The sky is endless, and the clouds are looming, as if they are illusory, but also like the reality. They exist before existence and non-existence, as if the other side of the contradiction appears.

There is a higher sky above the sky. Will there be the highest heaven in the higher sky, the existence of the highest heaven?

The contradiction between illusion and reality exists in the innermost interface of this world.

It is real and difficult for ordinary people to reach, and it is difficult for ordinary immortals to observe the special time and space.

In one part of the highest heaven, a group of palaces appeared from the top of the clouds, and the premise of the mysterious palace hidden in the special time and space array was in the middle.

Thunder surged, storms and flames formed strange vortices, and water curtains filled the sky and achieved a perfect downstream at the top of the reverse direction.

The mountains with tall Jianmu and thick soil, the top of which was frozen, and the peaks were divided, showing sharp sword lights like peaks, forming a clear sonic boom cloud in the clouds, and disappeared invisibly at the first moment when the thunder started.

This is the manifestation of the origin of the world, the top of the division of time and space, a mysterious world where various rules such as time, space, earth, wind, fire, water, gold, thunder, cloud, fog, etc. are manifested.

The manifestation from the inside direction spreads to the end, a world connected to the outer world but repelled by the outer world, the neighboring world of the Supreme Heaven, is a mysterious space-time belonging to the Supreme Heaven and separated from the Supreme Heaven.

In the eyes of the immortals in the upper world and the heaven, the ladder to the Supreme Heaven is just a legendary manifestation. It is difficult to see the truth until the end, and it is difficult to be called the Supreme until the highest.

There is no need for others to believe that no matter how the Supreme is in the eyes of immortals, gods, demons and monsters, the existence of the Supreme Heaven only has one side, that is, right now, this magnificent palace complex located in the vortex of rules.

From the center of the innermost palace, the main hall is the most magnificent, and the main hall that seems to be simple and plain, the faint words coming from it echoed in the hall.

"The salvation of the world?"


"Is it necessary?"

I don't know, maybe yes, maybe no

"Isn't it a bit of a waste of talent?"

Just think of it as a trip.

"Are you interested?"From nothing to something, from hidden to visible, the words that fell again came from the tall and slender being in the center of the broad main hall.

It was as if the face was shrouded in mist and difficult to see clearly, like the non-existence of existence, and as if it was a given existence. The scene that appeared in the perception and the reality reflected in the eyes were changeable but had a given form.

He is the mountains and rivers, he is the plains and forests, he is the fish and birds, he is the beasts and insects, he is the manifestation of the sea, the incarnation of the sky and the universe, the reality between existence and non-existence, he is the world.

The incarnation of the sky, the Supreme Heaven·Haotian Jinque Supreme and Supreme Natural Wonderful Miro True Jade Emperor, the existence facing him, has reached the extreme with a mixed and pure aura, and is only a few points away from the final perfection.

The head of the four spirits of the Supreme Heaven, the Blue Dragon Seven Stars who controls the thunder of divine punishment in the East, seemed to be thinking after hearing the other party's words, but it didn't last long

"Indeed, I am quite interested."It seems that I am looking forward to it. Whether it is tourism or mission, it is a good choice to go out and travel occasionally.

"After all, as a senior, since the three little bastards have decided to go out, if I stay here, they will look down on me."This gene, which is a bit afraid of chaos in the world, sometimes just talks, but sometimes it is more than just talk.

If you ask whether it is trustworthy or not, the answer is yes.

"Is that okay? If you are alone, I need to assign a few more men to you."It's just a routine question. I want to know the other party's ability. If the Seven Azure Dragons can't do anything, then unless you send a force of the same level, it will be useless to send more. When the strength level reaches the extreme, unless there is a force of the same level or similar level, there is no qualification to even hold a stalemate. The two people present also understand this reality.

Naturally, as the Lord of the East, after listening to such a suggestion, he just smiled, shook his head, and directly rejected it.

"I am enough alone. It is meaningless to let others with insufficient levels come. As a senior, being able to handle difficulties on our own is just a standard. Occasionally, we have to let those juniors know that we are reliable."It is not a pretentious attitude, but a relaxed and confident feeling from the heart. As the second pole of the sky, standing at the pinnacle of the holy realm, he has the qualifications.

"Yes."After receiving the other party's response, Haotian did not say anything nonsense, but slowly closed his eyes and communicated with the vortex of the origin of the other side of the world.

The fog was broken in an instant, and the stars flowed in an instant. The thick vitality condensed into clouds and fog, and turned into a vortex tornado. It took only a moment for the violent riot of the dead bar to become extremely quiet and stable, but it was the flow of ten thousand years.

The star vortex flowing from the pure black eyes, the pure light reflected in the purple eyes, from the rapid circling to the moment of stability, was just a trance, and the world turned upside down.

The world is easier, and what is reflected in the eyes is There is a chaotic scene in the middle. There is no sky, no foothold, no palace, and no so-called colleagues and successors. The only thing that remains unchanged is the rules that are almost within reach.

This is the origin of wind, the root of river water, the portrayal of sky and earth, the embodiment of living and dead things, the final mysterious destination, and the vortex of the origin of all things. This is where the root is.

The root of the other world, the original place of the universe of all things, there is no light and darkness, nor the concept of good and evil. It can accommodate existence and non-existence, encompass the beginning of contradictions, and the highest peak of the world.

Staring at the changes in the universe, staring at the disillusionment and creation of the stars, staring at the manifestation of rules, the gods are born and landed from the universe, appearing from the rules of the planets, and changing from the beginning of nothingness to the form of existence.

This was billions of years ago, the first moment of the Age of Gods. At this time, the Blue Dragon Seven Stars were making records in the vortex of the root, engraving their own marks in the vortex of the root.

This is a record of the rules. He used to be outside the record, as an independent person of the root. Now the Blue Dragon Seven Stars are within the root, as a framework to support the rules of the root. , he is also part of the root.

As the network of vision power, the pillar that maintains the root of the world, when the world is heading towards destruction, the mystery of the last and weakest cycle to avoid the appearance of visions, his strength is the strength of the root.

Different from humans and planets, the vastness of the world, it is precisely because of this extraordinary generosity that the world can be created.

The root never counts years, and when connecting many interfaces to form the Eastern Blue Dragon Seven Stars, billions of years have passed in the blink of an eye. At the end of the God Age, when the mysterious decline came, he sensed the gravity of the summons.

"Are you leaving? Cang."

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