I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 89 Malik was suddenly ignored? (3000)

Chapter 89 Malik was suddenly ignored? (3000+)

"Hey, it's been a long duel, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

"How about trying Hualaishi?"

"I heard that the fried chicken here is cooked with traditional Chinese medicine, which is very effective in treating constipation."

"Just one of my buddies. I heard that he has been constipated for a long time and took many medicines but nothing worked."

"Ever since I ate Falaise, my constipation was relieved immediately. I haven't gotten off the toilet for three days in a row."

"Wow, I really need to give it a try."

These duellists immediately pushed open the door of Falaise and walked in.

Coincidentally, You Miao was also enjoying lunch here.

Opposite, sat a woman.

That's right, Egypt's powerful local "Maifumei" Isis.

You Miao just secretly looked up this Isis online. He thought she was a powerful person from Egypt, but he still underestimated this woman's ability.

This Isis is not only a member of the tomb guard family, but also the director of the local official archaeological bureau, and an important figure in the local government.

Even the museum in Tongshiye City is actually managed by Isis.

Most of the cultural relics in the museum were provided by the woman in front of me.

You Miao ate the fried chicken on his hand and asked, "What are you doing with me?"

Isis didn't touch the fried chicken, she always felt unclean. After hearing You Miao's question, she responded: "I didn't follow you, I just happened to walk on the same road, happened to walk into this Flower Lais, and happened to sit down. Opposite you."

Legally, there shouldn't be any stipulation that she's not allowed to walk on this street, not to enter Flowers and Rice, and not to sit at this table, right?

What idiot is saying?

You Miao suddenly smiled and handed over the fried chicken roll in his hand: "I don't believe it unless you take a bite."


Isis was dumbfounded. She never thought that You Miao would ask such a tricky question.

Be a human being!

"Hurry up and let me see your strength." You Miao's words were basically as sarcastic as "Ve me 50 to see your strength."

If you dare not eat it, what are you going to do with Hua Laisi?

If you don't dare to eat it, you are a idiot.

Isis took a deep breath. He looked at the fried chicken roll that You Miao had taken a bite of, and slowly opened his mouth to bite it.

From You Miao's perspective, he could see that Isis's teeth were very healthy.

The next second, You Miao took the chicken roll back and tasted it himself: "How can I let you take a bite?"

Isis, you're thinking shit.

Isis, who was sitting on the chair, hardened her fists. She found that You Miao had a very bad character and did not take other people into consideration at all.

You Miao, who had just taken a few bites, found that the system was too soft and a prompt popped up! !

[Tip: Advanced task 4 has been completed. 】

[Tip: Congratulations on evading Malik, now you are the nominal leader of Gurus]

[The reward has been distributed, please check it yourself]

[Growth "advanced mission" has been completed! ! 】

The chicken roll fell off You Miao's hand, and he now really had a "black question mark" on his face.

What the hell?

Since You Miao came to Tongshiye City, she has worked hard to get to the second-in-command position, and now she suddenly told him...

Young undercover agent, you are already a boss!

In the end what happened?

The mission goal of the fourth stage is for You Miao to become the leader of Gurus.

The most direct way is to kill Malik.

Without the leader, You Miao naturally stepped up to become the leader.

In fact, there is another way, which is to sideline Malik.

As long as those Gurus hunters don't recognize Malik as the leader, the grassroots can still complete the fourth phase mission goals by selecting You Miao as the leader.

Could it be that the matter has something to do with Jike?

But something didn't feel right when he thought about it. You Miao realized that there was something suspicious. It was impossible for a Jike to complete this thing.

Something must have happened to the Gurus organization

Only Jack could seize this opportunity to do something, and the effect was very good.

The better the effect, the greater the trouble Gurus will encounter.

Just when I thought of this, the door of Hualaishi was opened, and a group of people wearing hooded black coats poured in.

"It's You Miao, the Light of Gurus!"

"Lord You Miao, save us."

"Fuck you, call Chief You Miao. Do you have any secrets in mind?"

This group of Grus hunters were doing evil in Tongshiye Market. When the duelists in the flower shop saw it, they immediately stayed away from this place.

For a moment, Hualashi was left with Youmiao, Isis and the group of Gurus hunters kneeling on the ground crying for their fathers and mothers.

Isis's eyes were blank, she felt that today was magical.

First of all, he smelled the scent of God's Card on You Miao, and Millennium Jewelry also predicted that his underworld tactics would lose to the opponent.

Now something even more magical happens.

The Gurus Organization is an international counterfeit card group founded by Malik. Now these rare card hunters call You Miao their leader.

What happened?

"Don't talk nonsense, why do you call me leader?" You Miao asked tentatively.

The great spy Jack rushed to hug You Miao's calf. He blinked and shouted:

"Leader You Miao, it's so scary outside. Someone is hunting us poor helpless people."

"Chief Malik doesn't care about the Gurus."

"Only you, great light of Gurus, only you can save us."

With a few words from Jike, You Miao could easily understand the ins and outs.

It turns out that You Miao rose to power so easily thanks to external factors and Dark Malik.

If Malik was still a character, this would never have happened.

The perverted Yami personality who only thinks about torturing Yami Yugi all day long?


[Special Mission: Leader’s Responsibility]

Details: As the leader of the organization, when the organization is in external danger, you must shoulder the responsibility. Please find the two duelists who brutally stole the soul of the Gurus hunter.

Goal: In this way, give back to others.


Punishment: Lose the trust of all Grus hunters and the identity of the "new leader", and the rewards for completing advanced tasks will be forcibly withdrawn.

Time: 1 hour


You Miao looked at the group of trembling Gurus hunters and said in a deep and righteous voice:

"I didn't expect Leader Malik to be so weak."

"he's changed!"

"Such a person does not deserve to be the leader of Gurus, nor does he deserve your trust."

"From now on, I am your leader."

"Heaven is dead, Huang Tian shall stand!!"

It's Huang Tian!

You Miao used Huang Tian!

Under You Miao's bewitchment, the group of Gurus hunters shouted in unison: "Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand!!"

Isis:? ? ?

What did she see?

You Miao is ready to go on a mission to bring the good guy who bullied Gurus, or the evil duelist, to justice.

"Leader You Miao, the enemy is very strong, please use our rare cards."

"Yes, our deck is weak, but it should be able to help you."

"Please use us hard!"

Except for the last sentence that was a bit wrong, You Miao found that these Grus hunters were quite sensible.

Everyone among the Grus hunters is in danger, and You Miao is the duelist they can rely on now.

"No need." You Miao refused.

What good things can this group of Grus hunters have?

Then, You Miao saw the top card of a certain Grus Hunter deck.

Good guy!

A bitter choice.

During the DM era, most of the fake and banned cards came from this era.

One of them is a banned card among fake cards.

That is the "bitter choice"!

[Bitter choice: Choose 5 cards from your deck and show them to the opponent. The opponent chooses 1 card from them. Add 1 card chosen by the opponent to your hand, and discard the rest to the graveyard. 】

What kind of fake card is this?

Accurately retrieve the 5 cards you want, then take 1 for free, and pile the remaining 4 cards into the graveyard accurately.

Kusen chose this card, and was given a nickname by the card players.

Which way do you want to die?

The larger the card pool, the more powerful the bitter selection.

Bitterness refers to the other person being bitter.

Unexpectedly, You Miao would encounter the forbidden card that she had been searching for here.

"Ahem." You Miao pretended not to care. He reached out and touched the "bitter choice".

This card is related to You Miao and now shares his last name.

Leaving Hualaishi,

Not only did You Miao get Bitter Choice and some universal cards, he also carried a pack of "Holy Beast Materials" in his hand! !

"Leader You Miao, you are going to duel with those two villains for us."

"In order not to waste Mr. You Miao's time, please accept these materials."

You Miao unexpectedly received 1 package of "Sacred Beast Materials"!

After sorting out the sacred beast materials in the bag, there are everything from Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

You Miao found that she was instantly free.

It turns out that this is Malick’s sense of exhilaration in the original work.

There is no need to do anything while staying in the room. The boys voluntarily hand over the collected puzzle pieces.

"Why are you still following me?" You Miao asked the "slut" Isis behind him.

"I'm just taking a look, it's okay." Isis's words were basically the same as "I won't go in, so I'll just hang around."

You Miao is in a good mood now, and he is too lazy to play word games with this woman.

Love to follow or not.

Turn on the system.

You Miao checks the reward for the last step of the advanced mission.

[Gift of the Sun God*1 set]


[Dust jam*1000]

[Rainbow Card Pack*5]

[Special card box*1]

It is indeed the reward of the final stage, very comprehensive and rich.

The first is "Gift of the Sun God", which contains the auxiliary card of the Sun God's Winged Dragon. The only drawback is that there are no eggs!

There are no eggs laid by Chicken Brother!

You must know that the Sun God's egg can liberate 3 monsters of the opponent at one time!

Crystals need no explanation, they are hard currency.

Card dust, the hard currency of hard currencies, but unfortunately the card dust is still not enough, and even a wolf for You Miao is not enough.

Rainbow card packs basically contain SR~UR rarity cards, but they are of little significance.

Unless You Miao's talent (Soul of Pai Lao) is triggered when opening the pack, cards that span the ages cannot be opened.

As for the special card box?

[Special Card Box: After use, the number of your decks increases from 1 to 2, and you can freely switch between different constructed main decks for duels]

It's very easy to understand, it just has one more card group slot.

Before or during the duel, You Miao can switch freely once.

Assumptions: ①The deck is from the Ring-Breaking Sword series, ②The deck is from the Ancient Machinery series.

Use the ① deck when fighting against dragons, and switch to the ② deck when fighting against heavy pit decks.

You can also play together, and You Miao switches the Destroyer Sword deck to the Ancient Mechanical deck...

But the "special card box" prop has another function.

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