I Am Not A Mage Lord

Chapter 281: Human nature is impossible to change

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Heizi, the invisible illusionist, didn't have any strange expressions when he heard these words.

After all, there are always a lot of "incomparably arrogant" humans in this world. They always feel that they are the center of this world, and when they are born to labor other people, they look at ease.

When Heizi stretched his hand in front of Lynch's chest, he silently opened the palm of his hand, revealing a jewel with a brilliant halo inside, overflowing with immortal radiance, which itself was worth more than a thousand gold coins.

Relying on the shadow stream, he can fully rely on the nine-ring illusion system spells to simulate the nine-ring spell system and the energy-shaping system mage.

Even an ordinary illusionist can rely on the "shadow spell" of the nine-ring illusion to simulate an 80% realistic spell system spell.

Therefore, the next spell is completely handy for Heizi, without any problems.

He smiled softly, and the final curse murmured from the corner of his mouth—

Eight-ring spell magic spells!

Summoning elements!

Confine soul!

Only limited to one creature, but the duration is permanent!

Confinement spirit can imprison the vitality of a creature (the sum of soul and material body) into a gem, which is what he holds in his hand.

Once imprisoned, it is eternal.

After that, the vitality will not be completely liberated until the gem is broken, and the material will be reorganized at the same time.

This spell is more often used to imprison powerful creatures on otherworldly planes, to coerce them to perform tasks in exchange for freedom. If the opponent agrees, they will be suppressed by a powerful contract at the moment they are free and must be executed immediately Task.

Heizi's face was full of confidence.

"Spirit of Confinement" has always been known for its "firmness" after being imprisoned. Even if it is a legendary mage, once the many "triggering skills", "escape skills" and other escape methods prepared by them fail and are imprisoned by them, they will also be immortal. Also delamination.

There are two types of spells for this spell. It has always been fully cast, with force to fight against the spell resistance of the template creatures and always saves. But as long as the caster says the name of the opponent, he can ignore the spell resistance and be extremely overbearing.

The other is "item trigger", which is a more insidious way. As long as the target creature is tricked into accepting the item with the spell written, it will automatically imprison the opponent, ignoring the will and immunity.

This is also one of the reasons why countless high-circle mages suffered when the initial research and development of the soul technique appeared.

Some spellcasters even pretend to be small vendors and act in the name of selling gems flowing out of the cemetery. Usually these gems are worth thousands, and it is easy to be recognized by the high ring mage at a glance. Under the emotional effect of picking up, they have not been recruited. few.

It even later developed the "resonance technique" of attaching an additional eight-ring control system to gems, which can make items emit magical resonance in the area, so as to attract specific intelligent creatures, and the affected counterpart will be happy to enter the area and even occupy it. The impulse of the target item.

So interlocking, even the illusionist Kuroko dare not conclude that if someone sets a game against him, he can escape smoothly.

As for Lynch in front of him, he deployed a double "soul confinement" to completely nail the opponent to death in this gem!

Lift your veil of truth!

Illusionist Kuroko murmured inwardly.

But Lynch still looked straight ahead at the "projection" sunspot who left only one back.

The projection suddenly turned around, looking at Lynch with extremely soft eyes, as if full of some kind of expectation.

"At that moment, I seemed to be in some kind of illusion, maybe you are really different."

However, the projection spoke slowly, and the sunspot in the invisible state was about to stretch out the gem to touch Lynch, even at the moment when he was about to succeed, he did not let go of the slightest slack.

"You say that, but I think you are trying to do something to me."

Speaking, Lynch took a step back unconsciously, just a distance away from the gem that was less than half a fist away.

Heizi couldn't help but froze for a moment when he was invisible, he even suspected that Lynch had the effect of true knowledge to play with him like this.

But thinking about it carefully, the other party had just followed them all the way, and it was impossible to escape his attention by blessing the magic of true knowledge quietly.

As for the "jewel of true vision" that illusionists hate most, it is necessary to use it as a lens, hung in front of the eyes for prying, so that all illusions can be seen through.

"I don't understand what you said." The projection showed a mocking smile, still maintaining its own personality.


Lynch shook his head, "I just suddenly remembered the country J in a certain story."

"Country J has suffered two world-destroying spells in a row." Lynch said softly, watching the opponent while holding the specialization ability of the prophecy system in his mind, and at the same time slowly shifted his footsteps.

After some recovery, the second "Time Stop" ability has cooled down.

"Oh? Which poor country is it? Even if it is a sea of ​​blood, when a country is destroyed, there are always innocent souls." The projection asked.

"There is indeed a resentment." Lin Qi nodded, "but it was not caused by the hostile country A at the time, nor was it caused by the country C that they invaded, nor was it caused by the Austrian wizard who developed the world-destroying spell. "

"Everything, from beginning to end, was caused by country J itself, those war criminals who insisted on aggression." Lin Qi looked back at a certain country in his previous life lightly.

It used to rely on the two-dimensional culture, and it also gained a lot of favorability. However, as the funding of a certain province became public, many writers who collected money to write articles were ridiculed by the phrase "Mr. X, the cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming again."

"Why do you say that?"

Hearing the world-destroying-level spells, thinking of the existence of the doomsday lord, even the invisible sunspot became curious.

"Actually, after the surrender of the former ally of J country, the country G, even their legendary mage Hess also committed suicide. In the world-destroying spell research institute where A had passed, many people were discouraged and felt that they had consumed the entire country. The plan for huge resources is on fire."

Heizi concentrated, "What spell is this that I haven't heard of?"

"The Manhattan Project." Lynch smiled, "Alamos Institute."

Heizi couldn't help becoming more vigilant, wondering whether this was one of the concealed plans of the Blue Star Mage Association, "What will happen afterwards?"

"The Oppenheimer legendary mages in the world-killing spells at that time can be said to have gathered the top legendary mages at the time, and they are kind by nature. Although they are not exaggerated to be afraid of harming the ants, they are basically rich in humanitarianism. "

"So even if Country J does not surrender, they don't want to throw world-destroying spells on residential areas."

Lynch sighed. In fact, after the explosion in the desert test, Oppenheimer sighed that he saw the demons released. This also laid the groundwork for the tragedy of the other half of his life.

"Then it seems that the final decision maker decided to release the world-destroying spell to punish the country J who refused to surrender?" Heizi asked.

Lynch still nodded, "Yes."

"That's just a group of hypocritical legendary mages." Heizi mocked.

"Do not."

Lynch retorted, "In fact, they proposed for the first time, telling Country J that they have world-destroying spells and forcing the opponent to surrender."

"But the military refused."

"And the legendary mages proposed for the second time, telling each other in advance to release the spells into the no man's land, so that they can witness the power."

"But the military still refused."

Heizi was puzzled, "Is this a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred?"

Lynch shook his head, "It's not like that. It's just that they understand the other side's inferiority and the other side's cruelty. The first one is impossible to be frightened, and the second one is if the other party directly throws the captives into the designated no man's land. ? After all, this sounds like something they would really do."

"Then in the end?" Heizi was already attracted by this story.

"So on the 6th day, a certain city in country J suffered a world-destroying spell. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Then the other party should surrender too." Seeing the story ends, Heizi continued to pass his hand.

"No." Lynch's tone became heavy.

"They didn't surrender because they were betting that the other party could only release a world-destroying spell once."

The sunspot was anxious for an instant, and said nothing.

"Immediately three days later, J passed through another city and suffered a world-destroying spell again. Then Country J surrendered unconditionally."

"What do you want to tell me about this story?"

For some reason, the illusionist Heizi suddenly felt a point of intention, and said in a irritable tone.

Lynch's eyes were sharp, "Those war criminals who have a bit of intelligence will not cause the second city to be blown up. No, it should be said that they started from a certain reform and gambled all the way, making them addicted to this kind of gambling. "

Heizi gradually became cold.

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