The audition is over.

Li Yun also took the initiative and showed everything he could. As for whether he could get Song Qingshu, it was up to him.

There are quite a lot of ways in which auditions can be used as influencing factors.

At least that's what Li Yun thinks.


Liu Mingxia, who was in charge of actor coordination, thought for a moment.

The look in his eyes just now.

I didn't see much in the acting.

Audition this thing.

It’s not about acting.

It’s about whether you are ‘suitable or not’.

Just like when I was auditioning for "The King of Storms", I could tell at a glance that Li Yun's performance was suitable for the role of King Nie Ren.

Just like now, Liu Mingxia thought of the look in Li Yun's eyes.

Seems interesting

That feeling of arrogance and humility coexisting

"How about it, the audition for Heaven Slaying the Dragon?"

"Let's do our best to ensure Tianming's safety." Li Yun smiled and said, "I feel it shouldn't be a big problem."

When Jiang Chenggang heard that Li Yun had given up the role of Yin Liting.

Just call it impulsive!

Judging from Jiang Chenggang's intuition, this role is not a bad one. It can even be said to be quite good, with a lot of supporting roles.

"If I keep playing similar roles, it will be easy to finalize my role in the future." Li Yun paused and said, "And I don't really like the character Yin Liting."

If you are finalized.

How to cure the disease!

It is absolutely impossible to stereotype this matter.

"Yes, you still want to play a role."

"Let's just finalize it. Do you still want to be the best actor and the best actor?" Jiang Chenggang said helplessly.

His expectations for Li Yun are actually very simple.

Become a real ‘actor’.

There are some second- and third-tier roles to play. There is no shortage of film dates and not many jobs, but the kind of actor who always has a role to play.

This is Jiang Chenggang's highest expectation for Li Yun, a higher and further ambition. Jiang Chenggang has never even seen the best actor and the best actor, and he has not even seen many first-line male and female protagonists.

I don't have much real feeling about this kind of superiority.

But Li Yun's perception is different.

Li Yun just wanted to be the actor with a thousand faces and the emperor with a thousand faces. He had this potential.



Li Yun thought about the noisy personalities in his mind.

Explode their gold coins.

Take yourself to the peak of life.

By the way, get your mental illness cured.

Thinking of this, Li Yun was still a little happy.

"Okay, okay, when shall we go to Xiangjiang?"

"I've bought the air tickets and I'll go the day after tomorrow."

"Let's just walk."

"I feel like you've gotten a lot stronger recently." Jiang Chenggang suddenly approached Li Yun and patted Li Yun's chest muscles.

A feeling of aversion to cold permeated Li Yun's body.

"Lao Jiang, my orientation is normal."

"Nonsense! I'm normal too." Jiang Chenggang touched his chin and said, "Can you tell me how you practice? You'll be fine soon."

Li Yun seems to be much more energetic now.

My body has muscles, and my clothes hold up better.

Compared with the thin appearance before, he is completely different.

"100 sit-ups every day." Li Yun joked.

"Hey, excuse me, I'd better have fun with wine and meat."

Jiang Chenggang looked at Li Yun getting stronger and stronger, and was a little satisfied.

Good shape.

It shows the actor’s self-discipline.

Although I don’t know that he can stay in shape by going to the cafeteria and eating so much.


The result is that Li Yun controls his figure very well.

Wear clothes to look thin, take off clothes to look fat.

Rather than looking like dry and lean pork ribs.


Jiang Chenggang wanted to ask why he had such a figure.

This is a good question.

Of course it's because the system brother is awesome.

The system is powerful enough.


It is not too difficult to get such a figure simply by practicing.

The difficult thing is to change from the inside out. Some of the muscles that are treated with medicine are weak and weak.

The 10 points of physical fitness given by the system can improve your endurance and energy in all aspects.

Endurance and energy are indeed the case.


Energy endurance this.

There is no complete actual combat yet.

But Li Yun.

Just know.


After a little preparation.

I’m about to go to Xiangjiang.

Hong Kong Port?

When it comes to going to Hong Kong Island.

The personality of the little ruffian next to him seemed to be a bit emotional.

Said unexpectedly.

"Hong Kong Island. I was born here"

When it came to Xiangjiang Island, this little gangster talked a little more.

He is the type who is indifferent on the surface and even more indifferent on the inside.

A character like this.

Li Yun kept looking at him.

I am preparing to play the villain in the next film "Big Man Has Great Wisdom".

There are only a few shots.

But even just a few shots.

Li Yun must also go all out.

For Li Yun.

This is an opportunity to enter the film industry.

In the past, people always said that the film industry is more advanced than the television industry.

But in fact, there is no high-end or not, only appropriateness or inappropriateness.

Some people are suitable for the small screen, and some are suitable for the big screen. This actually depends on the individual.

He and Jiang Chenggang took a plane to Xiangjiang.

The millennium of Xiangjiang has a beautiful mixture of prosperity and dilapidation. There are many high-rise buildings, but the slums are bordered by the high-rise buildings.

"Big guys have great wisdom".

Li Yun vaguely remembered this movie, it was still a shadow of his childhood. When he was a child, he was almost frightened to the point of peeing.

I still remember Liu Tianwang’s muscle suit, which was quite awkward, and I still remember Zhang Baizhi’s beauty in her prime.

Li Yun has seen it - something other than beauty in a prosperous age.

But the protagonist is classmate Xiao Chen, not Zhang Baizhi.

Except for some dark spots, she is really white.



At this moment, Li Yun threw away his evil thoughts.

Then he and Jiang Chenggang went to report to the crew of "Big Man Has Great Wisdom".

Du Qifeng.


A director who is proficient in police movies.

Its status in Xiangjiang is not low.

Of course, this "Big Guy Has Great Wisdom" is also his test of the literary market.

Back then, it was a hit but not a hit.

It's a pity indeed

"Just wait and look at King Liu Tian blankly."

"Big Guy Has Great Wisdom" has been in production for some time.

Basically only the last few scenes need to be filled in.

He is also the villain throughout the play.

Just call him a murderer.

Murderous fugitive.

The big guy played by Liu Dehua killed his boy because of the murderous villain played by Li Yun.

Only then did he awaken his superpower and be able to see the cause and effect of people's contamination.

Mahayana Buddhism says that people have good and evil karma. If someone sows evil karma, someone will repay the evil consequences. This has nothing to do with the past life. If someone else sows a wisp of evil consequences, someone will have to bear it. This person may not have anything to do with you, or even It doesn't matter.

If no one in the world does evil.

Then the karma will be cleared and everyone will be at peace.

So in the end, the big guy realized the great wisdom, understood this truth, truly "enlightened", put on his cassock one after another, and went up the mountain to look for the murderer. Traveling through mountains and rivers from spring to autumn, Big Man finally met the fugitive. Big Man used both civil and military skills on the fugitive. After years of pursuit, he finally made the fugitive "enlighten" and surrender.

His 'big guy' can obviously kill his enemies to take revenge.

But killing your enemy to create hatred will only create the next round of bad consequences, and someone else will bear the consequences.

So the big guy tried his best to get the murderer to wake up and surrender, so that there would be no bad consequences.

No one will take responsibility.

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