Chapter 94 Snake Fruit Black Mamba Form


An incredible taste instantly filled the entire mouth, and even the nasal cavity was dominated by this taste. This unpalatable taste almost made Gu Yina want to vomit out instantly.

Although Luo An explained in advance that she was also mentally prepared, when the taste entered the mouth, the taste that was ten thousand times more difficult to eat than stool was still beyond Gu Yina’s imagination – she really couldn’t imagine that there would be such an unpalatable thing in this world, and for a while Gu Yina couldn’t even think of words to describe this taste.

The pulp was in her mouth, and Gu Yina really didn’t have the courage to swallow it, and even her tongue did not dare to touch the pulp, for fear that once she felt the taste, she would completely spit it out. Although she really wanted to spit out the fruit and even the milk she drank these days, Gu Yina, who was almost bitter to be eaten, suddenly saw Luo An’s encouraging eyes, and great perseverance rose in her heart, and she didn’t know where the courage was born, and her heart was crossed, and finally she forcibly swallowed the devil fruit with great perseverance.

“Miss Guina, drink some juice.” Betty handed over the juice just in time.

Gu Yina didn’t care to thank her, borrowed the juice and poured it into her mouth, and poured the whole jug of juice before feeling a little better, only then gasped and said: “It’s really too unpalatable, I’ve never eaten such an unpalatable thing in my life, and I won’t eat this thing again.” ”

Luo An said with a smile: “Don’t worry, even if you want to eat, you can’t eat it, a person can only eat one devil fruit in his life.” ”

“That’s wonderful.” Gu Yina let out a long sigh of relief, obviously being tossed by the Devil Fruit.

“By the way, what are your abilities?” Roan asked, hearing this question, everyone became interested, including Koshiro, who had always been opposed, and Solon, who did not understand what was happening at all.

“This… I’ll give it a try. “No need for Luo An to ask, Gu Yina will also activate the ability, she also wants to know her ability – subconscious ability to launch, only to see her body slowly thinning, hands gradually disappearing, feet also merged together, covered with white scales, and finally when the complete form appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, everyone was stupid.

“Snake?” Solon exclaimed, finally pulling everyone back.

Looking at Solon’s frightened look, Koshiro’s face was also not good-looking, watching his daughter change from a human to a snake… This is also fortunate that it is in the East China Sea, if it is in the country of Wano, it is estimated that Gu Yina will be burned at the stake as a monster.

For Guina to become a snake, Grenolan said, after all, Elvis is a cat fruit ability. Only Luo An is a little disappointed, although he is not invincible in the world of traversers, but he has always been smooth, eating the devil fruit can eat the Bobo fruit, picking up the blood and blood fruit, casually destroying a day can get so many treasures, go out to travel once, you can turn a general-level high… Luo An felt that God was taking care of him, and he was almost the protagonist.

But this time God didn’t, just gave him an ordinary devil fruit – originally Luo An thought, with his own luck, how can he give an ancient one? Even the phantom beast species that claims to be more powerful than the natural system is not impossible. But it’s a pity that Luo An has observed it several times, but this is an ordinary snake, in addition to the color is a little strange, in appearance, this should belong to the snake snake fruit black mamba form, but it has albinism, so… Wait a minute?


This is the Devil Fruit, where is there any albinism?

Thinking of this, Luo An quickly asked Gu Yina: “Gu Yina, what is your ability of the Devil Fruit?” ”

“It’s the snake fruit black mamba form.” Gu Yina twisted her body a little uncomfortably, because the shape of the snake looking at things is different from that of a person, so she was very uncomfortable for a while, and after thinking about it, she swelled up all over her body, and soon returned to her original state again.

“It’s really a black mamba.” Luo An was a little disappointed: “But I remember that most of the color of the black mamba is black or brown, and the mouth is even darker, but I just saw that you are snow-white, even the inside of the mouth is white, what is going on?” ”

“It seems to have mutated.” Gu Yina thought for a while and replied: “I don’t know what is going on, I only know that I am now very strong, the speed and sensitivity are almost ten times that of my before, and I can also release venom, a drop of venom can easily poison ten elephants, and the body is also very tough, some tricks that could not be performed before can now be easily cast, and the strength is more than ten times more than before… I can now easily beat my previous self a hundred times. Luo Anjun, such a powerful devil fruit should be very precious, right? ”

“Ah, you don’t have to worry about that, I have some here.” Luo An replied casually, but his heart was greatly shocked, this is definitely not an attribute that ordinary black mambas can have.

The black mamba is indeed terrible, before the three major Australian taipan snakes were not found, it was once considered the world’s first poisonous snake, a drop of venom can easily poison ten people, before the anti-venom did not appear, the mortality rate after being bitten by the black mamba was almost 100%, and what is more frightening is that the black mamba has more than twenty drops of venom stored in the teeth for a long time.

If it’s just poisonous, forget it, after all, the venom of the Taipan snake is stronger, and the real horror is the speed of the black mamba, which can run long distances at a speed of kilometers per hour.

On Earth, this speed means that basically no prey that is favored by the black mamba can escape, including lions and cheetahs – after all, although the top speed of these animals is very high, it usually refers to explosive power, and can only make short sprints, not long-distance attacks. As soon as they reduce their speed, the black mamba can immediately pounce and take them down with a mouthful of venom.

The third characteristic of the black mamba is that the body is tough, you can easily erect one-third of the body (the length of the black mamba is often between two meters and four and five meters), and if provoked, you can even stand two-thirds – imagine a three-meter-long poisonous snake, staring at you with a downward look, just this sense of oppression, the average person can’t stand it, right?

This is the attribute of the black mamba, but Gu Yina’s attribute is obviously higher, and it is multiplied in all directions, so Gu Yina’s current self can easily defeat her previous self a hundred times, which is obviously not lying. _

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