In 2002, the crew of "Xiao Shiyilang" was in the final stages of filming and were basically filling in the supporting roles.

"This, the handsome one, yes, that's you, yes, that's right, he looks like Zunlong. You go and help the "two-headed snake", well, here are your clothes. "

"Thank you, brother!"

Li Yun took the clothes given by the field worker.

Next, he will play the Robber of Stone Mountain in "Xiao Shiyi Lang", and the reconciliation must not involve sharing a scene.

It's just such a small supporting role.

It was also a role that I could not ask for in my previous life. In this life, this body has a fellow villager who is the leader of the group, so I can get this role.

A show-stopper.

In my previous life, I was also a drifter. I dated someone who was also a drifter in the industry, but then I inexplicably became able to play the role of a girlfriend with a close-up. Then on the 365th night when I surrendered my C-boy body Time traveled in the emergency room with a contagious disease.

Li Yun is feeling depressed.

Before he could enjoy the colorful world in the circle, he was punished by the fruits of the colorful world.

Traveling to a parallel world, Li Yun is also drifting sideways and has the same name as himself.

Why is it called a parallel world?

Because the leading actor of Xiao Shiyilang is named Wu Qilong and the heroine is named Zhu Ying.

Not Wu Qilong and Zhu Yin.

Paradoxical parallel worlds with the same historical development.

in this world.

I am a handsome boy from Guangzhou, with empty pockets. I am in Hengdian, and I have lost contact with him.

Although the start was unintentionally friendly, he finally got a chance to be reborn. Li Yun will learn a lesson this time and remember to exchange physical examination reports next time he has a girlfriend in the circle.



This is not the time to think about this.

Your own career is more important.

Otherwise, I would really be hungry.

The pay for this bandit character.

It's 30 yuan.

It’s still the price after the group leader pumps money.

this price.

This fellow can do it.

It only costs three yuan to pump water, and the main focus is small profits but quick turnover.

When Li Yungang picked up the prop knife.

There's a voice in my head

‘Kill! Grab it! ’

‘Yes, kill the woman in front of you, take off her clothes and kill her! ’

‘Kill, kill, kill, kill, rape! ’

‘My wind blowing cloud and rain knife has to reappear in the world, hehehe. ’

"Shut up!"

Li Yun suddenly shouted, and this scene attracted the attention of many people. Even director Li Yanwen was puzzled: "What's wrong with this person?"

"What's wrong with you?" The field worker looked at Li Yun and asked doubtfully, "Can you act?"

He didn't want to cause any trouble.

Li Yun shook his head fiercely.

"Nothing, there was a bug just now and I thought he was noisy."

"Oh, don't make trouble." The set worker warned: "I've seen many people like you trying to attract the director's attention in this way, and let me tell you, it's useless."

Li Yun nodded.

Nodding helplessly.

There is nothing I can do.

after all.

Travel to a parallel world.

It doesn't come without a price either.

My head was buzzing.

The voice of this 'robber' personality is screaming to kill people.

A small aftereffect of time travel.

There seemed to be a lot of inexplicable voices in his head, and they would occasionally come out to torture him. Even if he didn't go to a mental hospital, Li Yun would know that his current mental state was definitely unhealthy. Even if he went to a mental hospital, he couldn't afford it!

Although the current daily salary is 30, it looks good.

But this salary of thirty per day is not available every month, nor is it available every day.

In my predecessor, even when there were many dramas, the monthly salary was still around 500 yuan.

Originally, as a small price to pay for rebirth, Li Yun felt that it was not unacceptable, but at this juncture, it happened.

It's terrible!

If he was found to be schizophrenic, the role would be dismissed.

"Shut up, what are you doing? Wait a minute and let me come. I love raping and plundering the most. It's so exciting!" The voice next to him said again, seeming to still be bothering Li Yun and eager to try.

At this moment, a green-skinned evil man even 'appeared' in front of him, with abscesses on his face and he looked disgusting.


My mental illness has become more serious. In the past, these personalities would not become real people in front of me, they would just buzz in my head.

But it doesn’t work.

But I can't let the director see that I have minor mental problems.

Otherwise, there really will be no food for the next meal.

The predecessor, Li Yun, was a hengdiao with no academic qualifications and no ability.

It would be easy for me to become a star in the future, with my majestic appearance.

But this is 2002.

This is not the era of small fresh meat that is coerced by later generations of capital.

This is the era when coal bosses talk things over.

"Brother, please rest first. I'll finish the show and you can be as evil as you like. We don't ask for anything else. Please stay calm."

"It's so strange. We are Jiangyang bandits, why not let me come?" The green-skinned bandit looked at Li Yun impatiently and said, "Hurry up, let me come, I promise not to bother you anymore."

At this time, the director's recorder had already called Li Yun and was ready to start filming.

In response, Li Yun took a deep breath and changed his clothes.

In his hand was an unedged but still somewhat heavy prop knife.

In terms of acting skills, Li Yun feels that he still has some skills.

In my previous life, I was also a standard professional RB player, and I think I have achieved some results over the years.

As for now.

This role does not require much acting skills.

The green-skinned gangster next to him kept shouting.

Li Yun calmed down and looked at the green-skinned gangster's demeanor and tone of voice. Good guy, he really feels it.

Act like him.

It doesn’t seem bad either.

"Watch grandpa fuck him?" The green-skinned bandit looked at Li Yun and said, "Watch me?"

"You look so handsome."

"What you said is quite right."

Just as Li Yun was studying the handsome appearance of the green-skinned bandit in front of him.

A voice suddenly sounded in my head.

[Ding, you can choose to use your acting skills to possess the green-skinned bandit]

Damn it!

Li Yun initially thought it was another inexplicable personality appearing in his mind.

Until the sound appeared on the panel in front of my eyes.

There are really one hundred and eight personalities on it

Good guy.

Really good guy.

Look at the system panel that looks real.


Has the plug-in arrived?

Soon the voice of the system sounded in my mind again.

I had side effects due to traveling through the parallel world, but it doesn't matter. The system will be responsible for curing these minor sequelae. As long as these personalities can experience the feeling of being alive while continuing to act, of course, Li Yun will not lose it. Control of the body.

[Character: Green-skinned Bandit]

[Reward for sending away the green-faced bandit: Martial Arts +10]

[(Gangster) Acting +10]

There is a reward for sending him away.

Li Yun burst into tears.

Come on, green-skinned bandit.

When Li Yun was possessed by a green-skinned bandit.

Immediately there was a wonderful feeling.

It was as if he knew how to play a green-skinned bandit with just a few movements.

I am not Li Yun.

I am Li Yun.

Also a gangster!

Li Yun is an extra, not even a walk-on - he is an extra.

In fact, the sound he made just now didn't cause much trouble.

Li Yanwen was also a little absent-minded. After all, he was filming the last scenes for extras. In fact, he didn't come every day.

The excessive scene in front of me also lacked interest in filming.

However, as a director, you still have to come here to supervise the filming, so you can’t neglect it.

The last scene is also a scene.

The yelling of the group just now even made him a little irritated.

"Find someone to look after you next time." Li Yanwen looked at the workers next to him and said, "Don't find some random people."

"Hey, I understand."

The field worker suddenly understood.

Actors with these two legs are hard to find.

Is it hard to find extras with these two legs?

In Hengcheng, there are little actors everywhere waiting for filming.

The group leader guarantees that he can find you all kinds of things, whether they are thin or fat, different or similar, you can find them all.

But now that the shooting has started, let’s use it first, since we won’t see it tomorrow anyway.

at this time.

Field recorder.


In the next scene, Jie Buping, a bandit from Rock Mountain, and his younger brothers took over the mountain to do evil things.

It's not a happy thing in itself.

"Ha, you little bitch, you are so handsome, let me pity you." Jie Buping flashed a few scenes in front of the camera.

Just these scenes are enough for many extravagant actors to chase her for a lifetime. It was for such a role that Li Yun's girlfriend, an 18th-tier actor, got sick and took Li Yun away with her.

There's action, there's close-ups, there's dialogue.

It's a special actor!

Bring your certificate to work!

"Hmph!" Feng Siniang looked at the few bandits led by Jie Buping with disdain: "Do you know who I am? Do you dare to tease me?"

"Ouch, I don't care who you are."

"Boys, take her down." The wretchedness on Jie Buping's face was profound.

Next came a group of young robbers represented by Li Yun, who all came to Feng Siniang's side with smiles on their faces.

The extras here are all free to play, just look a little bit like a bandit. Everyone is crowded in one shot, and the next shot is blocked by the enchantress Feng Siniang.

"Little girl~"

At this time, Li Yun approached Feng Siniang with a smile.

Although his words were frivolous, there was a fierce glint on his face, and he was playing tricks with the big knife in his hand.

The slight expressions and eyes wandered over Feng Siniang's body, like a poisonous snake.

A desperado should have such an expression.

Damn your heart.

We are all lickers of blood.

Ma Xiaoya, who played Feng Siniang, couldn't help but take a step back when she looked at Li Yun who was getting closer.

No, I am a witch, what are you afraid of?

at this time.

Director Li Yanwen was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and he was also stunned when he looked into the camera.


"What's wrong, Director Li?"

"Go tell that buddy"

"Huh?" The field worker thought it was Li Yun who was causing trouble.

Director Li Yanwen looked at Li Yun and said.

"Let this guy stop acting and stop scaring other actresses."

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