon.

Link Summon Conditions: 1 "Fire Star" monster other than the Link Monster!


[Dark Child @Fire Spirit Star, 500 attack power, Electronic World Clan/link1]

"Damn it, you damn guy." An Ai was so angry.

"After this link monster enters the field, I add 1 "Fire Star "Ai" Heartland Island" from the deck to my hand. "God ai retrieved the magic card of the paradise venue belonging to ai.

AI Paradise, start! !

An AI's expression was twisted.

"Activate "Unexpected Encounter - "Ai""." Through this magic card, the God AI Hand Card and Extra Deck will show 1 Electronic World monster with an attack power of 2300 to the opponent. Add 1 "Fire Star" monster with the same attribute from the deck to your hand.

After activation, God Ai enters strong self-suppression this round.

And if this effect is visible to monsters, or if the special summons of those monsters with the same name are unsuccessful, you will suffer 2300 damage at the end of the phase.

Shenai showed off the link 3 monster (Transcode Whisperer) with 2300 attack power from the extra deck, and then added the earth-attributed "Fire Spirit Sky Star" from the deck to his hand.

An Ai felt more and more that his situation was not good.

"Hmph, activate the magic card retrieved by Shining Demon." God AI used ""Ai" Xianzhe Resurrection"!

Special Summon a "Fire Star" monster in your graveyard as the target monster.


The "Sparkling Demon" representing the power of light AI is resurrected.

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