at this time.

The director is preparing for the next filming.

Xu Zhengliang is very busy. He has to work on the storyboards, C position, and lens language that will be waiting for him later.

Put Xiong Ba and Yan Ying in the same shot, let this beautiful lady look forward to life, a hero and a beauty.

Dominate the world.

Beautiful young woman.

This combination is the most perfect match, and it is the storyboard shot that will be the focus of the shooting later.

Especially when Qianye Zhen's makeup and Tian Xiaoli's makeup were created, he was even more satisfied with the appearance.

Chiba Makoto is good at playing warrior-type roles.

Very domineering.


Even if you say that he is a martial arts rookie who is not good at martial arts, others still won't believe it.

Where can there be such a domineering rookie?

Yan Ying's image is also very consistent with the setting. Just standing there, the charming posture of the young woman is fully displayed. The appearance, temperament and the advantages brought by the appropriate age can indeed stimulate the possessive desire of men.

Xiong Ba and Yan Ying are a perfect match for a hero and a beauty.

King Nie is the older couple, right?

Of course, Xiong Ba’s character must also be shaped here. In the end, he did want Yan Ying, but in fact, what Xiong Ba cared about was not the beauty, but King Nie. On Leshan, he directly abandoned Yan Ying.

The reason why he wanted to possess Yan Ying was actually to arouse King Nie Ren's fighting spirit, to compete with him, and to take away his Snow Drinking Knife in a fair and just way, rather than to seek the tenderness of the beauty.

In Xiong Ba's view, kidnapping wives and daughters is just a means, not an end.

Rejecting such beauties is actually beneficial to shaping the hegemony




This is Xiongba.

After arranging the makeup and storyboarding of Qianye Zhen and Tian Xiaoli,

He just wanted to ask Wang Rui to call the King of Nie to come out.

At this time, King Nie did come out.

Came out with Wang Rui.

Mountain swordsman.

Carrying a backpack.

When I see this look.

Director Xu Jinliang was stunned.

The King of Nie in front of me.

His temperament.




Xu Zhengliang would use strange to describe this look.

His eyes and micro-movements all have an inexplicable courage.

At first glance, he looks like a swordsman.

A swordsman whose mentality has returned to his original nature.

Even Qianye Zhen and Tian Xiaoli were attracted by Li Yun's inexplicable attraction.

at this time.

Chiba Zhen said in jerky Chinese.

"This little brother, he's into the drama."

Xu Zhengliang was slightly shocked for no reason, but he still returned his thoughts.

"Ready to begin."

After getting everything ready.




Start shooting.

In the bamboo forest.

King Nie was taking Yan Ying back to collect herbs from the mountains.

Today, King Nie Ren lives such a peaceful and peaceful life, and he is quite happy with himself. At least King Nie Ren feels that he is so happy and peaceful, which is the little life he wants.

Until today.

King Nie was collecting medicine on the mountain, but an unexpected guest stopped him.

This uninvited guest is Xiong Ba. Just standing there, he looks extraordinary and domineering.

"When did King Nie, the dignified Northern Drinking Mad Saber, become an ordinary farmer?"

"The King of Nie back then has retired to the world."

At this time, Li Yunian's lines revealed a kind of ease and relaxation.

Don't get involved in rivers and lakes fights, don't fight for power and gain.

Having a beautiful wife and an acre of farmland is enough for King Nie Ren

"The sword head of Nanlin, the mad sword of Beiyin, each has its own unique style, and each leads the way."

Xiongba complimented King Nie, and from Xiongba's mouth, he said that King Nie was a great hero of his generation.

Hear Xiong Ba’s praise.

King Nie was still calm and calm.

"Since you call yourself a farmer now, then donate the Xue Yin Knife. Anyway, you don't need this knife now." Xiong Ba did not hide his purpose. He came just for Xue Yin Knife.

"Even this hatchet is useful to me. Please take it back."

It's not quite the same as the lines in the script.

But the meaning of the sentence is the same.

The emotions revealed are also the same.

The original line itself was a bit weak in it.

Avoid fighting, don’t fight.

I am already a farmer.

Has retired to the mountains and forests.

No fight.

At this time, Xiongba also expressed his emotions slightly. At first he was a little dissatisfied, but in the end he seemed to have thought of something and smiled.

"If you don't give it to me, I can only take it myself."

Xiong Ba smiled and took King Nie Ren's beautiful wife into his arms.

"Even a farmer like you is not qualified to have this beauty. Only heroes like me are qualified to have such a beautiful woman."

The king of Nie was angry.


The anger in his eyes seemed to kill someone.

"How dare you! Let go of my wife!"

The moment his wife was taken away.

All his peace and composure burst out, and his emotional transformation was quick and unobtrusive.

Anger turns into beauty.

at this time.

Chiba Zhen who plays opposite Li Yun.

Quite enjoyable too.

The other party is deeply involved in the play.

Chiba was so excited that she started speaking her native language.


The next scene.

It's a martial arts scene.

Use bamboo as a sword.

This is one of the reasons why Li Yun was chosen.

First, for the upcoming kung fu fight scenes, more real people can be used in the fight scenes instead of stand-ins and special effects.

Very simple reason.

If the actor doesn't know how to fight, use more special effects. If the actor knows how to fight, use more drama.

But in front of me.

His acting skills and inexplicable strong demeanor.

Both Xu Zhengliang and Wang Rui began to be shocked.

Many people have considerable advantages in acting.

For example, Zheng Yijian, he is born with a comic face, so it would be a perfect match for him to play the leading role in comics.

There is no other way, they are just suitable.

People just have that kind of temperament, that otherworldly temperament.

The Lord who receives food from heaven is born to make movies and be the protagonist.

What can you do.


It's just hard to change.

Micro-expressions, appearance, small movement habits, behavior, and conversation all constitute a person's temperament.


In front of.

King Nie.

at this time.

Ma Rongcheng still hasn't left.

He was quite satisfied with Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's acting skills and makeup, including their acting skills in the first scene. It can be said that the entire crew, including the planners, had an understanding of the characters before they could create such makeup. of.

I am also generally satisfied with the casting of actors, all of whom are respectable star actors.

Now he stays here because he wants to see the characteristics of Xiong Ba who dominates the world.

When he saw King Nie Ren's performance at this time, he said.

"This mainlander is your big star. I've never seen him before."

Ma Rongcheng is also a movie and TV fan, but he found Li Yun's face to be very strange. However, he was shocked when he saw Li Yun's aura and temperament.

at this time.

Xu Zhengliang turned to look at Wang Rui.

Wang Rui said in shock at this time.

"He just plays a trick"

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