Chapter 117 I want Punk Hassad

“Exactly, for experimentation.” Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly remembered an experiment in his mind, an experiment that he had always wanted to do, but could never find the right opportunity… And isn’t it the right time?

Thinking of this, Bofeng Shuimen activated the fruit ability, and the invisible brain waves instantly invaded Qinghe’s mind – yes, he was trying to experiment with hypnosis to see if he could control a general-level powerhouse.

Now the pheasant is in a coma, consciousness is the weakest time, it stands to reason that as long as you plant your own spiritual power seed, theoretically it is possible to hypnotize the pheasant, but what the specific situation is, it is not clear, after all, this is also the first time he hypnotized the enemy.

As expected, the green pheasant’s consciousness is weak, and there is no resistance to his invasion, he successfully planted the spiritual seed belonging to the wave feng shui gate in the mind of the green pheasant, but I don’t know if his spiritual power can find and expel this seed after the green pheasant recovers, and he is not sure about this wave feng shui gate, fortunately, he is just doing an experiment, and he did not think that he would succeed, success is naturally the best, failure does not matter – this is also the spiritual imprint he planted the wave feng shui gate, And not the reason for Roan’s spiritual imprint.

“Well, since you can withstand my blow and not die, then forget it.” Bo Feng Shuimen took out a No. 4 potion and poured it on the pheasant.

But the pheasant’s injury is too serious, a bottle of No. 4 medicine is at most to help him stop the bleeding, want to repair the big hole in the abdomen, but it is simply impossible to do, according to the current situation of the pheasant, at most, it is to extend his life from ten minutes to thirty minutes.

“Sengoku, I know you’re listening.” Holding the phone worm that was almost frightened, Bofeng Shuimen continued to contact the Warring States: “To tell you the good news, the green pheasant is not dead.” ”


There was an obvious gasp from the phone worm, obviously the heart of the Warring States had been tense just now.

“But he won’t live long either, at most half an hour, he will die, and with the medical conditions of your current Navy Demon Slayer Order fleet, it is obviously impossible to treat the pheasant.” Bofeng Shuimen naturally would not make Warring States feel better, and directly poured a basin of cold water on him: “I have a way to send it to the headquarters of the Navy in fifteen minutes, but…”

“Fifty devil fruits, we really don’t have.” Sengoku’s tone softened noticeably: “Even if there is, the World Zhengaxe will not allow so many devil fruits to be traded to you.” ”

“So…” Bo Feng Shuimen thought for a while, it seemed that this was indeed the case, Karp once told him that although the devil fruits of the navy headquarters often remained in double digits, in fact, there were rarely more than twenty, basically around a dozen.

Suddenly, Bofeng Shuimen thought of a feeling: “We can order less Devil Fruit, but I have other conditions.” ”

“You say.”

“First of all, there is still the issue of Luo Ange’s wanted order, which must be canceled.”

“That’s fine.” The Warring States hurriedly agreed, Luo An showed such a strong strength, the wanted order has become a decoration, cancel it.

“Secondly, fifty devil fruits can not be less, how much can you give me, and the rest will be settled by Bailey,—— by the way, it is calculated according to one billion Bailey.”

“You’re blackmailing.” The Warring States are furious, one billion Bailey, fifty is 50 billion Bailey… Even if the headquarters of the Navy has money, 40 billion is already a wound.

Bo Feng Shuimen smiled: “Yes, I’m just blackmailing.” ”

“Actually admitted it?” The Warring States instantly vomited blood, and was deeply shocked by the shamelessness of Bofeng Shuimen.

“Well, knowing the poor nature of the Navy, you can’t afford to pay 50 billion Baileys, so let’s give you another way.” Five devil fruits, five billion Baileys, plus I want Punk Hassad, and the scientists inside … This is my bottom line, if you don’t say yes again, you will really say goodbye to your three generals. “Bofeng Shuimen has finally revealed its true purpose.

“That’s even more unlikely.” Sengoku refused without even thinking about it, what is Punk Hassad? That was the most important research base of the Navy, and more importantly, the Vegapunk, the first scientist in five hundred years, was there, how could the Navy give such a place to the enemy?

“I know that’s impossible, but I’ll allow you to evacuate some of the scientists, including your national treasure Gapunk, but Caesar Courant must stay with me, and you are not allowed to take the research equipment inside, or even destroy it… Otherwise, I can capture the three generals, and naturally I can destroy your naval base. “Bofeng Shuimen said at the end, already with a little threat.

“This…” Warring States hesitated, Punk Hassad itself is not important, just a scientific base, what really matters there is Vegapunk, as long as there is Vegapunk, with the strength of the Navy, a scientific research base can not be established casually? Even the Navy itself has many backup scientific bases around the world, the kind that can be used at any time. Otherwise, two years later, Punk Hassad exploded, but the Navy’s scientific work was not interrupted, apparently because of the use of a backup base.

As for Caesar Courant, he was indeed the world’s number one scientist before, but since Vegapunk came, his status has plummeted, although he is still one of the world’s top scientists, but if he can use a Caesar Courant to exchange for the three admirals, then this business is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

“I need to talk to the world.” Although it is very heartwarming, but such a major matter, it is impossible for the Warring States not to inform the world of the right axe, after all, Punk Hassad itself also has a part of the world right axe.

“You better hurry, five minutes have passed in the world now, the pheasant is in a bad situation, and I still need a while on the way.”

“I know, I’ll contact the world right now.” Sengoku hung up the phone directly.


Everything in the office was destroyed in an instant by the angry Sengoku, he had never held back like today, and he had never been so angry before even if he was blackmailed by Luo An.

But he also has no way, now that the three major generals are in the hands of others, he can’t help it, right? And what about the future of the Navy? Who will guard the stability of the sea?

In fact, even if the three generals are redeemed now, the prestige of the navy will be greatly reduced, and in the next period of time, pirates will inevitably be rampant on the sea, and the navy must prepare for this early, but before that, he must contact the world. _

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